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March 2013

 December 2014


Monthly activities in


  • Over the last weeks, EURALO was closely involved in the creation and launch of a Swiss IGF, the pilot event is foreseen for 19 April in Berne – see
  • Next preparation steps for the Lisbon GA: after registration formalities have been accomplished the draft agenda needs to be discussed and approved at the monthly call in April – improvement of communicative tools and understanding the role of ALSs in representing end users in ICANN);
  • Preparation for ICANN 46 meeting in Beijing (discussion, among other issues, the problem of suffrage and results of ICANN Academy survey);
  • There seems to be some progress with the creation of a home ALS for individual members (thanks to initiatives of Wolf and Siranush with support of Roberto and Veronica);
  • Further preparations for EuroDIG 2013.

February 2013


Our February activities focused on completion of the registration for the next Lisbon GA in June) and discussion of the first program outline of EuroDIG 2013 (Lisbon, 20-21 June). Registration for GA was completed by 17 February with 27 confirmed representatives of our ALSes (80% of all members). This is a good result being a challenge for a rather tough GA budget. That is why ICANN At-Large Staff needs to start with travel arrangements for registered participants ASAP.


The overarching theme for the 2013 EuroDIG is “Internet for society – how to serve the public interest?”. EuroDIG Secretariat (Sandra and Wolf) were asking for comments on the first program outline to be discussed at the 2nd Planning meeting in line with the IGF consultations (1 March) in Paris following the WSIS-10 meeting where a lot of EURALO members participate.


Some EURALO members also participated in Safer Internet Days (5 February). Sandra continues to work on the results of ICANN Academy survey. Another issue was raised by Avri and has to be discussed within EURALO before the upcoming ICANN meeting in Beijing. „At-Large suffrage request to RALOs“.

January 2013

Priorities for this month’s activity were preparations and member mobilisation for our 2013 GA and EuroDIG, as well as on-going discussion of postWCIT12 issues. In response to the chair’s circular mail and 1st reminder to the members list with announcement of the next F2F GA in line with EuroDIG 2013 in Lisbon, representatives of 15 ALSes confirmed their participation already. An enduring problem remains the lacking initiative of our individual members, who did not respond to the bylaws proposal, drafted by Wolf.

Until the deadline for submissions of topics for EuroDIG 2013 by 1st of January, the Secretariat received, reviewed, listed and compiled 55 proposals, which will be discussed by the open planning meeting on 29 January in Lisbon (with broad participation from community members, physically or remotely. See:

EURALO is pleased to welcome two new member organizations / ALSes: dotHIV  from Germany certified by ALAC in January, and the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (UniBIT) based in Bulgaria (ALAC vote in process). One applicant has withdrawn unfortunately.

PostWCIT12 issues at webinar:

and Wolfgang Kleinwächter’s related article:

December 2012

At the beginning of the last month of this year Sandra and Wolf participated at a meeting of the European Internet Foundation (EIF) in Brussels to intensify contacts with European Members of Parliament (MEP) on behalf of EuroDIG and EURALO. Some of our members participated at the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT-12) in Dubai/UAE, from 3-14 December 2012 – Wolfgang Kleinwächter (German delegation), Olivier Crepin-Leblond (UK delegation), Bill Drake (US delegation) and Avri Doria (WTSA delegation). This shows again the level of expertise assembled at EURALO. At its last monthly call of the year EURALO started with planning of the next year, in particular the next ICANN supported F2F General Assembly (GA) early June 2013 in Lisbon – in line with EuroDIG 2013 - and other forthcoming challenges. Finally and at the end of the year we note with pleasure that we received three new ALS applications from Germany, Switzerland and Bulgaria – the DD procedure will be conducted over the next weeks.

November 2012

As stated in the last report, EURALO was well represented at the 7th IGF in Baku with various activities. Wolf drafted a planning (master plan) for our 2013 GA in line with the next EuroDIG early June in Lisbon what will be supported and funded by ICANN again. The planning for Lisbon will be discussed during our next monthly calls to be adopted by the end of year. As the next GA will be the first F2F members meeting after Mexico-City in March 2009, it will be a major challenge for EURALO to invite and mobilize as many of its members as possible for Lisbon and to improve regular participation of its ALSes. By the end of month, we received another ALS application from dotHIV, a non-profit network based in Berlin, Germany.

October 2012

EURALO’s October activities were marked by our attendance at ICANN 45 in Toronto (Olivier, Jean-Jacques, Sandra, Oksana, Wolf, Bill, Wolfgang, Yrjö, Desiree and Rudi) and intensive discussions of the Toronto agenda items; Siranush and Veronica couldn’t join due to visa problems. EURALO noted with pleasure that Yrjö Länsipuro (ISOC Finland) was selected for the new NomCom Chair (2012-13). Furthermore, some members were closely involved in preparations for this year’s Internet Governance Forum (IGF) at the beginning of November in Baku, Azerbaijan, where other RALOs and ALAC showed a remarkable presence. Oksana, Sandra, Yuliya organized and conducted Workshops there. Sandra and Wolf represented EuroDIG with a boot and WS in Baku. EURALO started its preliminary planning for 2013 and its next General Assembly (GA) in summer in Lisbon.

