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May 2015 Report

  1.  APRALO - ICANN APAC HUB PILOT FRAMEWORK - The next webinar planned within the framework of APRALO collaboration with APAC Hub is planned on June 4 and the topic is: Internet Governance (including ICANN and multi stakeholder model). The agenda is posted here: Internet Governance Webinar 2015-06-04. Two members of APRALO Leadership team - Maureen Hyliard and Satish Babu - will be also among the -presenters. During May APRALO LT and ICANN Staff worked on planning issues.


  2. During APRALO May monthly call we have invited Olivier Crepin-Leblond had bee4n invited to speak about IANA transition and ICANN Accountability issues. The information provided is available here:

     3. 2015 ALAC and RALO Elections, Selections and Appointments - During April and May APRALO conducted a consensus call, which was successfully completed with the selection of Maureen Hyliard as ALAC member from APRALO, Satish Babu as APRALO Vice Chair and Pavan Budhani as APRALO Secretariat to continue their serving in the same positions for the next term. Details are available here: 2015 ALAC and RALO Elections, Selections and Appointments

     4. APRALO Delegate for NomCom election is in the process. APRALO has two candidates - Gunela Astbrink from Australia and Amir Qayuum from Pakistan. In May APRALO held an official voting process. 

          Vote Result 
As at Poll close: Thursday 28 May 2015 23:59 UTC
Number of voters: 26 · Group size: 40 · Percentage voted: 65.00
Ranked by votes
1Amir Qayyum1453.85
2Gunela Astbrink934.62


To confirm: Amir Qayyum is recommended to the ALAC as APRALO’s candidate of the ALAC Voting Delegate to the NomCom position for the period of one year beginning at the end of the ICANN Dublin Meeting in October 2015; you may view the result independently under

     5. APRALO Monthly calls time and date change - During May APRALO conducted a doodle to identify the best date and time for APRALO monthly calls. As a result of the doodle poll starting from May 2015 APRALO monthly calls will take place on the third Thursday of the month at 06:00-07:00 UTC (with the exception of F2F meetings during ICANN public meetings).


April 2015 Report

  1.  APRALO - ICANN APAC HUB PILOT FRAMEWORK - Within the framework of APRALO collaboration with APAC Hub the series of webinars for APRALO members started with the first webinar, conducted on April 9, 2015. The topic was What are IDNs and what does it mean to you. The agenda of the webinar is posted in March report space. Transcription of the first webinar is available at: IDNs Webinar 2015-04-09

    All recording and transcripts of webinars will be provided after each webinar. At-Large staff will work on this in collaboration with APAC hub and ICANN's translation-request teams.

    During the period starting from April 2015 till December 2015 one webinar per month will be organized: The topics of the planned webinars are posted at 2015 APRALO Capacity Building Webinar Series, under Focus Ares 2: Leveraging APAC for Capacity & Capacity Building

          Based on the survey conducted among APRALO ALSs, the following topics for webinars to be conducted for end users during 2015 year has been agreed by APRALO Leadership team, APAC HUB staff and ICANN At-Large staff:

09 April 2015: IDNs (jointly with APAC Hub Webinar)  

May: [Basic] Internet Governance (including ICANN and multi stakeholder model)  

June: [Basic] Basic DNS and DNS Ecosystem 

July: [Intermediate] New gTLD program / ccTLDs  

Aug: [Intermediate] WHOIS, Universal Acceptance  

Sep: [Advanced] DNS Security and DNS Abuse

Oct: [Advanced] Privacy and IP  

Nov: [Others] …Update on IANA transition (where are we now?)

 Dec: [Others] … TBD


List of Webinars 2015:

For your reference and for those who were unable to attend, the webinar recording, audio recording, transcription and presentation slides are available at the following link:  

Questions or comments can be sent to ICANN At-Large Staff at and we would appreciate your feedback via a simple online survey (click here)  to help us better plan for the future webinars. 

We would also like to have your feedback/suggestions on what other topics you would like us to cover for our future Webinars. If you have any suggestions, please write to us at 

In addition, this page is the one-stop-shop for all APrALO-APAC Hub Capacity Building Webinar Series: bookmark this page to follow the development of future webinars and gain Access to their recordings, transcription and presentation slides.


