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Question / RequestWhoDateStatusResponse

"As discussed we will be sending our next draft documents for your review on Friday the 24th so you will then have the weekend to read and suggest edits, hopefully sending the drafts back to us on the 27th before the freeze on the 28th."

Leon Sanchez Certified request with counsel 

Counsel to provide a short response (in the form of bullet points rather than a memo) to the ARIN legal assessment.


Co-Chairs  Certified request with counsel – complete 
 Request to review August webinars' FAQ  Q&A Webinar - Draft - 31 Aug.docx 
 Request to review Jones Day Analysis  Jones Day Analysis 
 Review of Jones Day Analysis from Sidley & Adler  ICANN CCWG JD Analysis September 3, 3.45pm.pdf 
 High Level Review of Jones Day Analysis from Sidley & Adler  ICANN CCWG Memo_ High Level Review of Jones Day Impact Analysis.pdf 
 Responses to three questions from 7 August webinar  ICANN Memo_ Responses to Questions Certified on August 11, 2015.pdf 
 Request to provide legal advice on questions asked during 7 August webinar  7 Aug webinar Qs .docx 
    Counsel edits to Glossary (August 1) (00700980xA3536).pdf 
    Memo_ ICANN Human Rights Obligations.pdf 
    A C Comments to XPLANE Visual Summary 7-29-15 (00699965xA3536).pdf 
    Chart of Mandatory Statutory Member Rights Relevant to CMSM (00700152xA3536).pdf 
    Lawyers Comments on Executive Summary-209405333-v3.pdf 
     Change-Pro Redline - Lawyers Comments on Executive Summary-209405333-v1 .pdf 
     Lawyer Comments on 4 IRP (July 28 Checklist)-209401304-v3.pdf 
     Change-Pro Redline - Lawyer Comments on 28 July IRP Checklist-209401304- .pdf 
     Lawyers Comments 5A-Community-Mechanism-209402225-v4.pdf 
       Change-Pro Redline - 5A-Community-Mechanism-Descr-FinalDraft msah-209402 .pdf 
     Lawyers Comments_ 5A2-Community-Mechanism-Voting-PenultimateDraft (0069 .pdf 
     Lawyers Comments_ 5B1 Comm-Power-BudgetAndPlans.pdf 
    Glossary - w- terminology correction (00699865xA3536).pdf 
    Section 2 Accountability Mechanisms.pdf 
     Section 2 SO-AC Accountability.pdf 
     Section 3B Fundamental Bylaws.pdf 
     Section 4.2 Reconsideration Process Enhancement.pdf 
     Section 5A Community Mechanism.pdf 
     Section 7-8 Stress Tests.pdf 
     Section 9 Items for WS2.pdf 
     Section 10 Implementation.pdf 
     CCWG Proposal_Visual Summary_01e-209330009-v4.pdf 
 Request on 19 July for Counsel to provide a redline of the Board recall chapter (5B.4) for WP1. Attendance on WP1 call as well.Jordan Carter Certified request with counsel Community Power 5.6- Recalling ICANN Board.pdf 
  No request made or certified for this review Fulfillment of Requirements_Sidley.docx 
 Options for Board Replacement in the Event of Full Board Recall, presented face-to-face meeting, Paris  Options for Board Replacement in the Event of Full Board Recall 
 Revised Description and Comparison of Empowered SO/AC Membership and Designators Models, presented face-to-face meeting, Paris  Revised_  Empowered SO_AC Membership & Designator Models with CM as Sole 

Description and Comparison of Empowered SO/AC Membership and Designators Models

Slides presented on 7 July


Description and Comparison of _Empowered SO_AC Membership and Designator....pdf

Description and Comparison of _Empowered SO_AC Membership and Designator....pptx

(info) This is a follow-up to request #42(Response to the two follow-up questions concerning unincorporated associations) Received on  Responses to Two Follow-up UA Questions 
From this point forward, there is no public archive for tracking of requests. Work received is tracked based on when it is posted to the CCWG-ACCT mailing list.
(info) This is a follow-up to request #31Request on 30 April to answer Samantha Eisner's questions: Sanchez (tick) Received on  (see email here)Executive Summary to Member Rights Memorandum
42Request on 11 June for responses to Jorge Cancio and Damien Coudeville: Shatan(tick) Received on  (see email here)Responses to Two Questions Concerning Unincorporated Associations 
(info) This is a follow-up to request #41Request on  CCWG Leadership and Lawyers (5 June) to provide a Legal Assessment: Executive Summary & Chart, Designator, Member, and Voluntary ModelRequested during CCWG Leadership and Lawyers (5 June)(tick) Received on  (see email here )Updated Legal Assessment: Revised Summary Chart and Governance Chart
41Request on CCWG Leadership and Lawyers (5 June) to provide a Legal Assessment:  Executive Summary & Chart, Designator, Member, and Voluntary ModelRequested during CCWG Leadership and Lawyers (5 June)(tick) Received on  (see email here)  Legal Assessment: Revised Summary Chart and Governance Chart
40Request on CCWG Leadership and Lawyers (5 June) for responses to questions from the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC)Requested during CCWG Leadership and Lawyers (5 June)(tick) Received on  (see email here)Responses to CCWG GAC Questions 
39Request on CCWG Leadership and Lawyers (5 June) call to catalogue issues requested on CCWG callRequested during CCWG Leadership and Lawyers (5 June)(tick) Received on   (see email here)Cataloging of Issues - Enforceability and Unincorporated Associations
38(comments on a UA document)(error) This work was not requested.