September 2012

Among the key topics of this month were preparations for ICANN 45 in Toronto middle of October. The ICANN Academy pilot foreseen for Toronto was postponed to ICANN 46 in Beijing. Lead by Sandra Hoferichter, discussions will continue in Toronto (Wednesday, 17 October 7:00-10:00 AM) and afterwards on needs and approaches from other constituencies and how to organize a common understanding on curricula, methods and tools.

When Rudi Vansnick resigned from various Working groups where he represented EURALO (after his election to the ISOC BoT), we had to organize replacements. Other pending questions are e.g. the creation of a particular ALS for individual members and the discussion on how to deal with non-responding ALSes. During the monthly call it was decided that EURALO will start with a suggested 7 step procedure what may result in a decertification by ALAC that was outlined and discussed before. Other RALOs may choose other approaches.

By the end of month the 3rd Ukrainian IGF and Forum “Media for information society” took place in Kiev with participation of Olivier Crepin-Leblond and Sebastien Bachollet. More information can be found on: and

August 2012

Besides our regular monthy call (3rd Tuesday each month), we launched a call for nominations for one (out of two) regional selected ALAC members. Sandra Hoferichter, the incumbent who did an excellent job during her first term, was broadly re-approved for a second term. Sandra is the driving force behind the proposal for an ICANN Academy and Chair of the related ALAC WG. A first pilot of this project will be organized at the upcoming ICANN 45 in Toronto in October. EURALO nominated its next regional delegate for the NomCom 2013. After two broadly appreciated years, Yrjö Lansipuro could not be re-nominated (without a break) and the new regional nominee – to be selected by ALAC – is Veronica Cretu, a previous ALAC member from Moldavia. On 23 - 24 August, the 12th meeting of the ICANN-Studienkreis was convened in Oslo, Norway, with around 80 participants and an interesting program on current ICANN issues. See:

July 2012

As every year, EURALO was involved in the European Summer School on Internet Governance (EuroSSIG) held in Meissen / Germany during the last week of July. For its 6th edition, EuroSSIG received 110 applications from various countries all over the world. Out of this, 25 applicants were approved representing 22 countries, from Malaysia, India, Comoros Islands, Botswana, Burundi, Niger, Brazil and Peru etc. with a majority from Europe (Armenia, Albania, France, Germany, Norway, Serbia and Ukraine). Over the years, EuroSSIG with its unique faculty became a most cherished advanced training opportunity on the particularities of Internet Governance with more than 175 fellows from all over the world. See:

June 2012

As indicated in the previous reports, EURALO had two highlights this month: its 5th annual General Assembly (GA) in the eve of the EuroDIG in Stockholm what was well attended by around ten of our members (what means a good quorum in regard of a non-funded meeting). During ICANN 44 at the end of June EURALO organized and conducted the 10th ALAC Anniversary event in Prague what became a success for the whole community and was much appreciated. Wolfgang Kleinwächter elucidated the role and vivid history of the user representation at ICANN over the years. Olivier Crepin-Leblond spoke about ALAC's further mission and vision. See: ALAC Anniversary Event Schedule - June 2012

May 2012

This month’s activities were marked by follow ups of previous engagements (EuroDIG and Prague preparations). As EURALO will convene its next (5th) annual General Assembly (GA) in the eve of the upcoming EuroDIG in Stockholm, a first announcement and invitation to member ALSes was sent in time (according to our Bylaws regulations) four weeks prior to the event. Several EURALO members participated in the WSIS Forum and the IGF open consultations in Geneva. We are confident that around ten members may make it to our GA on 13 June in Stockholm attending the following EuroDIG. We noted with pleasure that the GA in 2013 (inline with the following EuroDIG) will be funded by ICANN and thus enabling a broader participation of our members (the first GA after Mexico-City in March 2009).

April 2012

We noticed with pleasure that several EURALO members were selected for the new composition of the IGF Multi-Stakeholder Advisory group (MAG): Veronica Cretu, Bill Drake, Yuliya Morenets, besides some other members involved at ALAC. EURALO members continued with further EuroDIG programming and organization (particularly Sandra and Wolf providing the Secretariat). For the preparation of the ALAC Anniversary event in June in Prague, an organization team was created to discuss conceptual issues at a separate call. Several EURALO members participated at ISOC’s Global INET conference (22 – 24 April) in Geneva.