2. APRALO Professional Expertise Survey - The final results of the survey are available here: APRALO SURVEY RESULTS - 31 March 2015.pdf

3. APRALO Outreach Strategy

APRALO Outreach Strategy For the coming 12 months, APRALO will divide the Asia Pacific region into 5 main parts. East, West, North, South and Australasia. One representative, either from an ALS or an APRALO executive will take the lead for each region with Pavan, our Secretariat taking the lead on the overall flow of the project. The project will involve looking at the number of countries we have in each region and how many ALS’es there are in that region. Then we will start the outreach in the various regions with the help of current ALS’es and other organizations using our contacts. These could be ISOC Chapters, Universities and so on. Our overall goal is to make sure APRALO has a well balanced representation and we cover every part of the region.

March 2015 Report

  1.  APRALO - ICANN APAC HUB PILOT FRAMEWORK - Within the framework of APRALO collaboration with APAC Hub the series of webinars for APRALO members will be organized. The first webinar will be organized on 9 April 2015. Time: 11:00 – 12:00 Singapore Time / 03:00 – 04:00 UTC 

    Topic: What are IDNs and what does it mean to you? In collaboration with the APRALO Capacity Building Webinar Series

    Agenda: Do you know that characters used in top-level domains (TLDs) extend beyond ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) including other scripts such as Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Devanagari, Japanese and others? To determine valid TLD labels in these scripts and their variants, however, community input is very important. Join us to find out more about IDNs at our webinar session and learn how you can play a part! The proposed agenda is as follows:

    -      Introduction to Mr. Sarmad Hussain, IDN Program Senior Manager at ICANN
    -      What are Internationalized Domain Names?
    -      What does it mean to you?
    -      IDN Work at ICANN
    -      Sharing by APRALO representative: IDN from the Label Generation Ruleset (LGR) panel perspective (TBC)
    -      Why and how you can be involved
    -      Q&A

    * Kindly note that Universal Acceptance of IDNs will not be a focus topic at this introductory presentation.
    Questions:  Please submit questions in advance to help us better tailor the webinar to the needs of the APAC region. Send your questions and RSVP to by 3 April. We look forward to your active participation. 

    Feel free to share with your friends and colleagues in your community as well. 

2. APRALO Professional Expertise Survey - This survey is get to know more about our AT-Large Structures (ALSes) and their members. We realise that there is a lot of untapped potential among our ALS members and we need to find out more about you and how you might be able to more appropriately contribute to the work we do in APRALO and in ALAC. With ICANN becoming more focused on its ACCOUNTABILITY, there is an expectation that each of its sections will look at how well it is contributing to the work of the wider ICANN community. Therefore, measuring and metrics are becoming the norm and our members must be seen to be playing their part within the system in order to retain their membership. The objective of the Survey is also to determine the areas of professional expertise of RALO members as required by ATLAS II Recommendation 28: " The ALAC should work with all RALOs and ALSes to map the current expertise and interests in their membership, to identify Subject Matter Experts and facilitate policy communication".

The deadline - EXTENDED - is March 31st, 2015, 23:00 UTC

The Survey report as of March 25, 2015 is available here: APRALO SURVEY RESULTS - 25 March 2015.pdf 

3. ALAC Review process - The detailed information is available hereAt-Large Review 2015 - 2019 (Current). ALAC review presentation was conducted by Holly Raiche during APRALO March call. The link to the presentation is hereAt Large Review Presentation - Jan 2015.pdf. ALSs input is highly welcomed and appreciated.

4. CROPP Program FY15 - During February APRALO members Satish Babu and Maureen Hyliard participated in APRICOT 2015 within the framework of CROPP program. The detailed report of the participation is available here: Report to the CROPP Committee-Babu&Hilyard.pdf

The report format will be used as a template for future participation within the framework of CROPP Program.


February 2015 Report

  1. ICANN 52 in Singapore, APRALO Showcase - APRALO members conducted another important event to "Celebrate Diversity" during ICANN 52. The final agenda is posted here: APRALO SHOWCASE 2015 PROGRAM. APRALO members represent 24 of around 73 countries that make up the Asia-Pacific region. Among the 6800 languages spoken around the globe, 3500 are spoken here. We are 60% of the world’s population and already make up 45% of the world’s internet users. APRALO currently has 35 ALSes with whom we encourage active participation in ICANN activities. We realise the importance of the contribution that At-Large can make to the work and eventual decision-making of our ALAC and other ICANN bodies. We realise that ultimately our ALSes can help the ICANN Board make important decisions about the coordination of the internet world. During the Showcase all invited quests participated in a number of activities, to help us celebrate the Chinese New Year.

