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Chat transcript:

13:47:16 From Kristina Hakobyan : thank you
13:47:50 From Kristina Hakobyan : hello, Gulten
13:47:53 From Joke Braeken : hi Kristina, hello everyone!
13:48:02 From gulten.tepe : Hello Kristina, hello Joke. Thank you so much for joining us today
13:55:53 From Joke Braeken : If you would like to follow the live note taking during today’s GRC meeting, please go to []
13:59:07 From bart.boswinkel : Hi All,
14:00:02 From David McAuley : Hello Bart, and all
14:00:29 From Joke Braeken : hello everyone. If you would like to follow the live note taking during today’s GRC meeting, please go to
14:02:00 From David McAuley : Good news, thanks Katrina
14:04:34 From sveta : Hello all!
14:04:36 From Joke Braeken : []
14:04:37 From Joke Braeken : Long-Term Options to Adjust the Timeline of Reviews
14:04:47 From Joke Braeken : []
14:04:55 From Joke Braeken : Short -Term Options to Adjust the Timeline of Reviews
14:05:25 From David McAuley : no0ne here
14:05:25 From bart.boswinkel : Short term option closes on 6 July 2018
14:05:32 From David McAuley : none, that is
14:05:44 From bart.boswinkel : Long -term closes 20 July
14:06:21 From David McAuley : I think Stephen was working on a rejection action checklist, I think he said that
14:06:57 From bart.boswinkel : Council most likely
14:07:09 From bart.boswinkel : They have to deal with final decision
14:13:02 From Young-eum : I agree.
14:14:30 From David McAuley : yes, I did read red-line
14:14:33 From Young-eum : The red line version mentioned 12 slots
14:15:07 From David McAuley : could we say normally 17
14:15:31 From David McAuley : but subject to ICANN budget
14:16:03 From David McAuley : Katrina's idea works as well
14:16:40 From David McAuley : I like Katrina's idea
14:17:49 From David McAuley : +1 Katrina and Bart
14:19:47 From David McAuley : On non-reappointment I would suggest not eleigible for reappointment more than once (six years total contiguous service)
14:20:37 From David McAuley : can you scroll toi 5.1 nd 5.2
14:24:43 From David McAuley : I like Katrina's idea as a preferance but maybe not hard and fast rule
14:25:27 From David McAuley : Agree with Bart, he is saying it better
14:29:09 From David McAuley : so the word 'recommend' makes sense
14:36:22 From David McAuley : ok thanks, Young-eum
14:40:30 From David McAuley : I agree w Katrina
14:44:50 From Joke Braeken : a cleaner version of the Travel Support Guideline:
The red-lined version - which was discussed during the previous meeting – can be consulted here:
14:46:44 From David McAuley : Thsnks Katrina
14:46:52 From David McAuley : Thanks
14:50:10 From Joke Braeken : Current version of the Liaison Guideline:
14:52:12 From David McAuley : Fair points Bart
14:54:49 From David McAuley : Agree
14:55:29 From Joke Braeken : Latest version of the Board Selection Procedure: []
15:00:50 From Young-eum : Apologies. I have another committment and need to stay muted from now on.
15:03:35 From David McAuley : Good idea Bart and maybe Byron will have good insight out of his role in CSC
15:04:49 From David McAuley : and we all should put Section 18 on our reading list