March 2012

In March several EURALO members participated at the ICANN 43 meeting in Costa Rica with various sessions on user-related questions. Besides our monthly call and agenda, EURALO members were closely involved at the preparation process of the upcoming EuroDIG in June in Stockholm (Yrjö, Yuliya, Veronica, Rudi, Sandra and Wolf). Furthermore, we had intensive discussions with At-Large Staff whether to organize another EURALO showcase at the ICANN 44 meeting in summer in Prague. This idea was discarded due to the fact, that EURALO wouldn’t have any financial support from ICANN again to organize a real showcase in the sense including all of its members. As an alternative, the option of organizing an ALAC Anniversary event (10 years) was discussed and verified.

February 2012

This monthly report concentrates on a few elements of EURALO’s activities, as an update from and announced in the January report.

EURALO members were actively involved in organizing the Safer Internet Day (SID) on 7 February in Leipzig / Germany. The 2012 SID in Leipzig was a full success with a prior video competition among students and a presentation of 30 selected videos in a local high school. The very evening there was a penal discussion organized in the city centre with participation of EURALO. More details you can find under

EURALO members actively participated in the 2nd EuroDIG preparatory meeting in line with the IGF Open Consultations and the MAG meeting in Geneva on 14 – 16 February (Avri, Bill, Desiré, Sandra, Yrjö and Wolf). This prep. meeting concentrated on the further discussion of a program outline for the EuroDIG 2012 in June in Stockholm. More details you can find under

The application process for the European Summer School on Internet Governance (EuroSSIG) has opened now – interested students can apply via

EURALO conducted its monthly call on Tuesday 21 February – more details you can see in the meeting minutes. EURALO and its ALAC members are now preparing to join the next ICANN 43 Costa Rica meeting from 11 – 16 March.

February Report in Russian

Январь 2012

За время новогодних праздников нами было создано два новых инструмента коммуникации в целях дальнейшего расширения нашей аудитории:

Facebook and


что получило поддержку со стороны всего сообщества EURALO

Январская активность EURALO и очередная телеконференция (17 января) были сфокусированы на определении приоритетов для 2012 года:

Предложения EURALO на 2012 -2013 Финансовый год ICANN

Поскольку в прошлые годы наши финансовые запросы не привели к должному результату, и, поскольку в 2011 -2012 годах никакой финансовой поддержки оказано не было, EURALO не будет проводить свою Генеральную Ассамблею, а  также свои «показательные выступления» в ходе 44 конференции ICANN в июне 2012 года в Европе / Праге. По договоренности с персоналом ICANN At-Large, мы решили сконцентрировать все свои усилия на подаче двух заявок:

а) на финансирование участия членов EURALO в ICANN-Studienkreis в конце августа 2012 года в Осло (Норвегия);

б) и на организацию личной встречи членов EURALO в ходе следующего EuroDIG в 2013 году (место проведения еще предстоит уточнить).

Рабочая группа по ICANN Academy

Члены EURALO активно участвуют в различных телеконференциях этой рабочей группы, для того, чтобы доработать и завершить представление проектного предложения ALAC по созданию ICANN Academy, а также по запуску ее первой пилотной версии осенью 2012 года в Торонто. Эта рабочая группа возглавляется и руководится Сандрой Хоферихтер.

Подготовительная встреча EuroDIG в Стокгольме

Члены EURALO (Сандра, Оксана, Вольф) активно участвовали 18-19 января в Подготовительной встрече EuroDIG в Стокгольме. Еще несколько членов организации представили свои предложения по повестке дня EuroDIG в процессе принятия заявок. Дальнейшие подробности процесса подготовки EuroDIG и самые важные вехи размещены на сайте

Члены EURALO также активно участвуют в проведении следующего дня Безопасного Интернета в Лейпциге (и не только, больше подробностей в следующем отчете).

Члены EURALO (Макс, Аннет, Вольфганг и Вольф) также принимают участие в 5-й инициативе Google’s Co:llaboratory Internet & Society on “Human Rights and the Internet”, которая проходит с января-месяца по 12 марта в Берлине).

EURALO получило новую заявку на вступление от Австрийской ячейки Wikimedia, которая сейчас проходит стандартную процедуру рассмотрения.

Отдельные члены EURALO приняли участие в различных инициативах и действиях с целью остановить SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, в виду того,  что эти законы и договоры существенно нарушают права Интернет-пользователей, в том числе и на доступ к Интернету.

EURALO продолжает планирование на 2012 год таких важных мероприятий, как EuroDIG 2012 и Генеральная Ассамблея EURALO в Стокгольме в июне 2012, плюс участие в Майсенской школе EuroSSIG (Германия, июль-месяц) и ICANN-Studienkreis в Осло/Норвегия в конце августа, а также во всех конференциях ICANN в 2012 году в Коста-Рике, Праге и Торонто.

EURALO настоятельно рекомендует ознакомиться со статьей Вольфганга Кляйнвахтера «Что ожидает Управление Интернетом в 2012 году – «холодная война» или конструктивный диалог?», которую можно найти по следующей ссылке

January 2012

Over the seasonal holidays, we created two new communication and outreach tools on

Facebook and


what found some approval in the broader EURALO community.