(tick) Received on  (see email here)

37Request on 13 May for consideration and response of Rafael Perez Galindo's questions: Shatan(tick) Received on  (see email here)Responses to Pérez on Unincorporated Associations
36Request on 11 May for response to a question on Swiss law: Sanchez(error) Request put on hold due to opposition on list: answers provided in email here 
Following the release of the Initial Draft Report in May 2015, the Legal Subteam was disbanded and the relationship with the law firms was redesigned: the CCWG-Accountability Chairs, not the Legal Subteam, would have direct contact with the firms and certify requests from the group. This new method of engagement allows for more direct consultation between the leadership and the law firms while at the same time allowing for better staff-supported costs tracking. 
35(Legal counsel's comments on CCWG proposal version 10 with redline track changes)(question) Requested by ?(tick) Received on  (see email here)

Legal Team Comments on v10 Proposal clean

Legal Team Comments on v10 Proposal redline changes

Updated comments on CCWG proposal v10

34Request on 2 May for an updated memo on UAs: Carter(tick) Received on  (see email here)Revised memo on unincorporated associations
33(Legal counsel's comments on the XPLANE presentation – Legal SubTeam Meeting #14 (29 April))(question) Requested by ?Received on  (see email here)Comments to the 1XPL CCWG Illustrated Concepts 
32Request on 1 May for a call to clarify role of UAs: SanchezReceived on  (see email here) and call notes at Legal SubTeam Meeting #15 (1 May).Sidley attendees: Miles Fuller, Sharon Flanagan, Tyler Hilton

Adler attendees: Rosemary Fei,

(info) This is a follow-up to request #14Request on 29 April for an update to Annex B-7 of the document of April 23, 2015. Requested during Legal SubTeam Meeting #14 (29 April)(tick) Received on  (see email here)Update - Legal Assessment: Executive Summary, Summary Chart and Revised Governance Chart
31Request on 30 April to answer Samantha Eisner's questions: Sanchez(tick) Received on  (see email here)Response to questions from Samantha Eisner, Member Rights Chart
30Request on 29 April for definitions: Sanchez(tick) Received on  (see email here)Answers provided in email
29Request on 29 April to comment on the CCWG draft proposal V9: Shatan

(tick) Received on   (see email here)

Legal Counsel comment of CCWG draft proposal
28(Markup of Jordan's document)(question) Requested by ?(tick) Received on  (see email here)Answers provided in email
27Chairs held a call on 28 April with legal counsel to discuss implementation timeline: Sanchez(tick) Call took place on  No documents were published as part of this call.
26Request on 25 April to respond to Avri Doria's questions: Clarification here.Greg Shatan  
25Request on 24 April to respond to James Gannon question: Sanchez  
24Request on 23 April for Member/Designator Model FAQs: Sanchez

(tick) Received on  (see email here)

Response to Questions Re: Unincorporated Associations 
23Request on 23 April to address NomCom's legal role and status and relation to the CCWG proposal. Requested during Legal SubTeam Meeting #13 (23 April)(tick) Received on   Nominating Committee: Legal Role and Status 

Request on 23 April to review the chart of community powers:

Leon Sanchez(tick) Received on (see email here)

Overview of Community Powers. Comments and suggested edits in Track Changes

21(Responses to questions from Malcolm Hutty)(question) Requested by ?(tick) Received on (see email here)Sidley-Adler - Memo (IRP Template Response).pdf
(info) This is a follow-up to request #14(An executive summary of the information provided in the Memorandum and Governance Chart provided on April 20, 2015)Requested during Legal SubTeam Meeting #12 (22 April)(tick) Received on (see email here )Legal Assessment: Executive Summary, Summary Chart and Revised Governance Chart 
20Request on 21 April to answer questions from Chris Disspain: Sanchez(tick) Received on   (see email here)Answers provided in email

Compiled list of legal questions on 17 April:

Document: LegalQuestions16-04-15-0001.xlsx (PDF)

