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Entry Date (E)


Target Date (T)

Action Item

Responsible Council Member


Responsible Staff member


Additional Notes

GNSO Representative to the Empowered Community Administration 



  •  ICANN Staff to communicate the selection of Heather Forrest as interim GNSO Representative to the Empowered Community Administration, to the ICANN Secretary and EC Admin 
  •  GNSO Secretariat to communicate decision by GNSO Council, confirming Heather Forrest will represent the GNSO as the Decisional Participant on the Empowered Community Administration until the end of the ICANN Annual General Meeting (ICANN63), to the ICANN Secretary. This communication will serve as the required written certification from the GNSO Chair, designating the individual who shall represent the Decisional Participant on the EC Administration.

Nathalie Peregrine

IRTP-C Change of Registrant issues in relation to implementation of the Privacy/Proxy Services Accreditation PDP recommendations




    James Bladel to bring further clarification about the nature and scope of the informal discussion group the Board requested of the GNSO to the GNSO Council mailing list.


    Council liaison to the PPSAI IRT (Darcy Southwell) to communicate Council decision to refer IRTP C Privacy / Proxy implementation issues to the PPSAI IRT. The Council liaison should direct the PPSAI IRT to the additional directives contained in the Resolved clauses here:

ICANN61 Meeting planning



  •  ICANN staff to check status of draft block schedule. If final, ICANN staff to create first draft of GNSO schedule, which should largely follow ICANN60 schedule.

Response to letter from ccNSO, ALAC and GAC re. WT5



  •  New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP WG Leadership  to draft a response to requirements for participation in WT5 transmitted by the ccNSO (letter sent to Council), ALAC (email to WG chairs), and GAC (email to WG chairs). Response to the ALAC and GAC will be sent by PDP co-chairs and response to ccNSO will be sent by Council.

Community Travel Support Consultation and questionnaire



  •  ICANN staff to recirculate Community Travel Support Consultation and and questionnaire. Seek volunteers if the Council would like to submit a Council response. Drafting team volunteers: Michele Neylon and Tatiana Tropina 
Marika Konings

Replacement of Council Liaisons due to departure of existing liaisons



  •  ICANN staff to send notice about selection of interim liaisons to relevant groups

As the topic of the role of the Council liaison is expected to be on the agenda for the January Strategic Planning Session, the Council will appoint permanent liaisons at that time. Until then, the following groups will have interim liaisons:

Protection of International Organization Names in all gTLDs PDP (Reconvened WG) – Heather Forrest

Cross-community WG on Internet Governance – Tatiana Tropina

Schedule of GNSO Council meetings for 2018




  •  Within 30 days of the AGM, ICANN Staff to prepare draft of 2018 GNSO Council meeting schedule for Council review and consideration. The proposed draft should take into account the time zone spread of the newly formed version of the Council.
  •  Heather Forrestto ensure that meeting time rotation is feasible and if not, to propose amendment or additional time to include in the rotation.

GNSO Review of the GAC Communique




  •  ICANN Staff to put ICANN60 GAC Communique into template and circulate to Council drafting team volunteers (Keith volunteered as lead, Michele, Susan, Carlos, Donna, Tatiana, Arsene, Pam and Paul volunteered to assist). 
  •  Council volunteers to draft and circulate draft prior to 20 November Motions and Documents deadline.
  •  Council to consider GNSO Review of GAC Communique at its upcoming meeting
  •  Heather Forrest, as GNSO Chair, to communicate the GNSO Review of the Abu Dhabi GAC Communiqué to the ICANN Board, with copy to the GAC Chair. 

