Desiree Cabrera: (8/9/2018 08:54) Hello everyone, today's agenda is also available at

Nigel Hickson: (09:00) Good afternoon

judith hellerstein: (09:00) HI All

Tatiana Tropina: (09:02) hi everyone

Greg Shatan: (09:03) Hello all.

Angela: (09:03) The number is mine, i can't get audio in my Adobe. Hello everyone :)

matthew shears: (09:03) seem to have issues with audio as well

judith hellerstein: (09:03) HIall. I do not hear any sound?

Tatiana Tropina: (09:03) No audio on adobe for me, crickets. Trying the dial out

Greg Shatan: (09:04) I hear nothing on adobe either.

judith hellerstein: (09:04) Same with me

Tatiana Tropina: (09:04) I do hear greg

Becky Burr: (09:04) i can now hear

Becky Burr: (09:04) dial out worked for me

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (09:05) Please use dial out

Greg Shatan: (09:05) I will go to the dial out.

Lori Schulman: (09:05) I can hear.

Lori Schulman: (09:05) I hear Judith and Greg.

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (09:05) It looks like the only audio that works is dial out or dial in, so please click on the mic & ask for a dial out to your number

Greg Shatan: (09:05) I hear you, Lori. But we are not everybody.

Lori Schulman: (09:06) sorry

Greg Shatan: (09:06) Let’s leave Adobe audio.

Becky Burr: (09:06) i think folks connected via computer can hear each other but dialed out/in folks can't hear them

Veni Markovski: (09:06) Those of you in the Adobe in, please, dial in, or ask to be dialed out

Lori Schulman: (09:06) Didn't know who was speaking.

Greg Shatan: (09:07) I am now on the audiobridge, listening to OCL.

Tatiana Tropina: (09:07) Yes audio bridge worked finally

Lori Schulman: (09:07) I am on bridge too.

Lori Schulman: (09:07) Hi Tatiana and everyone.

judith hellerstein: (09:07) Can some one call me at 202 3625139

Desiree Cabrera: (09:07) I'll send a note to IT about these adobe issues.

Tatiana Tropina: (09:07) Hi Lori and everyone!

judith hellerstein: (09:07) it says my passcode is not recognized

Desiree Cabrera: (09:08) Judith, I've sent a dial out to you.

judith hellerstein: (09:08) thanks

judith hellerstein: (09:08) I am on

Nigel Hickson: (09:13) So glad most of you are on; Adobe has issues which I should have flaged in advance (apologies)

Lori Schulman: (09:13) I really like the language that the CCEG is a convenor

Bartlett Morgan: (09:15) Hello all. Not hearing anything

Bartlett Morgan: (09:15) will try to dial-in

Desiree Cabrera: (09:15) Hi Bartlett, dial-in is the best way to hear audio. Let us know if that doesn't work.

matthew shears: (09:16) good responses to the questions

Tatiana Tropina: (09:18) I agreed with Greg removing the sentence :-) (accepted the change)

Greg Shatan: (09:21) I moved it up to the top, since it was a direct answer to a ccNSO question.

Tatiana Tropina: (09:22) why not doing 30 min drafting

Marilyn Cade: (09:22) sorry, not able to hear. will reconnect.

judith hellerstein: (09:22) no marilyn audio on AC is not working you have to dial in

judith hellerstein: (09:22) we are all on the bridge

Tatiana Tropina: (09:22) you can copy GNSO if you want

Tatiana Tropina: (09:23) as we are waiting for GNSO.

Tatiana Tropina: (09:23) oh sorry ccNSO

Tatiana Tropina: (09:24) Heather, Rafik, me.

Lori Schulman: (09:24) I thinks it's more effiicent for us to draft as a group in the next 30 mins. I can't guarantee 24 hour turnaround. Can we have until Monday?

Tatiana Tropina: (09:24) I am not a liaison, am just Tanya now.

Tatiana Tropina: (09:24) much more entertaining.

Lori Schulman: (09:27) It's also when EPDP report is due

Tatiana Tropina: (09:27) Yes, I was going to mention that many of us is going be swamped -- EPDP.

Tatiana Tropina: (09:27) and CCWG ACCT report is due for approval

Lori Schulman: (09:27) I would not do a session unless we want to focus on plenipot

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (09:27) @Lori -- ok - let's have a freeze deadline on Monday 16:00 UTC. So I can also publicise it on the mailing list

Lori Schulman: (09:28) Thanks. Much appreciated.

matthew shears: (09:28) there is certianly enough to discuss!

Tatiana Tropina: (09:28) If we focus on plenipot I suggest we get a set of issues and link them to ICANN (I mean, how they can influence DNS and ICANN place in all that) then it is might be an interesting session

Marilyn Cade: (09:29) First, we need to always remember that there is no anonynous engagement so whomever is logges on as Anonymous needs to say who they are.

Lori Schulman: (09:29) @Tatiana - I agree.

Tatiana Tropina: (09:29) Lori :-)

matthew shears: (09:29) it may be me

Marilyn Cade: (09:29) I see your name listed, back to substance

Tatiana Tropina: (09:30) Matt how can you be anonymous, if you are here as Matt.

Marilyn Cade: (09:30) How do we ask to speak? Sorry to be delayed in joining.

Lori Schulman: (09:30) INTA did get one either. :)

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (09:30) Sorry I have just been dropped

judith hellerstein: (09:30) It is because people are logged in as their computer and then use a phoen to call in

Lori Schulman: (09:30) We tried.

