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Claudia Ruiz:Welcome to the EURALO Monthly TeleconferenceTuesday, 21 November 2017

  Claudia Ruiz:

  Claudia Ruiz:Welcome Danko

  Claudia Ruiz:Welcome Yrjo Lansipuro

  Claudia Ruiz:Hello Andrei

  Yrjö Länsipuro:Hello Claudia and all

  Silvia Vivanco:Hello all

  Silvia Vivanco:welcome

  Claudia Ruiz:Welcome Wale

  Wale Bakare:Hi, Claudia

  Wale Bakare:Thank you

  Claudia Ruiz:Welcome Christopher

  Bastiaan Goslings:Just to confirm: how long is this call scheduled for? I have 60min in  my agenda...

  Gisella Gruber:Bastiann - 90 minutes

  Christopher Wilkinson:Where are they? Recovering from Abu Dhabi overload…

  Bastiaan Goslings:@Gisella: thx, I copy/pasted from 14-11 message which says 60min

  Bastiaan Goslings:We'll see ;-)

  Tatiana Tropina:Hi all - sorry for being late.

  Christopher Wilkinson:Olivier: we need a short point about geo-names: WT5 participants, ALAC RALO delegates, mentoring of new members etc.

  Tatiana Tropina:Oh really - you don't want to add WT% in the hot topic doc??

  Tatiana Tropina:WT5 sorry

  Tatiana Tropina:This is going to be a very hot topic in 2018

  Silvia Vivanco:Action Items completed:

  Silvia Vivanco:Wale SOI:

  Silvia Vivanco:

  Wale Bakare:Vice-chair Individual Users till October 2017, but now board member

  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome to your new role Wale

  Wale Bakare:Thanks, Silvia

  Claudia Ruiz:Welcome Jean

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Hello All, sorry for being 14 minutes late!

  Heidi Ullrich:Many thanks for all of your hard work - and successes! Great job, Wolf!

  Wale Bakare:Thank you Wolf

  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you VERY MUCH for your great leadership Wolf!

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Gratitude to Wolf, welcome to 'Wale!

  Tatiana Tropina:Thank you very much Wolf. You have done so much for EURALO and for IG community in general - and you continue doing it.

  Erich Schweighofer:Danke für deine langjährige Arbiet, Wolf!

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:ACCLAMATION!!!!

  Matthias Hudobnik:Vielen Dank lieber Wolf!!!

  Wolf Ludwig:Thanks -- I am touched by your compliments!

  Heidi Ullrich:Hoch soll er Leben!! :)

  Claudia Ruiz:Welcome Sebastien

  Sebastien (ALAC):Sorry to be late

  Tatiana Tropina:oi

  Christopher Wilkinson:About PDP WT4 (goe-names) it would help me as ALAC 'co-lead' to know which EURALO members have joined the WT5 and have views about protection and use of geographical names(terms/indications etc. Please send me an e-mail.

  Christopher Wilkinson:that is WT5

  Silvia Vivanco:At-Large Policy Advice Development Page:

  Claudia Ruiz:Welcome Anne Marie Joly

  Christopher Wilkinson:Silvia:

  Christopher Wilkinson:What happened after the ALAC postion was Adopted?

  Tatiana Tropina:Who's drafting jurisdiction comment at ALAC?

  Wolf Ludwig:Cannot hear him!

  Tatiana Tropina:chance? it'sa thankless work. Ok I take this over.

  Christopher Wilkinson:@Tatania: I have followed the Jurisdiction WG, and have most of the documents, but I am NOT voluntteering to hold the pen?

  Gisella Gruber:@ Sebastien - we are dialling out to you

  Erich Schweighofer:I may participate in drafting a document.

  Bastiaan Goslings:that sounds better, SeB]

  Tatiana Tropina:That was Sebastian :D

  Tatiana Tropina:No no I didn't lead jurisdiction but agree that I can't be the main penholder for Jurisdiction as I have very strong opinions

  Tatiana Tropina:this is why I was asking who's drafting on ALAC side

  Sebastien (ALAC):I know Tatiana

  Tatiana Tropina:I can't draft Ombudsman as well because I have too many things to say and Sebastien will hate me :)

  Bastiaan Goslings:I don't know what status is re ALAC drafting a statement/comment on Jurisdiction work. I can raise this tomorrow @ALAC LT call.

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Staff, could you please provide on screen the link to the topic Olivier just mentioned?

  Sebastien (ALAC):I will not Tatiana

  Tatiana Tropina:Bastiaan, ok - right - (and Olivier) - I defintely can join

  Bastiaan Goslings:@Erich I would not mind helping to drfat something

  Wale Bakare:the reserve funds is somehow in connection with AP Fund

  Sebastien (ALAC):

  Tatiana Tropina:Awesome. Bastian I can join you

  Sebastien (ALAC):Yes Wale but not this time

  Tatiana Tropina:I mean at some stage

  Erich Schweighofer:Yes, I will participate.

