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Item remains on the Council agenda Item is to be completed but off the Council agendaItem completed



Entry Date (E)


Target Date (T)

Action Item

Responsible Council Member


Responsible Staff member

Additional Notes

Registration Directory Service (RDS) - Program Management



  • Overarching Action Item: GNSO Council leadership, in collaboration with support staff, to propose a timeframe and mechanism for addressing the following RDS related issues, taking into account their respective requirements as noted below; GNSO Council leadership to provide an update to the GNSO Council during its May 2020 meeting.
    •  GNSO Council leadership and staff to schedule a future prep call to discuss the RDS program management issues. 
  • EPDP Phase 2: 
    •  Staff (Marika) to work with Rafik to develop a framework document to identify a list of topics (e.g., accuracy, legal vs. natural, and other remainder items from the EPDP) and outline the next steps for the EPDP for the GNSO Council to consider; GNSO Council leadership to circulate the framework document prior to the June Council meeting; Rafik to inform Janis about the upcoming framework document.
    •  Keith to develop a draft GNSO Council response to the SSAC letter, correcting any inaccuracies.
    •  Staff (Berry) to develop a PCR for the EPDP to be reviewed/discussed during the June Council meeting.
    •  A Council small team, consisting of Council leadership, support staff, and interested Council members -- including Marie Pattullo, Philippe Fouquart, Sebastien Ducos, John McElwaine, Greg DiBiase, Tatiana Tropina, Carlos Samuels -- to develop a consolidated approach to address the remaining EPDP priority 2 topics, with the aim to report back to the Council by 13 July, in time for the document and motion prior to the July 2020 Council meeting
    •  Prior to the September 2020 Council meeting, all GNSO Councilors to solicit input from their respective SGs/Cs regarding the Small Team proposal about the EPDP Phase 2 Priority 2 Items, and share their feedback to inform Council’s decision on the next steps.
    •  Council leadership and support staff to schedule a planning meeting after the Council vote on the EPDP Phase 2 Final Report. 
    •  ICANN Staff to prepare the draft recommendations report for the ICANN Board, to be considered and adopted by the GNSO Council, focusing on items that the GNSO Council agreed on. 
    •  ICANN Staff to inform GDS that the GNSO Council directs ICANN Org to convene the Implementation Review team for the EPDP Phase 2, noting that the GNSO Council has no objection if the existing EPDP Phase 1 Implementation Review Team would take on this task, recognizing that there may be a need to refresh membership as well as align the implementation with any work that may remain from the Phase 1 implementation.
  • EPDP Phase 1 Recommendation 7: GNSO Council needs to further discuss the Board letter about the potential impasse concerning the implementation of EPDP Phase 1 Recommendation 7, and based on the discussion, draft a response to the ICANN Board. 
    •  GNSO Council leadership to instruct the Council Liaison to the IRT to engage with the IRT in order to understand the nature of the impasse regarding Phase 1 Recommendation 7, if it exists, and the next steps to address such impasse.
    •  GNSO Councilors to review the draft letter and provide feedback on Council list by Thursday, 28 May COB; Pam to propose appropriate revision to the letter to reflect the GNSO Council liaison’s engagement with the IRT.
    •  Sebastien Ducos to provide a written update on EPDP IRT discussions on recommendation 7
    •  The Council Small Team (consisting of Marie, Rafik, Pam, John, Philippe, Flip, and Maxim) to discuss and address the next steps, including:
      1. develop a Council position paper regarding the path forward for expediting the Thick WHOIS review as envisaged by the EPDP Phase 1 recommendation 27; 
      2. develop a formal response to the IRT (to be communicated by Sebastien); and
      3. prepare communication to the ICANN Board regarding expediting the Thick WHOIS review.
  • EPDP Phase 1 Recommendation 27: GNSO Council needs to solicit input from SGs/Cs on the staff proposal, and based on the feedback received, determine whether the staff proposal should be adopted and if so, how the relevant actions should be moved forward. 
  • Registry Directory Service Review Team Recommendations: GNSO Council needs to solicit input from SGs/Cs on the two recommendations passed by the ICANN Board, and based on the feedback received, draft a response to the ICANN Board. 
    •  GNSO Council leadership to review the draft staff document and consider circulation on the Council list.
    •  Pam Little to work with Marie Pattullo to complete the draft response, as soon as practical, to the ICANN Board regarding RDS-WHOIS2-RT recommendation for consideration by the GNSO Council. 
  • WHOIS Procedure Implementation Advisory Group (WPIAG): GNSO Council needs to solicit input from SGs/Cs and determine whether/how to initiate the work of the WPIAG (see charter).
    •  GNSO Council leadership to review the draft staff document and consider circulation on the Council list.
    •  No later than the October 2020 Council meeting, the GNSO Council to form a small team to review the charter of WPIAG and advise the Council on the possible next steps.  

IGO Work Track



  •  Per the ADR, the GNSO Council to issue the call volunteers/Expression of Interest for the Chair for the RPM-IGO-CRPM work track at its September 2020 Council meeting.
  •  ICANN Staff to publish the Expressions of Interest to identify a single, qualified IGO Work Track Chair on the ICANN website, community leadership mailing list, community leadership digest, and other relevant ICANN communication channels.  
  •  ICANN Staff to distribute the call for Members and Observers to join the IGO Work Track on the ICANN website, community leadership mailing list, community leadership digest, and other relevant ICANN communication channels.