GNSO Strategic Planning Session



  •  Council members to respond to email received from Constituency Travel re. travel for meeting
  •  Heather Forrest to share draft agenda with Council 

Seating of the 2017 / 2018 Council & election of the Chair



  •  Incoming Councilors to ensure that their Statement of Interest (SOI) is up to date.
  •  ICANN Staff to communicate the election of Heather Forrest as GNSO Chair to the ICANN Board, as well as post the results on the GNSO website
Nathalie Peregrine

Review of the Revised ICANN Procedure for Handling Whois Conflicts with Privacy Law




  •  GNSO Council, after having considered the 1 August letter from Akram Atallah and receiving a brief update from GDD on its 24 August Council meeting, should determine next steps for reviewing the Whois Procedure.
  •  Councilors to prepare response to letter sent by Akram. Michele, Heather, and Keith volunteered so far and will prepare a draft (target 11 Dec at the latest, or 20 November if possible) for Council consideration. Volunteers to date: Michele Neylon, Heather Forrest, Keith Drazek. (Keith drake sent draft motion to Council mailing list prior to Council meeting)
  •  ICANN Staff to circulate call for volunteers to establish group of Councilors to develop draft guidelines and parameters around scope, deliverables, membership, operating procedures , etc. for subsequent group that will seek to determine Council’s next steps for addressing the feedback received in relation to the public comment forum on the new and possible alternative triggers for the ICANN Procedure For Handling Whois Conflicts with Privacy Law. Target date is 11 December, the Motions and Documents deadline for the 21 December meeting.
  •  Following approval by the GNSO Council of charter for this subsequent group, Subsequent Group to determine Council’s next steps for addressing the limitations of the ICANN Procedure For Handling Whois Conflicts with Privacy Law.

ICANN Org paper on suggested incremental changes to the ICANN meeting strategy



  •  Councilors to consider preparing response to the ICANN org paper once it is published for public comment. Donna, Michele, and Carlos volunteered so far and will prepare a draft for Council consideration once the public comment period has opened. Volunteers to date: Donna Austin.
  •  Councilors to consider if substantive changes are needed for the ICANN meetings strategy.
Donna Austin

Community gTLD Change Request Process



  •  Councilors to review draft process and presentation shared by Craig Schwartz. Councilors to also socialize with their respective SG/Cs to attempt to try and come to agreement in October on which direction Council should go for this item (e.g., consistent with existing policy and can be treated as implementation, needs additional policy work via existing PDP, new PDP, GGP).

    GNSO Council Chairs to trigger discussion on the Council mailing list regarding the Community gTLD Change Request Process being developed that would enable community gTLD registry operators to request amendments to Specification 12 of their Registry Agreement, with the aim of adding this as an agenda item for the next Council meeting for a discussion point with regards to next steps.


    ICANN staff to communicate following decision to GDD staff: the Council agreed that the process as developed, and addressing GDD comments, be published for public comment. In the event that comments are received indicating the process is not consistent with existing policy the Council will reconsider the matter. Absent such comments the process will be understood as this being an implementation matter

Standing Committee on ICANN Budget and Operations 



  •  Staff to issue call for volunteers (Council members only) to identify its own plan of work and expected activities and share that with the Council. Staff to check ccNSO SOP work plan / charter as it may serve as a model. Volunteers to date: Wolf-Ulrich Knoben.
  •  ICANN staff to circulate links for public comment forum related to Draft PTI and IANA FY19 Operating Plans and Budgets ( - close date of 26 Nov) and the ICANN Reserve Fund – Public Comment on Rationale and Target Level ( - close date of 30 Nov). 
  •  ICANN staff to send message to Council list to determine if there are additional volunteers for preparing a response to either or both of the public comments. Volunteers also tasked to review the proposed charter for the Standing Committee so it can be formally considered for adoption at the upcoming Council meeting. Volunteers to date: Michele Neylon, Philippe Fouquart, Martin Silva Valent.
  •  Volunteers to circulate proposed response to open public comments re. PTI Budget and ICANN Reserve Fund to the Council list for review / non-objection
  •  Heather Forrest and ICANN Staff to attempt to re-draft possible public comment response regarding the Reserve Fund, to show Council’s awareness of the issue and to highlight comments from specific Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies.
  •  Council members to consider re-draft and indicate possible objections within the timeframe provided (less than 24 hours to meet the deadline)

