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Date: Wednesday, 07 August 2024  

Time: 18:30 - 20:00 UTC (For the time in various time zones click here)      

Meeting Number: AL.AF/CC.14  BDB 0520/1

How can I participate in this meeting?

Comment participer a cette teleconference?

Conference ID: FR & EN 1638

Zoom room: Password: AFRA07AUG*

Real time transcription (RTT) available at (subject to availability) 

Action Items: EN 

Transcript: EN, FR

Recording: EN, FR

Zoom Recording: EN

Zoom Chat: EN

Dial out Participants:

FR: Gabdibé Gab-Hingonne, Aïcha Abbad

EN: Adebunmi Akinbo (fixed dial-out request), Peters Omoragbon, Bukola Oronti 


Staff:   Silvia Vivanco, Yaovi Atohoun, Michelle DeSmyter


FR Interpreters: 

Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter


  1. Roll call (Staff) - 2 min 

  2. Review of Action items  from previous meeting (Staff ) – 2 min

  3. Welcome remarks (Hadia Elminiawi) – 2 min

  4. Open ICANN Public Comments ( Hadia Elminiawi) – 5 min

a. Recently Ratified by the ALAC / Currently going through Ratification Process

  • Policy Status Report: GNSO Policy & Implementation Working Group Recommendations CPWG
    • This public comment proceeding seeks input from the ICANN community on the draft Policy Status Report (PSR) on the Policy & Implementation Recommendations adopted by the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council and ICANN Board in 2015, to support the GNSO Council in its assessment of their effectiveness in supporting and improving the GNSO Policy Development and Implementation processes.

b. Open Public Comments - Summary

  • Han Script Single Character IDN Generic Top-Level Domains
    • In preparation for the New gTLD Program: Next Round, ICANN org worked with the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Script Generation Panels (CJK GPs) to seek their guidance on string similarity concerns for single character IDN gTLD applications in the Han script. The CJK GPs agreed that the work already done in the Root Zone Label Generation Rules (RZ-LGRs) sufficiently addresses the technical and linguistic concerns around string similarity for single character IDN TLDs. Feedback is requested on the Proposed Considerations for the Application of Single Character IDN Generic Top-Level Domains based on the analysis and conclusions shared by the CJK GPs.
      • Does the CPWG wish to draft a statement for this public comment proceeding?

c. Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Public Comment Statement, or Correspondence)

Statement/Advice Name

Internal Deadlines

Public Comment Close


Assigned Working Group


At-Large Workspace: Han Script Single Character IDN Generic Top-Level Domains


d. Upcoming Public Comment Proceedings

Registries Stakeholder Group Charter Amendments OFB-WG

The Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG) of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) recently amended its charter and notified the ICANN organization of its request for approval by the ICANN Board. This Public Comment proceeding seeks input on proposed amendments of the RySG charter to inform ICANN Board consideration

Improved GNSO Stakeholder Group and Constituency Charter Amendment Process OFB-WG

The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) charter revision process has been updated to reflect the continuous evolution of the ICANN community, ongoing implementation of Specific Review recommendations, and the review role of ICANN Board. These improvements will streamline charter revisions and allow GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies to continue their focus on policy development.

Draft ICANN Strategic Plan and Operating Plan for FY26-30 OFB-WG

The Five-Year Strategic Plan establishes a vision and a set of strategic objectives in service of ICANN's Mission. The Strategic Plan enables ICANN to continue to fulfill its Mission and meet new and continuously evolving challenges and opportunities. The Five-Year Operating Plan outlines the strategies to achieve the objectives set in the Strategic Plan. These two draft plans will be published for public comment in the summer of 2024.

Preliminary Issue Report on a Policy Development Process for Latin Script DiacriticsCPWG

This Preliminary Issue Report is being published for public comment to allow staff to collect and review comments received, in order to make any necessary amendments to the Final Issue Report, which will be forwarded to the GNSO Council for its consideration and determination of next steps.

IRP-IOT – Proposed updates to the IRP Supplementary Procedures OFB-WG

The Independent Review Process (IRP) provides for third-party review of Board or Staff actions (or inactions) alleged to be inconsistent with ICANN's Articles or Bylaws. The IRP Implementation Oversight Team (IRP-IOT) seeks input on its proposed updates to IRP Supplementary Procedures. 

