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The following page contains information related to past and upcoming meetings of the GNSO Working Party. 

 DateTimeAgendaAudio RecordingChatTranscriptAdditional InformationAction Items
115-May-201414:00 UTCAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscriptMeeting Report
  •  Larisa Gurnick, by next week's meeting, is to provide an illustration of a proposed set of criteria and a framework for how we are beginning to develop the criteria for the review.
  •  Matt Ashtiani is to provide an update on the GNSO Working Party wiki and present it to the group on the next call.
  •  Jennifer Wolfe is to reach out to Jonathan Robinson, as well as the other members of the GNSO Council, to inform them that it's vital the Working Party have participation from those who have volunteered within the various groups.
  •  Matt Ashtiani is to post summary minutes and action items of this meeting on the wiki. 
222-May-201414:00 UTCAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscript

Meeting Report

360 Assessment Introduction

  •  Matt Ashtiani is to resend the 360 Assessment Proposed Draft (survey) to the group as new members were added recently.
  •  The members of the GNSO Review Working Party will review the 360 Assessment Proposed Draft in detail and provide feedback at the next meeting, on 29 May 2014.
329-May-201414:00 UTCAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscript

Meeting Report

360 Assessment Introduction

  •  Larisa Gurnick, based on the feedback to be provided on 29 May, will develop a test 360 Assessment to check for ease of use, clarity and functionality.
  •  The GNSO Review Working Party is to review the 360 Assessment and provide feedback on the language and scope of the questions by Wednesday 4-June-2014 23:59. 
45-June-201414:00 UTCAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscriptMeeting Report
  •  Larisa Gurnick is to recirculate the 360 Questions once the feedback provided by the Working Party has been incorporated.
  •  Larisa Gurnick will circulate the Outreach and Engagement Plan Draft.
22-June-2014 (ICANN 50 - London)17:00 - 18:30 BSTAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscript

360 Assessment Mock Up

Community Outreach/Engagement

Meeting Report

 510-July-201414:00 UTCAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscriptMeeting Report 
624-July-201414:00 UTCAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscript

Survey Mockup

Meeting Report

77-August-201414:00 UTCAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscript

Document verification list

Meeting Report

821-August-201414:00 UTCAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscript

Meeting Report

Statistics Update

  •  Matt Ashtiani and Westlake are to provide a weekly update to the GNSO Working Party mailing list.
  •  Mary Wong is to speak with Jonathan about the possibility of having a meeting on Monday or Wednesday that does not conflict with anything major. She is to then let the Working Party know the options within the next meeting or two. 
94-September-201414:00 UTCAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscript

Meeting Report

Statistics Update

1018-September-201414:00 UTCAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscript

Meeting Report

Statistics Update

1112 October 2014
Los Angeles 17:30 PDTAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscript

Meeting Report


1213-Nov-201415:00 UTCAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscript

Meeting Report

Upcoming Dates

1311 February 2015
ICANN52 - Singapore
10:30-Noon SGTAgendamp3 Recordingn/aTranscript

Session Details

143 March 201520:00-21:30 UTCAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscript  
154 May 201515:00-17:00 UTCAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscriptMeeting Report 
1612 May 2015 - ICANN5219:00-20:30 UTCAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscriptMeeting Report 
1723 June 2015
ICANN53 - Buenos Aires 
8:00-9:00 ART Not Recorded    
1816 September 201514:00-15:00 UTCAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscript
  •  Charla K. Shambley to set up two doodle polls for upcoming calls: 1) formulate written response to OEC on Final Report; 2) discuss prioritization/implementation of recommendations
1921 September 201516:00-17:00 UTCAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscriptMeeting Report 
2030 September 201518:00-19:30 UTCAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscriptMeeting Report
2119 October 2015 - ICANN54 Dublin7:00-8:15 Not recorded    
2218 November 201515:00-17:00 UTCPrioritize Recommendationsmp3 RecordingChatTranscript  
238 December 201518:00-19:00 UTCPrioritize Recommendationsmp3 RecordingChatTranscript  
243 February 201619:00-20:30 UTCPrioritize Recommendationsmp3 Recording Transcript 
  •  Jen Wolfe to draft Executive Summary
  •  Charla Shambley to sort recommendations based on critieria provided during call
  •  Distribute draft Executive Summary and recommendations to Working Party in order to meet GNSO Council motion deadline of 8 February

Working Party Updates to GNSO Council

DateTimeAgendaAudio RecordingChatTranscriptAdditional Information
22 June 2014
ICANN50 London
17:00 - 18:30 BSTAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscript

360 Assessment Mock Up

Community Outreach/Engagement

Meeting Report

11 February 2015
ICANN52 Singapore
14:15-14:45 SGTAgenda  TranscriptSession Details
19 March 201518:00-20:00 UTCAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscriptGNSO Council Update Presentation
21 May 201515:00 UTCAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscriptGNSO Council Update
21 June 2015
ICANN53 Buenos Aires 
14:30-15:15 ARTAgendamp3 Recordingn/aTranscript 
24 September 201518:00-20:00 UTCAgendamp3 RecordingChatTranscript 
17 October 201515:30-16:00 IST     Session Details 3 March 201520:00 UTC (tentative)    Transcript 
12 April 201617:30 - 19:00 UTC mp3 RecordingChatTranscript

GNSO Briefing to Council Slides

Adobe Replay


(** Information extracted from transcripts which may be incomplete or inaccurate) 

Call/DateNomComBCISPCPIPCRySGNCSGRrSGSO/AC ObserverOtherOther AttendeesIndependent Examiner
01 - 15 May 201411000100010 (not contracted)

02 - 22 May 2014

110011000100 (not contracted)
03 - 29 May 201410202230010 (not contracted)
04 - 5 June 201410201300010 (not contracted)
05 - 10 July 201410111300100
06 - 24 July 201411103110101
07 - 7 Aug 201412002300102
08 - 21 Aug 201410002100001
09 - 4 Sep 201411200000011
10 - 18 Sep 201411102100002
11 - 12 Oct 201410001000102
12 - 13 Nov 201411101100001
13 - 11 Feb 201511001300101
14 - 3 March 2015110115110101
15 - 4 May 201510102220100
16 - 12 May 201510002401003
17 - 23 June 201510011200002
18 - 16 Sep 201510101401042 (not contracted)
19 - 21 Sep 201510001411030 (not contracted)
20 - 30 Sep 201510002410000 (not contracted)
21 - 19 Oct 201510200401020 (not contracted)
22 - 18 Nov 201510101301000 (not contracted)
23 - 8 Dec 201510002301000 (not contracted)
24 - 3 Feb 201610002000000 (not contracted)