  Tatiana Tropina:Cool.

  Tatiana Tropina:we keep losing people :-)

  Bastiaan Goslings:we're SO cool

  Tatiana Tropina:Bastiaan, we are beyond cool - we are almost unimaginable.

  Christopher Wilkinson:Jurisdiction: lthe public consulatation is at:

  Wale Bakare:The level of reserve funds required is 12 months ICANN operation

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:@Erich: "Yes, I will participate." --- in what process/consultation?

  Wale Bakare:maybe between $95 - $100

  Wale Bakare:million

  Erich Schweighofer:jurisdiction consultation

  Bastiaan Goslings:@Erich: nice one!

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Olivier, it was about fund.

  Silvia Vivanco:Please when you volunteer to hold the pen or contribute, kindly indicate the Public consultation title

  Bastiaan Goslings:I agree, Olivier

  Bastiaan Goslings:question was though what the ALAC was doing

  Sebastien (ALAC):@Bastiaan I will say for the moment nothing

  Tatiana Tropina::D

  Bastiaan Goslings:for the moment? ;-)

  Tatiana Tropina::D :D :D

  Sebastien (ALAC):because all the "usual" pen holder are already part of the work done by the ccwg WS2

  Wale Bakare:would that require a new mechanism(s) for accessing and sharing of individual's private data

  Wale Bakare:?

  Silvia Vivanco:ALAC Subcommittee on Finance and Budget:

  Silvia Vivanco:The ALAC Subcommittee on Finance and Budget (FSBC) is tasked with preparing statements and requests related to ALAC strategy and finance. The FSBC is a diverse group geographically, which requires at least one member from the ALAC representing an Regional At-Large Organisation (RALO), and at least two At-Large members from each RALO.All FBSC calls are open to observers, but membership of the working group is closed. Only RALOs may nominate members to the FBSC, upon request of the Chair of the FBSC.

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Sébastien, your audio is weak.

  Bastiaan Goslings:Sorry SeB - I did not get that

  Silvia Vivanco:ALAC Subcommittee on Appointee Selection:

  Bastiaan Goslings:But I am fine being the FBSC ALAC meber from EURALO - just to confirm

  Sebastien (ALAC):I confirm that you Bastiann are the ALAC rep to the FBSC

  Bastiaan Goslings:Wunderbar

  Bastiaan Goslings:;-)

  Sebastien (ALAC):and that I will participate also

  Bastiaan Goslings:Execellent

  Sebastien (ALAC):and I would like to add to the responsability of the FBSC - reserve fund

  Silvia Vivanco:CROP RT members:

  annette:As we seem not to have enough items on the agenda :-) , if the IGF 2019 takes place in Germany, I am happy to help to prepare with all of you EURALO issues for this IGF   

  Silvia Vivanco:EURALO Board 2017-2019 :

  Silvia Vivanco:Current EURALO Board members:

  Wale Bakare:That's a welcome news, @Annette.

  Silvia Vivanco:

  Claudia Ruiz:

  Silvia Vivanco:email by Jean Jacques Subrenant

  annette::-) @ Wale

  annette:agree with Yrjö

  Erich Schweighofer:+1 Yrjö

  Bastiaan Goslings:I am in the middle here

  Bastiaan Goslings:JJ's proposal makes sense to me

  Bastiaan Goslings:But if Yrjo says that the work -in the current board- is evenly distributed....

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Bastiaan and All: it's true that my proposal was some time ago, about the Board of some time ago...

  Erich Schweighofer:informal distribution is working

  Wolf Ludwig:Sorry -- I have another appointment and need to leave this call. Good bye and evening to all!

  Erich Schweighofer:servusi, Woflgang.

  annette:thank you wolf for everything!

  Bastiaan Goslings:thanks, Wolf - take care

  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you Wolf!

  Silvia Vivanco:Staff will send a call for nominations in coordination with OLivier and Wale

  Silvia Vivanco:EURALO monthly reports:

  Silvia Vivanco:RIPE- EURALO MOU page:

  Silvia Vivanco:RIPE MOU signature, pictures and text is documented in the wiki page above

  Wale Bakare:You can read the previous monthly reports from that link and also, members will get each monthly report posted in mailing list

  Silvia Vivanco:EURALO hot topics:

  Silvia Vivanco:We can add the Hot topics to the RALO Secretariats meeting

  Silvia Vivanco:NARALO, AFRALO, APRALO are working on their Hot topics

  Silvia Vivanco:At-Large Outreach activities at IGF 2017 Geneva:

  Silvia Vivanco:For all details on IGF preparations see the wiki page posted above

  Tatiana Tropina:Me.