Leon Sanchez(info) Pending answers from this compiled list were provided in the memo on UAs (see request #23)See request #23
18Request on 17 April to respond to Edward Morris' question on OFAC licensing: Sanchez(info) Answered according request #19See request #19

17Request on 16 April for response on IRP question: Sanchez(tick) Received on   (see email here)Answers provided in email 
16Request on 16 April for responses to questions: Sanchez(info) Answered according request #19See request #19

15Request on 16 April to review WP2 templates: Follow up on 17 April: Sanchez(tick) Received on  (see email here)

21April Legal Assessment_ Proposed Accountability Mechanisms Preliminary Respons....pdf

14Request on 15 April to review Robin's table: Request followed call on 15 April.Leon Sanchez(tick) Received on  (see email here)Legal Assessment_ Governance Chart.pdf
13Request for attendance during High Intensity meetings: Clarification here. Leon Sanchez(tick) Received.

Sidley attendees: Colleen Brown (5), Ed McNicholas (3), Holly Gregory (5), Janet Zagorin (1), Josh Hofheimer (5), Michael Clark (6), Miles Fuller (4), Sharon Flanagan (2), Tyler Hilton (4),

Adler attendees: Ingrid Mittermeier (4), Greg Colvin (2), Stephanie Petit (2), Steve Chiodini (2)

12Request for pre-meeting in advance of WP1 Meeting #9 (13 April): Shatan(tick) Received. This was a private meeting, so no attendees were recorded.
11Request for attendance on WP1 Meeting #10 (15 April): Shatan/ Jordan Carter

(error) Request cancelled:

(tick) Request re-opened by Jordan Carter:

Sidley attendees: Holly Gregory, Janet Zagorin, Josh Hofheimer, Michael Clark, Sharon Flanagan,

Adler attendees: Ingrid Mittermaier, Stephanie Petit, Rosemary Fei, Steven Chiodini

10Request submitted on 9 April for answers to questions by Pedro Ivo Da Silva: Shatan(tick) Received on  (see email here) Memo_SamanthaEisnerandPedroIvoFerrazdaSilvaQuestions.docx

9Request for attendance on CCWG ACCT Meeting # 22 (14 April) to provide a presentation on structures and mechanisms available to the CCWG-Accountability: Clarification from counsel here, and response here.Greg Shatan(tick) Received

Sidley attendees: Ed McNicholas, Holly Gregory, Michael Clark, Sharon Flanagan, Tyler Hilton,

Adler attendees: Greg Colvin, Stephanie Petit, Rosemary Fei, Steve Chiodini,

Presentation delivered on the call: ICANN CCWG - Presentation Slides.pdf

8Question from Eberhard Lisse "what gives the US government the right to control the root?" Eberhard Lisse(error) Question not sent to the legal counsel. The legal sub-group did not see the direct linkage between the question and Work Stream 1 or accountability. Decision made legal sub-team call 8 April 2015.N/A

7Request submitted on 8 April to respond to Samantha Eisner's questions on Sidley Austin analysis: Shatan(info) Answered according request #19See request #19
6Request submitted on 8 April to respond to Samantha Eisner's questions on Adler Colvin analysis: Shatan(tick) Received on  (see email here) Memo_SamanthaEisnerandPedroIvoFerrazdaSilvaQuestions.docx
5Request submitted on 8 April for review and comments on the ARIN memorandum: Shatan(tick) Received on  (see email here)ARIN Response Memo
(info) This is a follow-up to request #4Updated analysis of the viability of various accountability mechanisms and powers under consideration by CCWG-Accountability. (question) Requested by Robin Gross?
(tick) Received on  (see email here)Updated Sidley Austin, Adler & Colvin Joint Preliminary Analysis
4Request submitted on 7 April for review of WP1 document: Shatan(tick) Received on  (see email here) Sidley Austin, Adler & Colvin Joint Preliminary Analysis
Following a Legal Subteam call, the group agreed on a coordination process for the two firms:
3Request for attendance on CCWG ACCT Meeting # 20 (31 March) to provide overview of preliminary responses: Sanchez(tick) Received on  (see email here from Sidley and here from Adler)

Sidley attendees: Holly Gregory; Michael Clark; Joshua Hofheimer

Adler attendees: Stephanie Petit; Rosemary Fei

Process clarification to ensure that all questions directed to legal counsel come from the Legal Subteam:
2Request submitted on 24 March to Adler Colvin for preliminary response to questions: Updated request submitted on 4 April: Leon Sanchez(tick) Received on  (see email here)Adler Colvin Preliminary Responses (00663636xA3536).pdf


Request submitted on 24 March to Sidley Austin for preliminary response to questions: Leon Sanchez(tick) Received on    (see email here)  Sidley Preliminary Draft Responses to CCWG Legal Sub-team Questionnaire.pdf
