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Status / Action Item

Dublin Meeting Planning

Develop the proposed agenda for GNSO weekend session in Dublin


Volker Greimann / Jonathan Robinson

Glen de Saint Gery / Marika Konings 

Councillors to confirm or suggest possible subjects for discussion for GNSO meetings with:

  • GDD
  • Theresa Swinehart
  • Fadi Chehade
  • The ICANN board
  • The GAC

Council Induction and Development session 

Arrange for a facilitator for the Council Development and Induction session in Dublin on Friday 23 October 2015. (COMPLETED - Thomas Rickert has indicated he is willing and available to serve as a facilitator for this session)

CWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability13/1123/7Thomas RickertMarika Konings 

Keep the Council regularly informed of developments in the CWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability. Councilors to take on the responsibility to keep their groups informed. For further information, see

Encourage GNSO SG and C’s to review the notes from the Paris meeting.  

 Encourage GNSO SG and C’s to provide input to the public comment forum once it opens.

SSAC Liaison to GNSO Council / GNSO Council liaison to the SSACBA wrap up session Jonathan RobinsonJulie Hedlund 


Jonathan to explore with Patrik Falstrom the options for a SSAC liaison to the GNSO and/or visa versa.

Issues for the SCI - voting thresholds6/6 Avri Doria / Alan GreenbergMarika Konings 


Alan and Avri volunteered to scope out the issue of voting thresholds in relation to implementation changes to adopted PDP recommendations for Council review. The Council will consider at a future meeting whether or not to refer this item to the SCI for further review.

Outstanding IGO/INGO PDP Recommendations26/623/7Thomas RickertMary WongIn June 2014, the NGPC wrote to the GNSO Council 'with an update on the ongoing work in response to the GNSO policy recommendations regarding Protection of IGO-INGO Identifiers in All gTLDs and the advice from the GAC in its Buenos Aires Communiqué addressing the same topic'. Furthermore the letter noted that 'the NGPC is considering available options to reconcile the differences at issue, including recommending that the ICANN Board reject the conflicting GNSO policy advice (pursuant to the procedure established in the Bylaws). However, before the NGPC recommends any course of action, the NGPC wanted to provide an update to the GNSO to highlight the concerns, and to give the GNSO an opportunity to consider modifying the elements of the approved policy recommendations in accordance with the procedure established in the GNSO Operating Procedures'.Letter received from Cherine Chalaby ( noting that the NGPC plans to talk further with the GAC and IGOs at ICANN 52 and would share any updates immediately following those meetings.




GAC Communique13/113/9Volker GreimannMarika KoningsDuring the GNSO Council Development Session in Los Angeles, the Council discussed a proposal for dealing with GAC advice:

The timing of GAC Advice and how that fits into the policy making cycle as current cycle is problematic as GAC advice is developed in parallel to policy making efforts going on as well as during discussions at ICANN meetings. GAC Advice is often a mixture of policy and implementation, which should be reviewed and parsed by the GNSO since otherwise, it draws the Board into implementation. Typically, the GNSO never responds to the GAC Advice. A possible approach is for the community (led by the Council) to separate GAC Advice into issues of policy and implementation and then to come up with a GNSO response. Consideration of this approach could be a topic for discussion at the first GNSO Council meeting after an ICANN meeting. Policy advice could be further broken down into “in scope” and “out of scope” topics for ICANN policy and thereafter, what, if anything, the GNSO plans to undertake to address policy topics identified. This approach will permit the Board to then go back to the GAC to indicate what policy issues are being worked on. Dealing with the communiqué is a suggested topic for discussion in the joint GAC-GNSO meeting during ICANN 52. The Council had an initial exchange of views on this topic during its meeting on 13/11.

  • COMPLETED: GNSO Council Chair to communicate the GNSO Review of Buenos Aires GAC Communiqué to the ICANN Board
  • COMPLETED: GNSO Council Chair to inform the GAC Chair as well as the GAC-GNSO Consultation Group of the communication between the GNSO Council and the ICANN Board. 
CWG on Use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs21/53/9Heather ForrestLars Hoffmann 

COMPLETED - letter has been sent to GAC Chair (see

Preliminary Issue Report on gTLD Registration Data Services20/63/9 Marika Konings 

COMPLETED - Encourage GNSO SG  & C’s to provide input to the public comment forum (deadline for comments is 6 September - see

SSAC20/63/9 Julie Hedlund / Steve Chan COMPLETED - See message sent by Julie Hedlund to the GNSO Council mailing list to determine the linkage for New gTLD Work between SSAC and other groups
GNSO Liaison to the GAC24/63/9Mason ColeMarika Konings 

Diarize a timely review date for the function of GNSO Liaison to the Governmental Advisory Committee (All)

Key dates for consideration: (Staff)

  • Budget cycle in which to apply for future funding for the next year's funding.
  • Set a date by which to review the function

GNSO Council Chair Election23/73/9Jonathan RobinsonGlen de Saint Gery 

COMPLETED: Publish the proposed GNSO Chair Election Timetable.

COMPLETED: Place on agenda for formal consideration and approval at September Council meeting.

Appointment of experts for Review of IDN Guidelines WG23/73/9Jonathan RobinsonMary WongAppointment of three experts from the GNSO to join new Working Group to review IDN Guidelines: (due 3 August 2015)COMPLETED: GNSO Council Chair to follow up in writing with Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies. Councilors to work with Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies seeking suggested names of experts.
Facilitated PDP WG face-to-face meeting at ICANN5423/73/9Jonathan RobinsonMary Wong COMPLETED: GNSO Council Chair to communicate to the Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues PDP working group that, based on the analysis by staff, the working group would benefit from a face to face meeting in Dublin and ask for confirmation that the working group would like to take up the offer.
Collaboration with IETF23/73/9Avri Doria The Council discussed possible Council action regarding IETF proposed standard for .onion as a Special Use Domain Name: (due 11 August 2015)Council needs to consider whether there is scope for future co-operation between the GNSO Council and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
Curative Rights Protection for IGOs and INGOs23/73/9Phil CorwinMary WongPhillip Corwin, co-chair of the GNSO working group on Curative Rights Protection for IGOs and INGO brought to the Council’s attention the letter sent by the OECD Secretary-General to ICANN’s CEO Fadi Chehade. WG chair’s concern on the process and substance of the letter is noted by the Council. Phillip Corwin to report back to the Council at or before the next Council meeting