  Wale Bakare:Booth

  Bastiaan Goslings:Staff: I will be  @IGF

  annette:planning to attend

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:I am preparing to attend IGF Geneva.

  Erich Schweighofer:I also plan to attend.

  annette:still need hotel :-(

  Heidi Ullrich:Adaptors

  Tatiana Tropina:Oh adaptors are brilliant.

  Fotjon Kosta:i planning to attend but needs fundings :(

  Tatiana Tropina:Can I grab one?

  Heidi Ullrich:Please put your workshops on the workspace

  Heidi Ullrich:and list if you will be participating

  Wale Bakare:At-Large materials to handout - 1) Adapter 2) Pin to attach to cloth

  Heidi Ullrich:Also, if you are oging, PLEASE register and bring your picture ID to the venue each day

  Matthias Hudobnik:i am planning to attend as well :-)

  Bastiaan Goslings:a great, another mailing-list

  Tatiana Tropina:that is very convincing - please be so kind to add me to the "going to IGF" list :-)

  Tatiana Tropina:(that was an official request - I am attending IGF)

  Bastiaan Goslings:You have my permission

  Silvia Vivanco:FY19 ABR wiki:

  Silvia Vivanco:displayed on screen

  Silvia Vivanco:more details will be added

  Silvia Vivanco:Kick off and Submission Period is 15/12/2017

  Wale Bakare:@Silvia, did you mean deadline is 15/12/2017?

  Silvia Vivanco:the start as stated in the wiki is 15-12

  Silvia Vivanco:the end is not specified yet, the timeline will be completed shortly

  Tatiana Tropina:I am represented at Studienkreis

  Tatiana Tropina:you mean that EURALO chair is not represented, right? :-)

  Sebastien (ALAC):Not civil society but END USERS!!!!

  Wale Bakare:Geo-names?

  Tatiana Tropina:Sebastien, er, am a EURALO member. You gotta argue that am not a valuable end user for your dear EURALO?

  Sebastien (ALAC):Yes you are Tatiana, but it is long discussion

  Tatiana Tropina:And BTW Sandra is represented at Studienkreis, so EURALO is quite represented ;-)

  Matthias Hudobnik:Staff, please can you add me to the EURALO IGF mailinglist aswell thx :-)!

  Sebastien (ALAC):about why staff is pushing for CS and not EU

  Yrjö Länsipuro:I have been on many Studienkreis meetings, too...

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Christopher, yes, and the overall conclusion was ''let's not rock the boat'' ?

  Tatiana Tropina:Yeah see - we are there!

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:Sandra is an organiser so not really able to push end user agenda

  Tatiana Tropina:What kid of end user agenda are you going to push at Studienkreis, if I may ask? It's a discussion venue.

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:end user perspective

  Tatiana Tropina:ah.

  Sebastien (ALAC):@staff please can you add me on the mailing list as I intend to participate to IGF in GVA. Thanks

  Silvia Vivanco:

  Tatiana Tropina:ALAC has no position as members have different positions

  Silvia Vivanco:wiki with records of the last call above

  Tatiana Tropina:If EURALO is going to push for any protection - I can definitely say that EURALO has no united position

  Bastiaan Goslings:@Tatiana: indeed, no consensus/shared position

  Tatiana Tropina:They are hot topic, Olivier

  Bastiaan Goslings:I agree, tatiana

  Tatiana Tropina:there are some European ccTLDs that are asking questions about geo names protection

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Olivier, we could/should take a position, such as obliging us to consider a European participant to be considered as being in the Asia-Pacific region!

  Tatiana Tropina:Olivier you are a bit not aware

  Danko Jevtović:I have to go, thanks all

  annette:sorry, i have to leave, all the best!

  Tatiana Tropina:I am a member of WT5 but I am there as NCSG member as  we have a particular position and am not sure it's aligned with EURALO or ALAC (for the absense of thereof)

  Bastiaan Goslings:a (co)chair of a WT is not meant to have a poistion per se her/himself right?

  Tatiana Tropina:thanks all -- long long call. Bye.

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Bye all!

  Erich Schweighofer:Servus from Vienna, Bye all. Next time hopefully shorter.

  Fotjon Kosta:thank you  to all so much, Bye Bye all

  Wale Bakare:Thanks, bye all!

  Silvia Vivanco:Servus Erich!

  Bastiaan Goslings:Thanks, folks

  Yrjö Länsipuro:Bye bye!

  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all!

  Gisella Gruber:Thank you all! Good evening/night

  Matthias Hudobnik:bye bye from graz :-)

  Silvia Vivanco:Have a nice evening in Europe :)

  Silvia Vivanco:Tchuss Matthias :)!