Updated draft call for volunteers and charter circulated to Council for review / discussion during 1/11 meeting

Second Security, Stability, and Resiliency (SSR2) Review Team and Registration Directory Service (RDS) Review Team 




  •  Council leadership to determine what impact suspensions should have on upcoming meetings on Friday, 3 November 
  •  Council leadership to share latest draft as well as final version of SO/AC letter to the ICANN Board 
  •  ICANN staff to circulate link to public comment proceeding on the Operating Procedures for ICANN’s Specific Reviews (here: Ask for volunteers to form a drafting team to provide input on behalf of the GNSO Council. Volunteers to date: Susan Kawaguchi
  •  Heather Forrestto follow up with SO/AC leadership about next steps for SSR2-RT.
  •  ICANN Staff to circulate call for volunteers to establish group of Councilors to review SSR2-RT scoping information and skills matrix and prepare a draft response for Council consideration. Susan Kawaguchi and Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez have volunteered to date.
  •  Council leadership to explore options for discussing challenges within the SSR2-RT with the GNSO appointed members of that review team (i.e., Denise Michel, James Gannon, and Norm Ritchie).

Appointment of the next GNSO Liaison to the Governmental Advisory Committee



  •  Heather Forrest to draft letter to the GAC regarding appointment of Julf as new GNSO liaison to the GAC. Include outline of next steps and note that GNSO Council is reviewing the position and welcomes the opportunity to discuss with the GAC.
  •  ICANN staff to schedule call to allow for handover from Carlos to Julf, as well as to discuss possible improvements. Include Julf, Carlos, and Council leadership
  •  Subsequent to above action item, ICANN staff to schedule call to discuss opportunities for improvements. Include Julf, Council leadership, and GAC secretariat.
  •  Subsequent to above action item, Council leadership to brief GAC leadership during regular leadership meeting on new GAC liaison and suggestions for possible improvements to the role. Include Julf, Council leadership, GAC leadership, and GAC secretariat.
  •  SSC to consider adding formal notification of outcome of selection process for future selections so that all candidates are informed prior to or at the same time as recommendations are communicated to the GNSO Council.

Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms in all gTLDs data request



  •  ICANN policy staff to forward the RPM PDP WG’s DMPM request to the appropriate department of ICANN Organization for the requisite budget and resource approvals.
  •  RPMs PDP WG to provide follow-up report on the progress and outcomes of its DMPM request in time for the GNSO Council’s meeting scheduled for 21 December 2017, and a regular written report thereafter, at intervals of no less frequently than monthly, followed by a detailed status report on the Working Group’s view of the utility of the data collection exercise on the progress and timeline of Phase One of the PDP by ICANN61
  •  Staff to include a cost tracking update in the monthly status reports
WG beginning to work with ICANN staff to refine and detail the specific scope of the data needed, per Council request.

Cross Community Working Group on the Use of Country and Territory Names



  •  GNSO Secretariat to communicate the related resolutions (available here: to the ccNSO Council, as co-chartering organization of the CWG UCTN.
  •  Staff to communicate the related resolutions to CWG UCTN WG mailing list
  •  Heather, as co-chair of CWG UCTN,to communicate the related resolutions to SO/AC leadership and ICANN Board

GNSO members for the ICANN Accountability and Transparency (ATRT3) Review Team



  •  GNSO Secretariat to communicate resolved #1 (“The GNSO Council nominates, ranked in order: Brian Cute (RySG), Wolfgang Kleinwächter (NCSG), Stéphane Van Gelder (RySG) as its primary three candidates for the ATRT3. Furthermore, the GNSO nominates, in ranked order: Tatiana Tropina (NCSG), Michael Karanicolas (NCSG), Adetola Sogbesan (BC), Erica Varlese (RySG) to be considered for inclusion in the ATRT3 by the SO-AC Chairs should additional places be available that need to be filled.”) to the staff supporting the ATRT3.
  •  GNSO Secretariat to inform the endorsed candidates that the GNSO Council expects that if selected for the ATRT3, the applicant will represent the views of the entire GNSO community in their work on the ATRT3, and provide regular feedback as a group on the discussions taking place in the ATRT3, as well as the positions being taken by GNSO Review Team members. (to be completed after meeting with other SO/ACs to determine final Review Team membership)
  •  Staff supporting the ATRT3 and application process to send a response to those applicants who did not receive endorsement for this Review Team, thanking them for their interest and note their importance in the event an alternate is needed in the future. The response should encourage them to follow the ATRT3 work, participate in Public Comments and community discussions, and to apply for future opportunities within the GNSO Community as they arise. (to be completed after meeting with other SO/ACs to determine final Review Team membership)

