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 General questions:

  • In addition to the possible mechanisms outlined by the CCWG, namely (1) New ICANN Proceeds Allocation Department Created as part of ICANN Org, 2) New ICANN Proceeds Allocation Department Created as part of ICANN Org which would work in collaboration with an existing charitable organization(s), 3) A new structure would be created (e.g. ICANN foundation), 4) An established entity/entities (e.g. foundation or fund) are used (ICANN would organize the oversight of processes to ensure mission and fiduciary duties are met), are there any other mechanisms that you would recommend for consideration? Note that the CCWG already excluded to invest all the proceeds into a fund and only disburse the interests resulting from this investment. Please note that all proposed mechanisms need to meet the legal and fiduciary requirements (for further details, see here). 
  • As the mechanism to be recommended is expected to be of a temporary nature, as the available funds are a one-off allocation, what aspects should be factored in and considered when deciding on a mechanism (e.g. what characteristics would facilitate sun-setting of the mechanism)?
  • Are you aware of any models or mechanisms in which a third party provides an oversight role? If so, please share those examples.
  • Can you share best practices with regards to the evaluation of project applications?
  • What are the main costs to be incurred for grant distribution program? What are the various methods to measure these costs (fixed cost for the entire program, percentage of the total funds allocated for distribution,…)? Can you share what are the existing practices in your organization, for example if a percentage is commonly used in practice, what is the level of percentage most frequently observed?
  • What mechanisms need to be in place for any mechanism to ensure external oversight / governance? E.g. Require external governance / non-exec directors / trustees in majority / advisory board?

Possible mechanism #1

New ICANN Proceeds Allocation Department Created as part of ICANN Org

General description

This department would be part of ICANN Org and take full responsibility for solicitation and evaluation of proposals, and disbursement process, in accordance with the recommendations of the CCWG

Clarifying questions and/or questions for experts

Budget / Costs


  1. How do you develop and ensure that accountable practices are in place to manage both from a budget and accounting practice the auction proceeds funds in a sustainable and responsible manner? What kind of practices need to be established that are currently not in place?
  2. How will these funds be managed to ensure separation from the operational budget of ICANN?
  3. What fiduciary and auditing requirements, whether financial or non-financial, would need to be established for this program?
  4. What audit requirements need to be in place that would apply to the projects that are funded? Would these be different, dependent on the size of the project and the country of origin?
  5. Do you have recommendations or examples of a good audit strategy to assure grants & investments are on track to achieve desired outcomes?
  6. What kind of model(s) would be used to establish the department that will manage / disburse the auction proceeds? For example, if a separate department is created, how would this be financed? How would the resources allocated be funded, from ICANN’s on-going funding, or from the auction proceeds?
  7. Could you provide an estimation of the costs of setting up this model(s) (per your response to the previous question)? (operational costs)
  8. Are separate departments created for separate funds in your organization? If yes, what are the costs of such departments and how are they funded?


Role of the Community

  1. Do you have experience in any grantmaking programs where you received guidance or input from stakeholders interested in the outcomes of the process? What did that look like?  What engagement level and consultation processes did you have in place, and what types of issues were stakeholder providing input on? (If you answered ‘no’, please ignore questions 10 – 12)
  2. What have been effective engagement and feedback mechanisms for community members and other stakeholders to assist in achieving desired outcomes? What kind of models do you have in place to engage with stakeholders and what mechanisms have been proven to be effective?
  3. What methods and consultation processes have you found effective for tracking community / stakeholder input and determining the subsequent impact of that input?
  4. What methods or consultation processes have you found effective for community/stakeholder input on/review of the selection of proposals and determination of whether desired outcomes have been achieved?


Set up

  1. What separation would be in place? Would this be similar to how the IANA Department has now been set up (PTI)? 



  1. Would department employees be considered ICANN employees? In case they are not ICANN employees, what working arrangements would you consider?
  2. What staff positions and organization structure might you recommend for managing approx. $230M of funds?


Possible mechanism #2

New ICANN Proceeds Allocation Department Created as part of ICANN Org which would work in collaboration with an existing charitable organization(s).

General description

Responsibilities for solicitation and evaluation of proposals, and disbursement process would be split between the newly created department and the existing charitable organization(s).

