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Recording:  Track1-ID438873237.mp3


Transcript:  TAF_CCWG-IG-29Nov2018.pdf

Chat: EN


A G E N D A 

  1. Roll call, welcome, adoption of agenda

    1. CCWG on IG Public Forum Meeting in Barcelona
    2. CCWG on IG F2F Meeting in Barcelona
      1. withdrawal of ccNSO as a CCWG / CCEG Charter member
    3. GAC High Level meeting
      1. GAC Communiqué for Barcelona
  2. Review main outcomes of ITU PP-18 and IGF 2018

    1. PP-18
      1. RIPE NCC High Level View
      2. Technical Issues (from RIPE NCC report)
    2. IGF 2018
      1. Opening Speech from French President Emmanuel Macron
      2. Digital Watch reporting on IGF Sessions
  3. Look ahead to main developments on horizon

    1. UN High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation consultation
  4. AoB