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CCOICI Meeting – Wednesday 1 December at 13.00 UTC


  1. Welcome
  2. Working Group Self-Assessment - Preliminary responses to key questions
    1. Review feedback received (see
    2. Confirm preliminary responses
  3. Working Group Self-Assessment – Test WG Self-Assessment Survey (see                see [] )
    1. Review CCOIC input (
    1. see [])
    2. Consider next steps
  4. PDP 3.0 developed WG leadership survey questions (seesee       performance-     10feb20-en.pdf [])
    1. High level overview
    2. CCOICI input template (see [])
    3. Confirm next steps
  5. Confirm action items & next meeting (Wednesday 8 December at 13.00 UTC)




Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

Chat Transcript 

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar


CRM Attendance

Apologies: Sebastien Ducos,  Flip Petillion


Notes/ Action Items

Action Items:

  1. CCOICI members to take the test survey if they have not already done so at [] and provide feedback in the Google doc at [] before the meeting on 15 December.
  2. CCOICI members to review the PDP 3.0 developed WG leadership survey questions at [] and provide input in the template at: [] before the meeting on 15 December.
  3. Olga Cavalli to reach out to CCOICI members to confirm their intent to participate in the group.


  1. Welcome
  2. Working Group Self-Assessment - Preliminary responses to key questions

           a. Review feedback received (see

  • One specific suggestion to also look at the questions/comments that staff support provided.  There are some questions in the end survey and whether these questions could be included in the periodic survey.
  • There should have been sufficient time to review the document so we will move forward on the assumption that there is general agreement with the document.
  • We will keep the document with the comments for the record so that people can see the group’s thinking and the evolution of the document.

         b. Confirm preliminary responses

   3. Working Group Self-Assessment – Test WG Self-Assessment Survey (see [] [])

        a. Review CCOIC input (see [])

  • Can allow another week for review and comment.
  • Fairly limited group joining the meeting today; Olga to reach out to the various groups to confirm participation.
  • For this assignment we asked everyone to take the self-assessment survey and to provide comments.
  • Seems agreement that in addition to the end-cycle survey there should be periodic surveys, so the group should consider which questions should be retained for the periodic survey and/or should some be adjusted.
  • Some questions for input:
    • What should be kept in the WGSA launched at the end of a WG’s life cycle?
    • What should be changed in the WGSA launched at the end of a WG’s life cycle?
    • What is missing in the WGSA launched at the end of a WG’s life cycle?
    • Which questions should move to or be duplicated from this WGSA to the  periodic assessment?
  • Noted in the survey that when you want to identify yourself you have to associate yourself with a certain SG or C or as an individual, but this won’t work for a NomCom member – could add “member of the GNSO”.
  • Question: Can you repeat the survey and replace previous responses?  Answer: For this survey tool it’s not possible to save your response and go back and return to a previous response, but you can submit multiple responses and the administrator can delete previous responses.  If there is a need to go back, save responses, and start again perhaps the group can call out these improvements so we can decide if this is the right survey tool.
  • Think questions about leadership would be valid although they might be too personal.  This is covered in the next agenda item.

        b. Consider next steps

ACTION ITEM: CCOICI members to take the test survey if they have not already done so at [] and provide feedback in the Google doc at [] before the meeting on 08 December.

ACTION ITEM: Olga Cavalli to reach out to CCOICI members to confirm their intent to participate in the group.

   4. PDP 3.0 developed WG leadership survey questions (see [])

   a. High level overview

  • As part of the PDP 3.0 effort there were a number of improvements relating to the processes of the PDP, including assessment of the leadership of the PDP.
  • A leadership survey was developed by GNSO Councilors as part of PDP 3.0, which is now a couple of years old; it has never been used.
  • See the PDP 3.0 final report improvement #6 at: INSERT.  Questions focus on areas where there needs to be improvement, where something can be changed.
  • The survey is a set of 8 questions with the intent to be administered periodically, although this has not been decided.  Question focus areas include:
    • Meeting facilitation;
    • Managing the process;
    • Neutrality;
    • Getting to consensus.
  • Do group members agree that these are the appropriate areas of focus (see specific questions below).

   b. CCOICI input template (see [])

Questions for feedback:

  • Should this survey be integrated in the periodic survey or be a standalone survey?
  • Should all questions be part of the periodic survey (or standalone)?
  • If you answered that not all questions should be included, please specify which ones can/should be removed.
  • Are there any questions missing?

   c. Confirm next steps

ACTION ITEM: CCOICI members to review the PDP 3.0 developed WG leadership survey questions at [] and provide input in the template at: [] before the meeting on 15 December.

5. Confirm action items & next meeting

  • There are potential conflicts next week and members may need more time for the homework.
  • Postpone the next meeting to Wednesday 15 December at 13.00 UTC.