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ICANN57 306/11COMPLETED311Councillors to continue deliberations on the mailing list with a view toward Council action at ICANN57 in Hyderabad have been circulated and are expected to be 13 October meeting


  • Staff to convene volunteer group (comprising Councilors and interested community members) to synthesize coordinated response to the Board, based on WG & SG/C responses received (COMPLETED)
  • Volunteer group to present proposed response to Council for adoption on 13 October, with goal to transmit response to Board before ICANN57 in Hyderabad (COMPLETED)1310Council to continue discussion, including on mailing list, with a view toward considering adoption of a finalized Charter at ICANN57 in Hyderabad


    Entry Date

    Target Date

    Responsible Council Member (if applicable)

    Responsible Staff member (if applicable)

    Additional Notes

    Status / Action Item

    ICANN58 Meeting Planning


    James Bladel, Heather Forrest, Donna Austin

    Glen de Saint Gery / Marika Konings 

    Council leadership to work with staff to kick this off early.

    Outstanding IGO/INGO PDP Recommendations26/614/4Thomas RickertMary WongIn June 2014, the NGPC wrote to the GNSO Council 'with an update on the ongoing work in response to the GNSO policy recommendations regarding Protection of IGO-INGO Identifiers in All gTLDs and the advice from the GAC in its Buenos Aires Communiqué addressing the same topic'. Furthermore the letter noted that 'the NGPC is considering available options to reconcile the differences at issue, including recommending that the ICANN Board reject the conflicting GNSO policy advice (pursuant to the procedure established in the Bylaws). However, before the NGPC recommends any course of action, the NGPC wanted to provide an update to the GNSO to highlight the concerns, and to give the GNSO an opportunity to consider modifying the elements of the approved policy recommendations in accordance with the procedure established in the GNSO Operating Procedures'.

    Letter received from Cherine Chalaby ( noting that the NGPC plans to talk further with the GAC and IGOs at ICANN 52 and would share any updates immediately following those meetings.

    At ICANN55, representatives of the Red Cross met with the GNSO Council leadership to discuss possible next steps. The Red Cross representatives briefed the Council during the meeting on 14 April on the scope of the Red Cross’ continuing request for permanent protections for those of its national society and international movement identifiers that are not currently covered by the policy recommendations that have been adopted by the GNSO Council and the ICANN Board. Following this briefing, a draft letter has been prepared to be sent to the ICANN Board on this topic.

    This topic was further discussed during the GNSO meeting with individual board members in Helsinki. Specific action items coming out of that meeting:

    • Board – develop decision tree regarding IGO/INGO, which includes consideration of curative rights
    • Staff – send IGO/INGO/RCRC comparison chart to Board

    On 22 August, a note was received from Chris Disspain on this topic (see

    Councilors to send comments on Chris’ note via email to the Council list

    • A small group of volunteer Councilors to prepare draft response to the Board, for circulation before ICANN57
    • Discussions to continue, including with the Board at ICANN57
      • Council to finalize response to Board letter on IGO/Red Cross protections (note: this may be covered by the Council’s response to the GAC Communique)
    CWG on Internet Governance12/51/12Carlos Gutierrez  

    The GNSO Secretariat to communicate the resolution adopted at ICANN57 to the CWG-IG Chairs as well as the other Chartering Organizations.

    PDP Improvements30/6  Marika Konings 

    The GNSO Council directs staff to move ahead with the identified next steps including:

    • integrating the inclusion of the proposed PDP Charter as part of the Preliminary Issue Report;
    • development of draft guidelines for the use and application for face-to-face facilitated PDP WG meetings for Council review and adoption, and;
    • developing a survey to assess the familiarity that the community has with the different newcomer and training tools as well as their perceived usefulness (COMPLETED) - Survey results
    • were reviewed during
    • meeting at ICANN57 and staff will move forward with the implementation of the recommendations.
    Next Steps on Proposed Modifications to the Procedure to Address WHOIS Conflicts with National Law21/72915/912   

    Discussions to continue with Stephanie and other interested Councilors as well as affected parties (e.g. Registries, Registrars) to discuss path forward and rework motion language

    ICANN Board Letter on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures1/929/9Leadership TeamSteve Chan 

    Liaisons to IRTs1/99/11   Continue discussion on the mailing list – note volunteer that has come forward for T & T IRT (Amr) as well as suggestion that appointments be made at a time when incoming Councilors will be known and thus eligible to volunteer
    Proposed Final Framework for Future Cross Community Working Groups29/913/10 Mary Wong 


    • Deferred to 13 October Council meeting
    • Staff to circulate Final Framework to Council list for discussion (COMPLETED)



    • Translation & Transliteration of gTLD Contact Data IRT – Amr Elsadr
    • IRTP-C & IRTP-D IRT – Rubens Kuhl
    • Privacy/Proxy Services Accreditation Issues IRT – Darcy Southwell
    • GNSO Review Working Group – Rafik Dammak
    Proposed Draft Charter for a New Cross Community Working Group concerning Auction Proceeds from the 2012 New gTLD Program29/915/12 Marika Konings 

    GNSO SG to identify GNSO appointed members for CCWG by 15 December (one member per SG) as well as candidates for a GNSO Co-Chair of the CCWG.

    Approval of Appointment of an Interim GNSO Representative to the Empowered Community Administration29/9  Julie Hedlund / Glen de Saint Gery 
    • Three months after completion and adoption of DT report, GNSO to finalize decision on appointment of GNSO representative to the EC Administration
    GNSO Review of the GAC Communique7/1115/12Heather Forrest, Stephanie Perrin, Phil Corwin, Carlos Gutierrez, Paul McGrady, Michele Neylon  Develop draft response to GAC Communique for GNSO Council review and approval.
    Selection of GNSO representatives to SSR RT7/1115/12   
    • James to circulate timeline (suggested date for confirmation: 15 December)
    • Council and SG/C leaders to consider Standing Committee selection process going forward (note Susan and Ed had volunteered previously to create an initial proposal for Council consideration)
    GNSO Liaison to the GAC7/111/12 Glen de Saint Gery GNSO Secretariat to confirm appointment to GAC Secretariat
    Consensus recommendations of the GNSO Bylaws DT7/111/12   Councilors to confer with SG/Cs so that a vote on an acceptable approach can be taken at the 1 December 2016 Council meeting
    ICANN Board Letter regarding policy implications of the Final Report of the Internationalised Registration Data (IRD) Expert Working Group7/111/12 Marika Konings 

    Council to draft response to Board letter taking note from Jim Galvin into account and noting that the recommendations are complementary rather than in conflict

    Proposed limited scope for WHOIS Review Team 27/111/12James Bladel  Council to review and provide feedback on the proposed limited scope for the upcoming Whois Review