CCWG-Accountability Workstream 2 Next Steps


  •  Keith to circulate the WS2 Implementation Assessment Report to the GNSO Council to kick off the discussion about CCWG-Accountability WS2 next steps. 
  •  Keith to raise the “CCWG-Accountability WS2 next steps” topic during the next SO/AC leadership meeting and propose the idea of developing a joint letter to seek further communications from ICANN org regarding the progress. 
  •  GNSO Council leadership, in collaboration with interested volunteers (e.g.,  James Gannon, Philippe Fouquart, and Tom Dale), to tee up the Council discussion of the CCWG-Accountability Workstream 2 topic for a future Council meeting.
  •  A GNSO Council small team -- including Juan Manuel Rojas, James Gannon, Tatiana Tropina, Tom Dale, and Council Leadership -- to deliberate on the WS2 Implementation Assessment Report, coordinate with ICANN org depts (new Planning Function being established under our CFO Xavier Calvez & MSSI), and develop a work plan for consideration by the GNSO Council; this small team is also expected to consider potential overlaps between WS2 implementation and ATRT3 & MSM evolution.
    •  Staff to schedule a meeting of the small team before the September 2020 Council meeting as a brief preliminary meeting to discuss the next steps/expectations. 

Independent Review Process 



  •  GNSO Councilors to consult with their respective SGs/Cs regarding how to appoint IRP standing panel members and share their feedback no later than the July 2020 Council meeting.
  •  Prior to the September 2020 Council meeting, all GNSO Councilors to solicit input from their respective SGs/Cs regarding the summary and next steps document about IRP Standing Panel, and share their feedback to inform Council’s decision on the next steps.

PDP3.0 Final Report



  •  GNSO Support Staff to work with the GNSO Council leadership on the deployment of improvements based on the effective time frame proposed by the PDP 3.0 Small Team.
  •  GNSO Council to carry out the other future action items in the “resolved” clauses at appropriate time, as directed in the motion.

Managing IDN Variants TLDs



  •  Staff to develop options paper to support small group efforts
  •  GNSO Chair to send message to Council list to expand volunteer pool expertise beyond Council. Small team to consider and propose scope of holistic IDN review, prior to outreach with ccNSO. (Volunteers: Rubens Kuhl, Maxim Alzoba, Philippe Fouquart, Edmon Chung, Michele Neylon) (Small team believes it has requisite expertise and adequate volunteers)
  •  GNSO Chair to email Katrina Sataki to inform her of immediate next steps and willingness determine the best coordination method between the GNSO and ccNSO.
  •  Once GNSO small team is able to gain an understanding of the scope of effort and potential vehicle for resolution, ICANN staff to schedule call to identify structure for coordination between the GNSO and ccNSO. GNSO and ccNSO to identify where coordination is and is NOT needed. 
  •  ICANN staff to reach out to Maarten Simon and Philippe Fouquart to determine if they are willing to lead action items above. (Both Maarten and Philippe are members of the scoping team)
  •  ICANN staff to investigate format for JIG and see if it may be fit for purpose. (Upon review, this letter concerning the closure of the JIG was found. It will be discussed by the Council small team.)
  •  ICANN Staff to ensure that GNSO liaison(s) are assigned to the IDN ccPDP, when the ccNSO initiates that effort
  •  ICANN Staff to investigate who (e.g., Council liaison, other)
  •  Council leadership to support coordination between SubPro leadership and ccNSO to discuss string similarity.
  •  GNSO Councilors to review the IDN Scoping team Recommendation Report by the March 2020 Council meeting; Keith to send a reminder to the Council list.
  •  GNSO support staff to inform GDD of the Council’s support for initiating the IDN Operational Track 1, as recommended by the IDN Scoping Team, which shall focus on the IDN Implementation Guidelines 4.0, which the Council anticipates will be worked on primarily between ICANN org and Contracted Parties, but should allow observers. 
  •  Per the ADR, at the September Council meeting, the GNSO Council to form a drafting team that will develop a charter for the (E)PDP working group tackling the IDN Policy Track 2.
  •  GNSO Council to use the revised charter template and other related PDP 3.0 work products to develop a draft charter for a future PDP/EPDP for the IDN policy effort, consider potential overlap of IDN PDP with other GNSO PDPs
, and report to the GNSO Council on whether these PDP 3.0 work products help achieve the intended outcomes.

Steve Chan Ariel Liang

Regarding the JIG format, the small team is not ready to look at that yet. but it's on their radar.

Accountability and Transparency Review



  •  By Monday, 20 July, the GNSO Council to form a small team, including Pam Little and Tom Dale and in consultation with Cheryl Langdon-Orr, to work on a draft response to the ATRT3 Final Report public comment, which is scheduled to close on 31 July.

DNS Abuse 



  •  GNSO Council leadership to raise the DNS abuse topic and a potential scoping exercise during the next SO/AC leadership meeting. 
  •  GNSO Council to reach out to the ccNSO, at an appropriate time, to discuss potential next steps to address DNS abuse issues. 
