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Item #SourceDateDecision reached


Approved to send the Executive Summary (as Progress Report #3) to the OEC.


RIWG agreed to develop a 1-page document to highlight its past and current work, as well as plans going forward, in preparation for the discussion with the OEC on 22 April 2021.


Rec. 1: Job Description. Working group agreed with NomCom Support Staff suggested approach:

  1. This year | Current Bylaws: Modify the draft NomCom job description to reflect the current Bylaws - NomCom Operations Team to distribute and be able to implement this recommendation this year.
  2. Going forward | Revised Bylaws: Revise the NomCom job description when the Bylaws have been revised - NomCom Operations Team to implement going forward


(On hold) Rec. 13: Process map. Suggestion to recommend that the Standing Committee writes down in a separate document (than operating procedures) the business processes


(On hold) Rec. 13: Process map. Only the developed baseline process map will be used for this recommendations, multiple process maps are no longer needed. Baseline process map will be updated later on in the implementation process, to reflect the outcome of some recommendations.


Future webinars: Keep using temperature questions (aka zoom room poll).


Item #Source of RequestDate of RequestAction Item RequestAction OwnerAnticipated Completion Date


Draft - guide for metrics. 

NomCom Support Staff




Recruitment firm project/process. 

NomCom Support Staff




Semi-annual update being prepared for 29th meeting  - Executive Summary to serve as Progress Report #3.


In Progress -  



Org to continue working on charter revisions, present these on the 29th

ICANN OrgIn Progress


The NomComRIWG’s Status and Progress report will be delayed one month to provide a more comprehensive update on current implementation work NomComRIWG & ICANN Org

In Progress -   



Agreed to take several extra weeks to complete the progress update to the OEC, in order to include the various substantive areas of work currently underway.


In Progress -  



ICANN org will connect with ICANN Policy staff for ideas on how to enhance participation and share those with the RIWG on the 8 July call


  - completed



Highlights of Standing Committee Charter Discussion (action items)

Scope and Reach:

  • Preamble with clear demarcation line over SC – need for clarity in drafting. This is drafting within the charter; some was in the preamble to the charter.

Discussion on Main Categories of Legal Feedback:

  • Relationship with Other Entities:
    • Agree oversight needs to be clarified.
  • Governance:
    • Agree self-reinforcing is not the best. Already defined diversity, give OEC responsibility for staffing the SC. Key area for the Board.
    • Role of the Board in charter amendments, there’s a role of the Board in change in charter amendments in all parts of ICANN. 
NomComRIWGIn Progress


Standing Committee Charter revisions in response to presentation from Sam/Legal at the last meeting: At RIWG request, ICANN org (Review Support team) will take the notes from today’s call and propose edits to the latest draft of the Charter, as a starting point for RIWG edits.

NomComRIWG & ICANN OrgIn Progress


Participation: agreement that participation, outreach, and engagement is important. Working Group and ICANN staff will continue work on enhancing participation. ICANN org to come back with additional suggestions of tactics that worked for other working groups at ICANN.

NomComRIWG & ICANN OrgAddressed in item #91 above


ICANN org will update the Action Item on Rec. 1 from Plenary Call #78 to read: 

  • Option for Revised Wiki Action Item: Rec. 1 Job Description: RIWG to request SO/ACs regularly post their final job descriptions for their respective NomCom delegates on their respective SO/AC websites, for transparency. The RIWG agreed that with this action, the implementation of Rec. 1 is complete.
ICANN OrgCompletion needs confirmation?


Rec. 10 (Rebalancing) is tabled until the next Plenary Call 





RIWG will make adjustments to the Charter based upon feedback from ICANN Legal then share with ICANN Legal. 

NomComRIWGIn Progress


Job Description: RIWG to request SO/ACs regularly publish their final job descriptions for their respective NomCom delegates for transparency. The RIWG agreed that with this action, the implementation of Rec. 1 is complete.NomComRIWGCompleted


Rec 10:  ICANN org will send the RIWG a clean version of the summary document that reflects feedback from the call. The working group may wish to review before finalizing and sharing with the OEC in response to the questions raised during the 29 April call.

  1. Rec 10 Gap Analysis implementation step- NomComRIWG to revisit and examine gap analysis from Rec. 10 to confirm whether this step was completed and if so, consider whether to include a brief description of the gap analysis in the summary document.
ICANN OrgCompleted


NomComRIWG and ICANN CEO will finish their discussion on transparency of ICANN org support of the NomCom; also address Recommendation 11 on line of responsibility and Recommendation 12 on Budgeting for the NomCom.


  - Conference call scheduled with ICANN CEO.



Rec 27:  Considering the discussion and the takeaways, ICANN Legal will review the proposed definition and engage with the NomComRIWG to discuss a way forward.



Rec 24:  ICANN org to provide to the RIWG consolidated feedback from the OEC and org on the Draft Standing Committee Charter for RIWG consideration.



Rec 10:  ICANN org to assist with gathering NomComRIWG documentation on: a) options/principles considered for rebalancing;  b) community consultation and input on the RIWG proposal for addressing Rec. 10.





RIWG will draft Operating Standards for the Standing Committee to complement the draft charter. 



RIWG will consider adding language to the Standing Committee draft charter to convey "guard rails" for the work of the Standing Committee, and to add language regarding its accountability and transparency. 



NomCom Support Staff to try updating the process map with hyperlinks to the relevant sections of the NomCom Operating proceduresNomCom Support StaffOn hold


Draft Mapping - ICANN org to prepare a draft mapping of NomCom2 Review recommendations to relevant NomCom Operating Procedures for NomCom RIWG consideration.ICANN orgOn hold


Rec. 13:  Share latest version of the NomCom Lucid chart with NomCom support staff for review and to add any milestones that they believe are missingNomCom Support


ICANN org to confirm if they are aware of any questions generated in the recent past by the NomCom to the Board regarding feedback on re-applying nomcom appointees (rec 16)ICANN org - NomCom Support


WG is asking for a Blank copy of the Board's self-assessment template, as described here: [].ICANN org - NomCom Support


Rec. 23: Consult with the wider ICANN community what additional metrics they might want to collect. (questionnaire, poll on wiki)NomComRIWG


Rec. 21: Schedule a discussion with HR to find out if they could suggest some assessment toolsICANN orgTBD


Rec. 12: find out from ICANN finance department what process they follow to alert community chairs that it’s time to start the new budget cycle. 

ICANN org - NomCom Support




Rec.1: Wait before sending out job description to SOs/ACsNomComRIWG




Inquire about the contracting/procurement of recruitment consultants.

RT/Lars HoffmannTo be resolved during Implementation


HR for review of professional services hired to design recruiting materialsRT/Lars HoffmannTo be resolved during Implementation