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (09:30) Marilyn Cade next on the queue please

matthew shears: (09:30) Judith - yes

judith hellerstein: (09:31) I am in twice

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (09:31) I am back on

Becky Burr: (09:31) I think Skype logs you in as "restricted"

Tatiana Tropina: (09:31) there is also someone restircted :-)

Marilyn Cade: (09:33) Becky, you are registered.

Bartlett Morgan: (09:35) thats me... dialing in via skype. I may be one of those

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (09:36) ok thanks Bartlett

matthew shears: (09:36) I am either restricted or anonymous as I am dialling in through a local number

Desiree Cabrera: (09:36) Angela has already identified as the numer ending in -4510

Veni Markovski: (09:36) Monday is October 22.

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (09:37) Ah ok thanks

Veni Markovski: (09:37) yes.

Tatiana Tropina: (09:43) Hi Level panel doesn't even mentioned multistakeholder...

Greg Shatan: (09:44) I am in New York, so it would be good to know of any opportunities here.

Marilyn Cade: (09:44) Tatiana, I have been talking to the various players, and it is about digital cooperation but that doesn't leave aside Multistaker.

Marilyn Cade: (09:45) It's composition is multi stakeholder and focuses on some new players. It is also setup to advise the SecGen and that is a threat to to ICANN and also to the IGF.

Tatiana Tropina: (09:46) am ready to answer

Marilyn Cade: (09:47) Actually not closed -- its meetings are closed, but they comitted to engagement and this is an engagement opportunity for the ICANN community,.

Marilyn Cade: (09:47) We also have an opportuity to encourage them to be more open and inclusive.

Veni Markovski: (09:47) It mentions "all stakeholder groups", "diverse stakeholders" and "all other relevant stakeholders", and it mentions the "technical community" (4 times).

Veni Markovski: (09:47) Source:

Tatiana Tropina: (09:49) 10 min of our precious time??????

Tatiana Tropina: (09:49) 5 min no more!!!!

Tatiana Tropina: (09:49) :-)

matthew shears: (09:54) more substantive interactive discussion than updates please

Tatiana Tropina: (09:54) 5 min update, then discussion

Nigel Hickson: (09:54) Peace Forum is at

Tatiana Tropina: (09:54) plenipot is more relevant.

Nigel Hickson: (09:55) Idea is for Staff to report and then discuss; not ITU

Tatiana Tropina: (09:56) why don't we discuss the issues related to plenipot among us in relation to their relevance to ICANN, do we need ITU speaker for this?

Tatiana Tropina: (09:56) I mean if we don't get one the world won't fall apart, will it?

Tatiana Tropina: (09:57) I agree that we just need an agenda now

Tatiana Tropina: (09:57) we can fine tune this later, it's not our last call before ICANN?

Tatiana Tropina: (09:58) what really 20 min on DC panel???

Nigel Hickson: (09:58) Yes, we just need borad outline for now we can flesh out later

judith hellerstein: (09:58) No Tatiana we do not need an ITU person,

Marilyn Cade: (09:59) I suspect that 10 minutes for IGF will suffice as update and we can ask Wei Min and Anja as the guest speakers.

Tatiana Tropina: (09:59) we can go 15 on DC and 25 on plenipot

Greg Shatan: (09:59) @Tatiana, not merely puzzled but perplexed?

Marilyn Cade: (09:59) I won't support such a large focus on the ITU.

Tatiana Tropina: (10:00) Greg, bewildered :-)

Tatiana Tropina: (10:00) well I will go with the majority opinion as I have no intent to die in the ditch over the time allocation

Marilyn Cade: (10:01) We are too late to change the ITU PP positions from the governments. Updating on what the proposals are is helpful, but what are we proposing here? that we "tell ICANN" what to do at the PP?

Tatiana Tropina: (10:01) just flagged my (how do I call it?) surprise

Vera Major: (10:01) Hello everyone!

Marilyn Cade: (10:02) We should be thinking more about what our view is about why ICANN should not be becoming a Sector member which we haven't even discussed. And how we enage with GAC membes on site regarding concerns about the ITU.

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (10:02) Marilyn -- this needs to be discussed on the mailing list

Marilyn Cade: (10:04) We need to finalize the Charter before the open session, shouldn't we?

Tatiana Tropina: (10:04) Marylin, I think we should

Tatiana Tropina: (10:05) if ccNSO and GNSO are going to consider their re-chartering, we certainly need to

Greg Shatan: (10:05) Yes, we need to get on their agendas for rechartering. With a charter.

Nigel Hickson: (10:06) @greg. Yes; I hope so.

Becky Burr: (10:10) apologies, I have to leave the call at this point. thanks everyone.

Marilyn Cade: (10:10) Welcome to Vera to our ICANN staff.
Lori Schulman: (10:10) Thank you Olivier

matthew shears: (10:10) thanks all!

Marilyn Cade: (10:10) I have a NRI session that I'll let you know about to avoid that if possible.

Lori Schulman: (10:10) ciao

Vera Major: (10:10) Thank you Marilyn!

Tatiana Tropina: (10:11) ciao all, thank you all, an excellent discussion and excellent chairing.

Nigel Hickson: (10:11) thanks all

Lori Schulman: (10:11) I am on vacation from August 24 through Sept 5

Adam Peake: (10:11) thank you

Lori Schulman: (10:11) bye

Bartlett Morgan: (10:11) bye all

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