EURALO’s January activities and the monthly conference call (17 January)  focused on the following activities and priorities for 2012:

EURALO proposals for ICANN’s Fiscal Year planning 2012-13

As our requests for previous years were not “crowned with success” and there won’t be any financial support for the current FY (2011-12), EURALO will not organize its 2012 General Assembly inline with the 44 ICANN meeting in June 2012 in Europe / Prague and cannot offer a next Showcase there. In coordination with At-Large Staff, we concentrated on submitting two new requests for a) sponsorships of EURALO members for the ICANN-Studienkreis 2012 late August in Oslo / Norway, and b) organizing a Face-to-Face GA 2013 inline with the annual EuroDIG (at a place TBC).

WG on ICANN Academy

EURALO members actively participated in various WG calls to substantiate and finalize the ALAC project proposal / initiative to create an ICANN Academy and to launch a 1st pilot in autumn 2012 in Toronto. This WG is chaired and driven by Sandra Hoferichter.

EuroDIG Preparatory meeting in Stockholm

EURALO members (Sandra, Oksana and Wolf) actively participated at the EuroDIG Preparatory meeting 18-19 January in Stockholm. Some more members submitted proposals for the next EuroDIG 12 agenda during the call period. More details on the current EuroDIG preparation process and the Milestones to Stockholm in June 2012 can be found on the Website

EURALO members were actively involved in organizing the next Safer Internet Day (SID) on 7 February in Leipzig / Germany (further details in the February report).

EURALO members (Max, Annette, Wolfgang and Wolf) are participating at the 5th Initiative of Google’s Co:llaboratory Internet & Society on “Human Rights and the Internet” (January – March 12) based in Berlin.

EURALO received a new ALS application from the Wikimedia Chapter Austria which is undergoing the regular DD procedure at the moment.

Some EURALO members participated in various initiatives and networks to Stop SOPA, PIPA and ACTA because respective laws and treaties will severely violate access and user rights on the Internet.

EURALO continues in drafting its 2012 planning with foreseeable highlights like EuroDIG 2012 and GA in Stockholm (June), EuroSSIG Meissen / Germany (July) and ICANN-Studienkreis in Oslo / Norway (August) besides its participation at ALAC and 2012 ICANN meetings (Costa Rica, Prague and Toronto).

EURALO strongly recommends reading of Wolfgang Kleinwächter’s article “Internet Governance Outlook 2012: Cold War or Constructive Dialogue?”, (part 1 and 2) published at

EURALO Monthly reports 2011

EURALO Monthly reports 2010

December were focused on a number of follow-ups.

One of the main items was the preparation for ICANN of the budget proposal for the 2016 fiscal year for the GA in autumn 2015, to be organised during the ICANN 54 meeting.

The IANA Stewardship transition and the proposal made by ALAC remained a key focus at the end of the year.

The CROPP program and applications from EURALO were also an important focus, and were debated during the monthly call, as well as the candidature of JJ Subrenat for the Netmundial Coordination Council, which was accepted.

The EuroDIG planning process and the December 31deadline for the call for topic proposals remained high on the agenda. The EuroDIG Secretariat reminded all RALO members about the mailing list and reported on the creation of a newspaper that will round up news on Internet governance activities all over Europe on a monthly basis. Another item of EuroDIG news was the South-Eastern European Roundtable, to be organised during EuroDIG 2015.

The new application for EURALO membership from Russia and the due diligence procedure to be prepared by staff was discussed by RALO members. Other applicants may submit their applications soon as well. The importance of individual membership was also a feature of discussion this month.


 November 2014

Monthly activities in November were focused on a number of follow-ups and the preparation of the EuroDIG planning process, with the open call for proposals. The topic proposals for Sofia 2015 remained an important issue for discussion and promotion among RALO members.

The IANA Stewardship transition and the accountability issues at ICANN remained hot topics of discussion for RALOs in line with these issues, EURALO members participated in a meeting in Frankfurt focused on IANA Stewardship transition.

Another event was the Geneva Internet Conference, which featured the participation of several EURALO members.

During November, EURALO ALSes also discussed the EURALO GA that could be organised during the Dublin meeting in autumn 2015 and the request for the budget for the GA to be submitted to ICANN for the 2016 fiscal year. 

October 2014

Monthly activities in October were focused on a number of follow-ups and mainly on the ICANN 51 meeting, which took place in Los Angeles on October 11-17, 2014. The important topics discussed during the ICANN 51 were the IANA Stewardship transition and the follow-up to the ATLAS II recommendation. During the meeting of the Regional Leadership, the question of the engagement and participation of RALOs inside the EURALO was raised and debated. 

One of the important points of the feedback from participants to ICANN 51 in Los Angeles was the success of the Leadership Training program. It was underlined that the program was a useful look at capacity and management training that gave participants the opportunity to meet people from different constituencies.