Nathalie Peregrine

Revised GNSO Operating Procedures and ICANN Bylaws



  •  Staff to put forth recommendation on how Council can better consider topic and determine next steps (e.g., webinar, review red-line of GNSO Operating Procedures/ICANN Bylaws, etc.)
  •  Council to consider next steps and provide feedback on what further is needed for the discussion planned during the Council Strategic Planning Session in January 2018.

Updated Charter for the Cross Community Working Group on Internet Governance




  •  GNSO Council to review documents submitted by the CCWG-IG, including proposed revisions to the current charter.

    Staff to add topic to the agenda for 20 April meeting

  •  Councilors to work with staff to compile a list of questions to be sent to the CCWG-IG

    Topic to be added to the May Council meeting agenda either as a further discussion item or a motion on the GNSO’s next steps on this topic 


    Council to discuss and prepare motion to either express support for a new charter or withdraw as a chartering organization.


    Keith Drazek to draft a motion acknowledging the work of the CCWG IG whilst requesting that the effort be continued in a different format. 


    Motion deferred -  GNSO leadership to add this item to the Council agenda for August meeting. All Council members to provide input and proposed amendments to the motions as soon as possible so that discussion can continue on the mailing list ahead of the meeting. 


    GNSO Secretariat to communicate decision to the CCWG-IG and other Chartering Organizations, that the GNSO Council will withdraw from the CCWG-IG at the conclusion of ICANN61, with the expectation that a replacement structure is ready for approval by the Council at that time. 

Motion passed successfully during Council meeting on 24 August.

Amending Approved GNSO Policy Recommendations Relating to certain Red Cross Movement Names





 Following successful vote to reconvene the original PDP Working Group:
  •  ICANN staff to reconvene original PDP Working Group
  •  ICANN staff to post the recommendations of the reconvened PDP Working Group, and its proposed amendment(s) to its original Recommendation 5, if any for public comment for 30 days following the conclusion of the deliberations of the reconvened PDP Working Group
  •  GNSO Council to vote on final proposal following close of public comment period and receipt of input from the reconvened PDP Working Group
WG has preliminarily agreed on legal basis for protecting Red Cross names. Next step is to complete discussions and launch consensus call on the scope of the list of names. Public comment will then be initiated.

Remaining IGO/INGO PDP Recommendations - IGO Acronyms






A facilitated discussion between GAC and GNSO representatives was held at ICANN58 in Copenhagen in March 2017. There has been no significant discussion or agreement on next steps.

  •  Council to finalize response to GAC Communique from Johannesburg (June 2017) addressing this issue
  •  Staff to continue coordinating with Bruce Tonkin (Board-designated facilitator) regarding possible next steps

Thomas Rickert


Mary Wong

Discussions have been paused for the time being, while awaiting the final recommendations pertaining to IGOs from the Curative Rights PDP.

PDP Improvements




The GNSO Council directs staff to move ahead with the identified next steps including:

  •  Integrating the inclusion of the proposed PDP Charter as part of the Preliminary Issue Report
  •  Development of draft guidelines for the use and application for face-to-face facilitated PDP WG meetings for Council review and adoption,


Marika Konings

Updated GNSO Operating Guidelines have been published reflecting the inclusion of proposed PDP Charter as part of the Preliminary Issue Report. Comments may be submitted until 10 August 2017 (see
