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The call will take place on Wednesday, 15 September 2021 at 13:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
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Apologies: Kristian Ørmen |
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Notes/ Action Items Action Items:
ACTION ITEM: Council Committee members to review the attached project plan not later than 21 September, prior to next week’s meeting. Subsequently, staff will share the project plan with the GNSO Council. 3. SOI Task Force Assignment Sheet ( []) a. Review input received Assignment (short description): Short description of the TF assignment(s) Question: Is this short description from the framework document sufficient? If not, what additional information should be provided? (Note, this may be a section that is best completed when the other parts of the template have been filled out?)
Background Information/Links: Background information and links to relevant documents to the TF assignment(s): Question: What background information should be provided to the Task Force? Should the staff observations also be provided to the TF?
Assignment Questions to be addressed by the Task Force: What questions is the TF expected to address in order to complete its assignment? Sample questions could include: Questions: 1) Is the original objective of the SOI still valid? If not, why not and what should the current objective be? 2) Based on the response to question 1), is the requested information to be provided as part of the SOI still fit for purpose? If not, why not, and what would need to be changed to make it fit for purpose? 3) Based on the responses to question 1) and 2), what updates, if any, would need to be made to the GNSO Operating Procedures? As part of its deliberations, the TF should also consider how the SOI is used across the GNSO as well as outside of the GNSO as proposed changes could have a broader impact. The TF could also consider whether there is value in having different types of SOIs, for example, one that is specific to policy development, and others that may serve other purposes.
Membership Composition: Detail membership composition (see default in section 3). Provide rationale if changes are made to default composition. Question: Is the default composition as outlined in the framework document (see above) sufficient? If not, why not and how should it be changed for this TF?
Decision making methodology: Detail decision making methodology (see default in section 3). Provide rationale if changes are made to default composition. Question: Is the default decision making methodology as outlined in the framework document (see above) sufficient? If not, why not and how should it be changed for this TF? Timeline: Indicate expected timing of completion of assignment. Questions: What is a reasonable timeframe in which the TF is expected to complete its assignment and answer the assignment questions? Please factor in that proposed changes to the GNSO Operating Procedures require public comment. Also, the assignment indicates that as part of its efforts the TF “should include soliciting input from the community on the current use and experience with SOIs as well as suggestions for possible improvements”. Consultation Expectations: Indicate if consultations and/or public comment is expected to be conducted by TF. Questions: In addition to solicitation of input from the community on the current use and experience with SOIs as well as suggestions for possible improvements, what other consultations and/or public comment should the TF plan for? b. Confirm next steps
ACTION ITEM: Staff to suggest text in each section of the Task Force assignment; Council Committee members to review the document and add suggestions/comments. 4. Confirm next meeting (Wednesday 22 September 2021 at 13.00 UTC)