Clarifying questions and/or questions for experts

  1. Do you think ICANN would benefit from working in a collaboration with an existing philanthropic organization?  If so, what benefits do you think there would be?
  2. How would it make sense for the roles to be split? What mechanisms would need to be in place to ensure coordination between ICANN Org Department and the selected organization(s)?
  3. What guidance might you share on how ICANN might collaborate with other organizations in order to achieve our desired outcomes for the use of the auction proceeds?
  4. Are there any similar models (responsibilities divided between two different organizations) that you are familiar with that could serve as a model for this mechanism (for example, the Stanford Engineering School Venture Fund)?
  5. What are the standard practices around reviewing agreements for this type of mechanism to be implemented, to ensure all aspects are covered?
  6. What kind of procedures need to be in place to manage fund allocation to successful applicants, if there are two entities providing the funding?
  7. What costs would be involved in creating such a collaboration between two entities as well as overhead expected to run this collaborative model?
  8. In case you or your organization has knowledge and expertise in working in a hybrid model, how does your organization manage the staffing and set up when collaborating in a hybrid mechanism like this (intermediary role)?
  9. Do you have experience in any grantmaking programs where you received guidance or input from stakeholders interested in the outcomes of the process? What did that look like?  What engagement level and consultation processes did you have in place, and what types of issues were stakeholder providing input on? (If you answered ‘no’, please ignore questions 10)
  10. In a hybrid model, what methods and consultation processes have you found effective for tracking community / stakeholder input and determining the subsequent impact of that input?
  11. What kind of processes and procedures would you like to see established to ensure that collaboration with a third party would meet all legal and fiduciary requirements?
  12. Do you have recommendations or suggestions for the selection criteria ICANN should use for choosing the right charitable organization to partner with?
  13. Based on your response to the previous question, are you in a position to make a recommendation for which existing charitable organizations ICANN could consider partnering with, should a hybrid model be recommended?
  14. what are the different ways that responsibilities could be allocated between ICANN and a partnering external organization?  Are there certain responsibilities that are better taken on by the entity that is ultimately accountable to its mission in the distribution of funds?
  15. What is the industry standard (%) to be allocated to administrative costs for the organization partnering with ICANN? Please provide input taking into account different ways in which responsibilities could be divided between ICANN and the charitable organization.



Possible mechanism #3

A new structure would be created (e.g. ICANN foundation)

General description

A new structure would be created separate from ICANN Org which would be responsible for solicitation and evaluation of proposals, and disbursement process, in accordance with the recommendations of the CCWG.

Clarifying questions and/or questions for experts

Set up

  1. How would independence from ICANN be guaranteed, while at the same time ensuring that legal and fiduciary requirements are met and oversight is ensured?


  1. Are you aware of any examples of new structures that were created, e.g. foundation, with a limitation in funds available.



  1. What criteria would need to be established to guide the selection of location/jurisdiction to headquarter this new entity? What factors would need to be considered to avoid restrictions to delivery of funds to developing countries? Are there any locations/jurisdictions that meet the criteria you outlined as part of this question that would also allow for a rapid establishment of a new entity?


  1. In your experience, how long will it take to get a new entity set up? What would be a realistic expectation with regards to $$ to be disbursed per year, factoring in the creation of a new entity?




  1. What costs would be involved in creating such a structure as well as overhead expected to run such a structure? Staffing, financial systems, legal support, communications, reporting and monitoring (to name a few).


Running of structure

  1. What processes and procedures would need to be in place to ensure appropriate oversight by ICANN of this new entity?


Possible mechanism #4

An established entity/entities (e.g. foundation or fund) are used (ICANN would organize the oversight of processes to ensure mission and fiduciary duties are met)

General description

An established entity / entities (e.g. foundation or fund) would be responsible for solicitation and evaluation of proposals, and disbursement process, in accordance with the recommendations of the CCWG.

Clarifying questions and/or questions for experts


  1. Which process(es) could be used to determine which entity/entities are suitable?
  2. How to ensure that entity/entities goals align with that of ICANN and usage of funds?
  3. What criteria should be part of a selection process? E.g. location, access, restriction to deliver funds to developing regions/countries
  4. What would you anticipate that will be the benefits for the selected organization(s), if any?
  5. Based on your experience and responses to the previous questions, do you have any recommendations for which entity/entities could be considered for this scenario?


Oversight / enforcement / legal requirements

  1. What contracts are typically in place between an entity such as ICANN seeking to disburse funds and the organization that will handle the application and disbursement process?
  2. How to avoid duplication of oversight as presumably entity/entities will have their own oversight mechanisms in place while ICANN does so as well?
  3. What particular oversight mechanism(s) would you recommend is established for this particular set up for the entity seeking to disburse funds?
  4. Based on your experience, what tools/mechanisms should be in place for financial management, validate technical outcomes, communications, monitoring and reporting?



  1. If you are familiar with a similar set up, how are these types of external organisations typically funded? Do they do this work solely based on cost recovery, or are there additional fees that are charged to operate grant making programs for other entities?  If there are additional fees, how are those typically calculated?