  5.Reports/Updates/Items for discussion  (75 min)

a. Status of ICANN 8O AFRALO-AFRICANN statement   - published in ICANN Board correspondence page- (Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong  ) - 4 min

b. Préparation of  ICANN 81 AFRALO-AFRICANN statement   - (Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong  ) - 2 min

c. Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) Africa updates  ( Pierre Dandijnou     Yaovi Atohoun , June Tessy ) - 7 min

d.  Technical engagement Update  (Yazid Akanho, Simon Mayoye) - 5 min

 e. Recent and upcoming ALAC activities ( Raihanath GBADAMASSI Aziz Hilali Bukola Oronti ) – 6 min

 f. Recent and upcoming AFRALO/ALS  activities and Updates from Individual Members (All)  - 10 min

 g. NOMCOM update   (Seun Ojedeji  ) - 4 min

 h. presentation of final version -AFRALO FY25 Outreach and Engagement -   (Bram Fudzulani  Hadia Elminiawi  ,Staff) -15 min  

 i.An update of the  AFRALO ROP WG REVIEW 2023 ( Co-chairs:  Isaac Maposa , Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong  and penholder  Jabhera Matogoro )-  4 min    

 j. CIP - CCG Update - AFRALO CIP document - AFRALO representatives-  Bram Fudzulani  , Chokri Ben Romdhane  and AFRALO Chair (Hadia Elminiawi ) for Next Step  - 10 mins

 k. AFRALO Social Media Working Group Update -  (Bukola Oronti and Team ) - 2 min

 l. Update AFRALO Newsletter  (Remmy and Team ) - 3 mins

6. AFRALO Membership Matters ( Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong & All ) -  3 min

The African region  has 75 ALSes located in 33 countries and territories

and 21 Individuals members and 3 observers 




Newly Certified (0)


Pending ALAC Vote (0)


Decertification (0)N/A
Awaiting RALO Feedback (5)

#361 Nigerian Institute of ICT Engineers



# 347 Aide à l'enfant du desert et du sahel (AEDS)

#327 Libyan Organization for Information Technology and Telecommunications

Awaiting feedback from RVP GSE team & AFRALO too
Processing Due Diligence (1)

#363 Femmes TIC Burkina Faso (FTIC-BF)

Application Received (0) N/A
On Hold (1)#282 Association pour le Développement des Sociétés de l'Information au Tchad (ADESIT) - AFRALO (awaiting applicant feedback - may formally be put on hold)


Individual & Oberver Members


Application Received (1)Aly DioufAwaiting feedback from AFRALO Leadership
Processing Application (1)Kiiza Patrick

6. AOB – (Hadia, all) 1 min


Ordre du Jour (Français)


  1. Appel - Liste de Présence (Personnel) – 2 min

  2. Revue des actions à entreprendre de la réunion précédente (Personnel) – 2 min

  3. Remarques de bienvenue (Hadia Elminiawi) – 2 min

  4. Commentaires Publics Ouverts de l'ICANN  ( Hadia Elminiawi) – 5 min

Recently Ratified by the ALAC / Currently going through Ratification Process

  • Policy Status Report: GNSO Policy & Implementation Working Group Recommendations CPWG
    • This public comment proceeding seeks input from the ICANN community on the draft Policy Status Report (PSR) on the Policy & Implementation Recommendations adopted by the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council and ICANN Board in 2015, to support the GNSO Council in its assessment of their effectiveness in supporting and improving the GNSO Policy Development and Implementation processes.

b. Open Public Comments - Summary

  • Han Script Single Character IDN Generic Top-Level Domains
    • In preparation for the New gTLD Program: Next Round, ICANN org worked with the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Script Generation Panels (CJK GPs) to seek their guidance on string similarity concerns for single character IDN gTLD applications in the Han script. The CJK GPs agreed that the work already done in the Root Zone Label Generation Rules (RZ-LGRs) sufficiently addresses the technical and linguistic concerns around string similarity for single character IDN TLDs. Feedback is requested on the Proposed Considerations for the Application of Single Character IDN Generic Top-Level Domains based on the analysis and conclusions shared by the CJK GPs.
      • Does the CPWG wish to draft a statement for this public comment proceeding?

c. Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Public Comment Statement, or Correspondence)

Statement/Advice Name

Internal Deadlines

Public Comment Close


Assigned Working Group


At-Large Workspace: Han Script Single Character IDN Generic Top-Level Domains


d. Upcoming Public Comment Proceedings

Registries Stakeholder Group Charter Amendments OFB-WG

The Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG) of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) recently amended its charter and notified the ICANN organization of its request for approval by the ICANN Board. This Public Comment proceeding seeks input on proposed amendments of the RySG charter to inform ICANN Board consideration

Improved GNSO Stakeholder Group and Constituency Charter Amendment Process OFB-WG

The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) charter revision process has been updated to reflect the continuous evolution of the ICANN community, ongoing implementation of Specific Review recommendations, and the review role of ICANN Board. These improvements will streamline charter revisions and allow GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies to continue their focus on policy development.

