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Locking of a Domain Name subject to UDRP Proceedings

Upcoming Important Dates

Publication of Final Report (planned for June 2013).


The IDN ccPDP issue manager submitted the Final Report to the ccNSO Council on 1 April 2013. In the Final Report the recommendations on the selection of IDN ccTLD strings, as contained in the Final Paper of IDN ccPDP WG 1 are integrated with the recommendations on the inclusion of the IDN ccTLD manager in the ccNSO as contained in the Final Paper of IDN ccPDP WG 2.

At it’s meeting on 10 April 2013, the ccNSO Council adopted all recommendations contained in the Final Report unanimously as a Council Recommendation. The Council Recommendation will now be subject to a ccNSO members vote. If at least 50% of the members vote and 66% of the voting members vote in favor of the Council Recommendation, it is adopted by the ccNSO and as such will be submitted to the Board at the the Durban meeting. If 50% or less of the ccNSO Members vote, there will be a second round of voting, with no quorum, which be conducted around the Durban meeting.

The first round of ccNSO members voting started on 23 May 2013 and will be concluded on 13 June 2013.

ALAC Engagement Opportunity Status

The WG is open to all interested parties. Additional opportunities for input will occur such as a public comment forum on the policy recommendations prior to Board consideration, provided these are adopted by the GNSO Council. 

Additional Information

ALAC Related Documents

  • n/a - No Statement were previously made on this topic.