The EuroDIG preparation process for Sofia 2015 and the upcoming call for proposals remained another focus of activities in October. The RALOs were informed that the compilation of proposals will be completed by the end of January 2015, with the final program of EuroDIG to be decided in April 2015.


September 2014

Monthly activities in September were focused on a number of follow-ups and the preparation of the next ICANN meeting, which will take place in October of this year in Los Angeles. The participation in the ICANN Academy at ICANN 51 was underlined. 

The follow-up of the implementation of the ATLAS II recommendations and closer cooperation between At-Large and the Board on the issue has entered its active phase. 

The interesting feedback from ICANN Studienkreis meeting was noted. Discussions took place concerning the intervention of Mr Fadi Chéhadé during the second day of the above-mentioned event and also covered the NetMundial Initiative meeting in Geneva.

September was also the month of the follow-up on the outcomes of the IGF and the participation of At-Large members in a number of workshops and side events.

It is important to underline that the first preparatory meeting of EuroDIG 2015, which will take place in Sofia, was organized.

The new ALAC Leadership, Alan Greenberg, was introduced to the community and EURALO offers to Alan its warm congratulations for this nomination.

The Action Plan for EURALO 2015 is now open for comments and will be presented during the month of November - December of this year. 

July - August 2014

Monthly activities in July and August were limited due to the summer break. At the same time, the events organized during this period were rich. The main concern was the follow-up to the ICANN 50 meeting and the ATLAS II Declaration implementation process. 

The importance of such events like the European Summer School on Internet Governance (EuroSSIG) which will soon celebrate its 10th anniversary and which is the hub for new Internet Governance leaders- and the ICANN Studienkreis meeting, which was also organised in Sofia, Bulgaria, during July-August needs to be underlined.

The month of July was concentrated on the results from EuroDIG event, which took place in June in Berlin. The end of August was dedicated to the preparation of IGF meeting, which will take place in September in Istanbul, and the participation of EURALO ALSes in it.

June 2014

Monthly activities in June were focused on a number of important events in Europe in the field of Internet Governance.

One of them was the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG), organised in Berlin. Due to the success of the CROPP applications, five candidates represented EURALO in Berlin and engaged with potential future members of EURALO and other stakeholders around ICANN and EURALO roles and activities. They assumed outreach activities on behalf of EURALO.

ICANN 50 and EURALO GA were another important events. 80% of EURALO members attended the GA held during the ICANN 50 and participated in ICANN debates, as well as the ATLAS II Summit at ICANN 50.

During the EURALO GA a number of issues were discussed and presented to the members, including the targets achieved since the Lisbon GA in 2013, successful EURALO representation at different levels (ICANN Board, NomCom, At-Large Multistakeholder Award for Avri Doria) and the success with the main projects (EuroDIG and the ICANN Academy). The issue of better engagement of the EURALO ALSes was underlined and the need for a strategy on better outreach was discussed. The new Vice-President for Europe, Jean-Jacques Sahel, was presented to the stakeholders and stressed the need to reinforce the European Engagement Strategy. 

During the ATLAS II Summit at ICANN 50 there were many EURALO representatives. The ATLAS II Statement to the Multistakeholder Community was one of the successes of the Summit. 

May 2014

Monthly activities in May were focused on active preparation of the ATLAS II Summit, which will take place during the ICANN 50 in June of this year in London.

The main concern was the participation of EURALO ALSes in the Sub-Committee working groups and the preparation of the summit agenda. EURALO activities were focused on the preparation of the General Assembly, which will be organised during the ATLAS II Summit and the agenda points to be proposed as a part of the GA.  Agenda points have to be proposed by EURALO ALS and will be integrated in the agenda, to be discussed with ALSes representatives together with the Board Report and the EURALO strategy for 2014-2015.

The participation of the new ICANN Vice-President for Europe, Mr Jean-Jacques Sahel, in the EURALO GA was acknowledged and we would like to welcome Jean-Jacques.

The month of May also saw work devoted to ALAC Social Media Strategy and implementing its action points for ATLAS II.

Among other issues were the follow-up to CROPP procedure for Europe region, the upcoming EuroDIG event in June in Berlin and the participation of EURALO members in it, as well as the participation in the ICANN Working Group on Accountability and the preparation of the MoU to be proposed for signature between RIPE NCC and EURALO. 

April 2014

During the month of April, EURALO activities were actively focused on the follow-up to the post-ICANN Singapore achievements and the results of the selection of the candidate for Board 15.

Another point of discussion was the upcoming NetMundial event and the participation of EURALO members in it, together with EURALO concerns and priorities to be delivered and discussed during the aforementioned meeting. The follow-up to the NetMundial recommendation dominated EURALO activity at the end of the month.

The follow-up to the CROPP selection procedure and related logistical questions remained an important issue for the region.

