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There will be a CCWG New gTLD Auction Proceeds call which will be held on Thursday, 08 February 2018 at 14:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

06:00 PST, 09:00 EST, 14:00 London GMT, 15:00 Paris CET

For other times:[]



  1. Roll Call
  2. Welcome / DOI & SOI updates
  3. Finalization of letter for external experts (see latest version attached)
  4. Review of response of Board Liaisons (see
  5. Confirm next steps & date for next meeting (Thursday 22 February at 14.00 UTC)


Review of Board Response - 5 February 2018

Letter to external experts - updated 5 February 2018

Details and proposed approach for dealing with external experts - upd­ 7 February 2018.docx



Adobe Connect Recording



Attendance & AC Chat

Apologies: Elliot Noss, Mei Lin, Sylvia Cadena, John Levine, Erika Mann, Joke Braeken (staff)


Notes/ Action Items


Notes & Action Items – new gTLD Auction Proceeds CCWG Meeting of Thursday 8 February 2018

 These high-level notes are designed to help the CCWG navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki at:


  1. Roll Call
  • Attendance will be taken from Adobe Connect
  • Please remember to mute your phones/microphones when not speaking and state your name when speaking for transcription purposes


  1. Welcome / DOI & SOI updates
  • Please remember to keep your SOIs & DOIs up to date


  1. Finalization of letter for external experts
  • See letter that was circulated to the mailing list which aimed to incorporate the edits and suggestions shared on the previous call and on the mailing list.
  • Conflict of interest declaration: different approaches in non-American countries. May be worth explaining in further detail what it means in practice.
  • Request respondents to provide responses prior to Puerto Rico meeting, recognising that this might be tight. See whether any of the organizations linked to ICANN might be attending and could participate in the ICANN61 session.
  • CCWG should indicate where personal contacts exist as that could facilitate getting a response and allow for appropriate follow up.


Action item #1: CCWG - any further input on the questions or letter to experts needs to be provided by the end of this week.

Action item #2: CCWG to review organizations and identify where people have direct contacts which may facilitate getting a response.

Action item #3: Staff to send out letter to external experts as soon as possible (target early next week).


  1. Review of response of Board Liaisons
  • See response received from Board liaisons:[]
  • Letter should be seen as a constructive contribution to the CCWG's deliberations.
  • Important that proceeds are spent in line with ICANN's mission and values.
  • Some concerns regarding the preamble and the concept of 'open and interoperable internet' - may be worth reviewing again and ensuring that there is no confusion.
  • Important that examples do not raise any false expectations - make clear that these are not agreed projects.
  • May need to be clearer what examples would not be eligible.
  • Staff developed template that may assist the CCWG review the letter and determine what changes if any need to be made to current CCWG documents (preamble & examples).
  • Consider encouraging the Board liaisons to provide concrete suggestions for changes to either preamble and/or examples.
  • Further consider board input during next meeting. Possibly task a small drafting team to use the template as a basis for further review / discussion.


Action item #4: CCWG to review Board letter and start considering possible responses / ways to address input received.


5. Confirm next steps & date for next meeting (Thursday 22 February at 14.00 UTC)