Draft ICANN Strategic Plan and Operating Plan for FY26-30 OFB-WG

The Five-Year Strategic Plan establishes a vision and a set of strategic objectives in service of ICANN's Mission. The Strategic Plan enables ICANN to continue to fulfill its Mission and meet new and continuously evolving challenges and opportunities. The Five-Year Operating Plan outlines the strategies to achieve the objectives set in the Strategic Plan. These two draft plans will be published for public comment in the summer of 2024.

Preliminary Issue Report on a Policy Development Process for Latin Script DiacriticsCPWG

This Preliminary Issue Report is being published for public comment to allow staff to collect and review comments received, in order to make any necessary amendments to the Final Issue Report, which will be forwarded to the GNSO Council for its consideration and determination of next steps.

IRP-IOT – Proposed updates to the IRP Supplementary Procedures OFB-WG

The Independent Review Process (IRP) provides for third-party review of Board or Staff actions (or inactions) alleged to be inconsistent with ICANN's Articles or Bylaws. The IRP Implementation Oversight Team (IRP-IOT) seeks input on its proposed updates to IRP Supplementary Procedures. 

5.Reports/Updates/Items for discussion  (75 min)

a. Mise à jour sur les activités  AFRALO ICANN 80   published in ICANN Board correspondence page (Hadia Elminiawi  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong  ) - 4 min

b. Préparation  de l'ICANN 81 - Déclaration  conjointe AFRALO-AFRICANNt   - (Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong  ) - 2 min

c. Dernières infos du Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) Afrique  ( Pierre Dandijnou     Yaovi Atohoun , June Tessy ) - 7 min

d.  Mises à jour de l'engagement technique(Yazid Akanho, Simon Mayoye) - 5 min

 e. Activités récentes / à venir de l'ALAC   ( Raihanath GBADAMASSI Aziz Hilali Bukola Oronti ) – 6 min

 f. Recent and upcoming AFRALO/ALS  activities and Updates from Individual Members (All)  - 10 min

 g. NOMCOM update   (Seun Ojedeji  ) - 4 min

 h.  Presentation du Plan AFRALO de Sensibilisation et Engagement pour l'exercice 2025 (Bram Fudzulani  ,Staff) -15 min  

 i.Mise à jour AFRALO ROP WG REVIEW 2023 ( Co-chairs:  Isaac Maposa , Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong  and penholder  Jabhera Matogoro )-  4 min    

 jMise à jour du groupe de la communauté chargé de la coordination du programme d’amélioration continue-  les Representants d'AFRALO  Bram Fudzulani  , Chokri Ben Romdhane  et AFRALO Chair (Hadia Elminiawi ) étape suivante  - 10 mins

 k. Mise à jour AFRALO Social Media Working Group Update -  (Bukola Oronti and Team ) - 2 min

 l. Mise à jour du  bulletin d'information d'AFRALO   (Remmy and Team ) - 3 mins

   voir l'archive Newsletter Archive     

6. AFRALO Membership Matters ( Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong & All ) -  3 min

The African region  has 75 ALSes located in 33 countries and territories

and 21 Individuals members and 3 observers 




Newly Certified (0)

Pending ALAC Vote (0)


Decertification (0)N/A
Awaiting RALO Feedback (5)

#361 Nigerian Institute of ICT Engineers



# 347 Aide à l'enfant du desert et du sahel (AEDS)

#327 Libyan Organization for Information Technology and Telecommunications

Awaiting feedback from RVP GSE team & AFRALO too
Processing Due Diligence (1)

#363 Femmes TIC Burkina Faso (FTIC-BF)

Application Received (0) N/A
On Hold (1)#282 Association pour le Développement des Sociétés de l'Information au Tchad (ADESIT) - AFRALO (awaiting applicant feedback - may formally be put on hold)


Individual & Oberver Members


Application Received (1)Aly DioufAwaiting feedback from AFRALO Leadership
Processing Application (1)Kiiza Patrick

6. AOB – (Hadia Elminiawi , tous) 1 min

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