The preparation of the ATLAS II Summit, which will take place in June in London, was another key focus of EURALO activities in April. The need for greater involvement by ALSes representatives in different Working Groups that were created to support the preparation of the Summit was highlighted.  

Other key focuses were the preparation of the final agenda and the participation of EURALO ALSes in EuroDIG for June of this year, as well as involvement in events, such as the EU MAPPING project meeting to take place in May 2014 in Rome. 

March 2014

Monthly activities in March were focused on the ICANN 49 meeting priorities and the new changes that were announced during this meeting, principally, the IANA transition and the transfer of key Internet technical functions decided by the US Government. The abovementioned priorities and the positions of EURALO members concerning these priorities were among the main discussion points in Singapore.

Among other key issues was the selection process of candidates for Board Seat 15, the regional consultation among member ALSes (with a high level of participation again), and the announcement of results with the appointment of Ms Rinalia Abdul Rahim as the next ICANN Board Director from At-Large, as selected by the At-Large Community. EURALO would like to offer Rinalia its warm congratulations!

Also of note was the approval of the CROPP submission candidates proposed by EURALO in February 2014, namely the two Armenian counterparts who were accepted as part of EURALO’s CROPP program.

Preparation for the ATLAS II Summit and the participation in EuroDIG in June this year remained important items on the agenda. Other actual EURALO challenges are: the outreach activities for ATLAS II which have to be designed and the preparation of EURALO’s next General Assembly which is planned to take place during ICANN 50 in London. 

February 2014

The month of February was mainly dedicated to commencing the implementation of items defined by the 2014 Action plan.

Monthly activities were concentrated on the preparation of the submission form for the CROPP programme for the agreed five candidates from Europe, which was carried out by the CROPP review team members.

Alongside the CROPP submission process, another important point was the participation of EURALO in the designing the budget for the 2015 fiscal year and the preparation of EURALO requests, which was completed on schedule. This point was of great importance in light of the uncertain future of the CROPP programme, which may be discontinued next year.

Another important item was the preparation process for the ATLAS II Summit, which will take place in Europe, London, in June 2014 and the improved participation of European ALSes in the Working Groups formed to prepare for the event.

The selection process of candidates for Board Seat 15 continued. Two European names presented as candidates for the above mandate are: Sébastien Bachollet and Jean-Jacques Subrenat.

The participation of ALSes in EuroDIG later this year was underlined, the first outline of the programme, together with a newly created wiki space is now available online –see:

It is important to mention the official support EURALO brought to the International Action Day (The day we fight back), which took place on the 11th of February. 

January 2014

 2014 started with active engagement of EURALO members in a number of activities:

Among important preoccupations of members was the support to the International action day on 11 February, which was dedicated to the fight against mass surveillance. EURALO was asked by organisers to support this action. After consultation with members, it was decided to express official support on behalf of EURALO, as privacy remains one of the priorities and concerns of the European regional at At-large.

The new CROPP Program and the selection of five regional candidates remained one of the important points on EURALO’s agenda. The issues became of particular importance due to the close deadline for applications in February.

The process of topics selection for EuroDIG 2014 was closely followed by members, the deadline for voting on submitted proposals closed on the 30th of January. The first planning meeting took place on the 31st January in Berlin attended by various members.

It is important to underline that the preparation of ATLAS II, scheduled to happen in June this year in London, and the selection of candidate for Board seat 15, were important issues for the region as well.

In January EURALO started to define regional priorities for its 2014 planning. 

December 2013

The month of December resulted in a number of activities. The follow-up of participation in ICANN 48 was one of the main agenda points of the month of December. EURALO members continued their participation in debates around Brazil Summit in April 2014 and the Multistakeholder Innovation Strategic Panels.

It is important to underline the success of the ICANN Academy Pilot project during ICANN 48, which was encouraged to become a regular event at ICANN’s AGM at the end of year.

A number of important events took place during the month of December; among them the meeting of High level Panel on Global Internet Cooperation & Governance Mechanisms, which took place in London, December 20. EURALO members closely followed this event.

Another important event was the second ICANN Brussels briefing meeting, attended by few EURALO ALSs, which partly focused on ICANN Engagement Strategy for Europe.

Among regional events, it is important to mention the first regional Azerbaijani Internet Governance Forum organised in Baku. 

The preparation of ATLAS II remained an important item on the December agenda. The preparation process continued to focus on strategic preparation and the analysis of survey data. It is necessary to mention that the next EURALO GA will take place during the ATLAS II in London, July 2014.

Also, the organisation of CROPP Program and the selection of EURALO representatives to CROPP Initiative were among agenda points in December.

Finally, the deadline for proposals of ideas for EuroDIG 2014 is set for December 31, 2013.

With best wishes for 2014, EURALO Secretariat!

November 2013

The main activities of the month of November were focused on the preparation of EURALO’s participation in the ICANN 48 meeting in Buenos Aires and the follow-up of this participation.