    • Calligraphy Demonstration to help learning how to write your name in Chinese
    • All guests received local souvenirs with Chinese Zodiac Fortune Forecast for 2015
    • Testing of traditional local dumplings
    • And the unique and outstanding Dikir Barat performance by the Sekolah Menengah Sains Kubang Pasu school troupe from Malaysia.

    2.   CROPP program - APRALO members Satish Babu and Maureen Hilyard are in the process of finalizing all necessary logistics for participation at APRICOT 2015 in Japan. 

    3.   FY16 Budget requests - APRALO leadership team worked on the FY16 requests and submitted one request for participation at IGF 2015 in Brazil. Confirmation is expected in April 2015.  

    4.   APRALO - ICANN APAC HUB PILOT FRAMEWORK - During Singapore meeting the final document had been presented to all ALSs. The activities towards three major directions, identified (capacity building, language localization and outreach) had been started. Language localization WG had been established and ALSs already participate to translate some important key documents in their own languages. Topics, suggested by ALSs (in 2014 the request for topics had been sent to APRALO members and feedback received) had been collected and sent to ICANN Singapore staff for identifying speakers, time frames for the course of new webinars to be planned to be conducted in Asia Pacific region for ALSs. The final document of the pilot framework, which includes also details related to Capacity Building program info is attached: APRALO-ICANN APAC Pilot Plan Presented at ICANN52.pptx. APRALO leadership team is currently working with the staff to prioritize the topics and start the series of webinars planned for the upcoming 2015 year.

   5.    ALS engagement and Metrics - During APRALO monthly meeting in Singapore Maureen Hilyard, who is a member of Metrics WG, presented the information how the metrics will be conducted. The presentation is available here: APRALO ALS Metrics - 10 Feb 2015.pdf

   6.   MOU between APRALO and DotAsia - Over the years, APRALO has been very fortunate to have had within its ranks a colleague, Edmon Chung, who has partnered and sponsored our events with such regularity and generosity, that we felt it was important that we formalise our relationship with DotAsia, and continue to look at ways in which we can mutually benefit our organisations. During the APRALO Showcase in Singapore APRALO officially signed an MOU with DotAsia. The final MOU can be viewed here: dotasia apralo MOU.docx

   7.  APRALO Survey - APRALO Leadership team is preparing a survey to identify the expertise available in ALSs to encourage more active participation in policy development process. The survey will be sent to ALSs by the end of February. It is planned to prepare the final analysis and the future steps between February-June 2015 period. 

January 2015 Report

  1. ICANN 52 in Singapore, APRALO Showcase - APRALO members worked on preparations for the Showcase. The agenda has been finalized, the invitations to the speakers had been sent and approved. The logistics with the staff had been discussed and finalized. The final agenda is posted here: APRALO SHOWCASE 2015 PROGRAM. The Showcase will take place on February 11, Wednesday, from 18:30-21:00.

    2.   CROPP program - APRALO members Satish Babu and Maureen Hilyard submitted the final request for participation at APRICOT 2015 in Japan. The discussions between the leadership team and APRALO VPs had been conducted. The support from APNIC had been received for covering the   participation fee. It was decided to include the CROPP strategy for APRALO as agenda item for Singapore F2F APRALO monthly meeting

    3.   FY16 Budget requests - During January APRALO leadership team worked on the FY16 requests and is in the process of preparing one request submission for participation at IGF 2015 in Brazil. The final document will be discussed in Singapore.  

    4.   APRALO - ICANN APAC HUB PILOT FRAMEWORK - After London meeting, together with regional VPs APRALO leadership has discussed the strategy for the future cooperation and the priority areas had been set based on the feedback and contribution provided by APRALO ALSs. The           language support team had been established and working. The updates will be presented in February.

   5.    ALS engagement and Metrics - During January with the support of staff the data on ALSs' participation during 2014 had been collected and the discussions and updates will be discussed in Singapore meeting in February. The full agenda for the next meeting in February is posted here under   APRALO monthly meeting section: At-Large Meetings - Tuesday, 10 February 2015 Workspace

   6.   MOU between APRALO and DotAsia - APRALO is working with DotAsia on signing an official MOU on collaboration to be signed during the Showcase in Singapore. The draft had been sent to DotAsia for final comments


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