During ICANN 48, EURALO members actively participated, physically or remotely, in a number of discussions, namely:

- Montevideo Statement and Brazil Summit on Internet Governance

- Outreach activities and the ICANN Strategy for Europe

- Multistakeholder Innovation Strategic Panels

- ATLAS II planning discussions

- ICANN Academy Pilot project

- Board seat 15 selection process, etc.

EURALO leaders participated in ICANN 48 meeting organised between Mr Fadi Chehadé and At-large community.

The preparation of ATLAS II remained an important item of the month of November. ATLAS II will take place in July 2014 in London. The preparation process resulted in the analysis of the survey data launched among RALOs in October 2014. 

October 2013

In October the main focus was on a number of events in the field of Internet Governance.

EURALO members were closely following the results of the Montevideo meeting and considered the Montevideo Statement on the Future of Internet Cooperation issued by leaders on the 7th of October.

Another important announcement followed by EURALO members was the statement made by Mrs Dilma Rousseff, President of Brazil, after the meeting with Mr Fadi Chehadé, to host of the International Summit on Internet Governance in April 2014.

A lot of attention was paid to the events such as Ukrainian IGF in which a number of EURALO ALSs participated physically or remotely, and the Internet Governance Forum 2013, which took place in Bali, Indonesia. EURALO was well represented at the Bali IGF. A number of EURALO members were organisers of the workshops and side events.

Such issues as the preparation of the ATLAS II and ICANN Academy Pilot Leadership Training Project were among important agenda points in October.

The ATLAS II preparation resulted in a launch of the survey among the different RALOs.

The call for proposals of topics for the important European event – EuroDIG 2014 – was launched during IGF in Bali. EuroDIG will take place in June 2014 in Berlin. 

September 2013

After the holiday break, EURALO activities were mainly concentrated on the preparation of the input of interested ALs for the following discussed issues: 

It has to be underlined that, as the selection of candidates for the Board Member Selection Process Committee and the BCEC has started, EURALO with other RALOs has an important role to play in the process. This was one of the concerns of the members of EURALO during the month of September.

September was an important month for the preparation of EURALO engagement in IGF 2013. EURALO had a great representation, with 7 people physically present and engaged in a number of activities in Bali.

The launch of the ATLAS II survey and the development of its quantitative part were among other important EURALO activities, as At-Large summit will take place in London. All members of EURALO played an important role by actively participating in the survey.

July and August 2013

This is a summary report of EURALO’s activities over the last months. EURALO was very active to organize and conduct its 6th General Assembly (GA) in line with the last EuroDIG in June in Lisbon (see our previous reports). So to say, EURALO came back to its roots where EURALO was founded in March 2007 in line with the then European ICANN meeting in the Portuguese capital. And our last 2013 GA was the first F2F meeting after Mexico in 2009 where a vast majority of our member ALSes could meet physically (more than 80%). An unquestionable highlight of our Lisbon GA was the participation of ICANN’s President and CEO Fadi Chehade together with Nigel Hickson, ICANN’s Vice-President Stakeholder Engagement for Europe. This offered an opportunity to discuss ICANN’s Strategic Planning for the next five years with community members.

EURALO members in Lisbon discussed and defined some thematic priorities for our regional activities. Another key topic on the agenda was how to improve in-reach and involvement in ALAC consultation procedures and policy. Besides this, the Chair and Secretariat were re-elected (the latter Yuliya Morenets in a run-off voting round following the GA). Furthermore, the EURALO Board was re-elected with some incoming new members. For more details see

EURALO with its ALAC members participated at the last ICANN meeting in July in Durban/South Africa. And as in previous years, various members participated in the European Summer School on Internet Governance (EuroSSIG) in Meissen/Germany in August and at the last ICANN-Studienkreis meeting in Pisa/Italy in September – see and

As usual, there are no monthly calls held over the summer break in July and August. EURALO restarted its regular activities with its monthly call in September.

June 2013

All EURALO efforts in June were focused on the first F2F General Assembly (GA) after several years (2009) in Lisbon again. And in close cooperation with ICANN, EURALO organized a pre-event of EuroDIG on 19 June on the “ICANN Strategy for the next five years” where Fadi Chehade (ICANN President and CEO) and Nigel Hickson (VP Europe) were key speakers.

The EURALO GA was attended by 27 members providing a quorum of almost 90 per cent. Besides the GA regulars, EURALO’s leadership had to be reselected (Wolf Ludwig for the Chair and Yuliya Morenets as the new Secretariat – what made a run-off Online vote after the GA necessary).

The thematic focus of the assembly was on “how to improve participation and members involvement in regular EURALO work and regional advice to ALAC – ICANN?” There was a vivid discussion incl. definition of five thematic priorities for EURALO. For more details see the Lisbon GA meeting minutes:

The GA was followed by an ICANN-EURALO Outreach reception for EuroDIG participants and the local community to attract new members from the host country. The following two days EURALO members attended the 2013 EuroDIG with a packed program – see:

From a strategic POV, EURALO became a key driver and org. pillar of the EuroDIG process by getting more and more involved in the regional European IGF.

May 2013

EURALO priorities in May were:

- final stage of preparations for Lisbon GA (draft agenda setting, preparation for EURALO officers selection, posting of a draft Board report and other businesses);

- EuroDIG 2013 preparation process (up-dates from Sandra and Wolf as EuroDIG Secretariat);

- discussion on next steps for ALS for individual members with Roberto and Veronica as contact points in their interim capacity, or to wait for any comments from other individual members);

- preparation to ICANN Academy pilot project in Buenos Aires (and presentation of draft curriculum in Durban – Sandra, Avri);

- participation at IGF-MAG consultation and other IG events in Geneva (Avri, Bill, Veronica, Wolfgang, Yuliya);

- participation at the Stockholm Internet Forum (Yrjo);

- participation at an international seminar in Moscow “Internet Governance after WCIT-12” (Olivier, Avri, Desiree, Oksana);

- on-going discussion of the problem with ICANN geographical regions (after Roberto's report on his trip to Armenia) and different ways to deal with this problem.

April 2013

EURALO activities in April concentrated on:

- participation at the ICANN 46 meeting in Beijing (among the most important topics which were discussed where: preparation for At-Large Summit (ATLAS 2) in summer 2014 in London, the role of ALAC officers and ALSs in communication between ALAC/ICANN and local Internet communities, internationalization of ICANN, budget aspects regarding new gTLD future);

- EuroDIG outreach (F2F meeting in Beijing in line with ICANN conference, agenda setting and mobilization) -

- follow-up for preparations of Lisbon GA\\

- next steps on ICANN Academy (F2F meeting in Beijing, survey, presentation of new ICANN on-line Educational platform -

ICANN Online Education Platform and the role of the ICANN Academy WG - Open Discussion with Matthew Shears );

- national events (Finnish Internet Forum - , Russian Internet Governance Forum - )

March 2013

EURALO priorities in March were:

  • Over the last weeks, EURALO was closely involved in the creation and launch of a Swiss IGF, the pilot event is foreseen for 19 April in Berne – see
  • Next preparation steps for the Lisbon GA: after registration formalities have been accomplished the draft agenda needs to be discussed and approved at the monthly call in April – improvement of communicative tools and understanding the role of ALSs in representing end users in ICANN);
  • Preparation for ICANN 46 meeting in Beijing (discussion, among other issues, the problem of suffrage and results of ICANN Academy survey);
  • There seems to be some progress with the creation of a home ALS for individual members (thanks to initiatives of Wolf and Siranush with support of Roberto and Veronica);
  • Further preparations for EuroDIG 2013.

February 2013

Our February activities focused on completion of the registration for the next Lisbon GA in June) and discussion of the first program outline of EuroDIG 2013 (Lisbon, 20-21 June). Registration for GA was completed by 17 February with 27 confirmed representatives of our ALSes (80% of all members). This is a good result being a challenge for a rather tough GA budget. That is why ICANN At-Large Staff needs to start with travel arrangements for registered participants ASAP.

The overarching theme for the 2013 EuroDIG is “Internet for society – how to serve the public interest?”. EuroDIG Secretariat (Sandra and Wolf) were asking for comments on the first program outline to be discussed at the 2nd Planning meeting in line with the IGF consultations (1 March) in Paris following the WSIS-10 meeting where a lot of EURALO members participate.

Some EURALO members also participated in Safer Internet Days (5 February). Sandra continues to work on the results of ICANN Academy survey. Another issue was raised by Avri and has to be discussed within EURALO before the upcoming ICANN meeting in Beijing. „At-Large suffrage request to RALOs“.

January 2013

Priorities for this month’s activity were preparations and member mobilisation for our 2013 GA and EuroDIG, as well as on-going discussion of postWCIT12 issues. In response to the chair’s circular mail and 1st reminder to the members list with announcement of the next F2F GA in line with EuroDIG 2013 in Lisbon, representatives of 15 ALSes confirmed their participation already. An enduring problem remains the lacking initiative of our individual members, who did not respond to the bylaws proposal, drafted by Wolf.

Until the deadline for submissions of topics for EuroDIG 2013 by 1st of January, the Secretariat received, reviewed, listed and compiled 55 proposals, which will be discussed by the open planning meeting on 29 January in Lisbon (with broad participation from community members, physically or remotely. See:

EURALO is pleased to welcome two new member organizations / ALSes: dotHIV  from Germany certified by ALAC in January, and the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (UniBIT) based in Bulgaria (ALAC vote in process). One applicant has withdrawn unfortunately.

PostWCIT12 issues at webinar:

and Wolfgang Kleinwächter’s related article:
