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This wiki page encapsulates the review team's requests for information and briefings and answers associated with them. 

Plenary Requests

Written Implementation Briefing Request


Link (also available on background materials page)

WHOIS1 - Rec 1(tick) Submitted to review team on 14 Aprilhere
WHOIS1 - Rec 2(tick) Submitted to review team on 20 Marchhere
WHOIS1 - Rec 3(tick) Submitted to review team on 29 Marchhere
WHOIS1 - Rec 4(tick) Submitted to review team on 12 Marchhere
WHOIS1 - Recs 5-9(tick) Submitted to review team on 28 Marchhere
WHOIS1 - Rec 10(tick) Submitted to review team on 27 Marchhere
WHOIS1 - Rec 11(tick) Submitted to review team on 23 Marchhere
WHOIS1 - Recs 12-14(tick) Submitted to review team on 7 Marchhere
WHOIS1 - Recs 15-16(tick) Submitted to review team on 16 Marchhere
WHOIS1 Implementation Assessment Subgroups
SubgroupRequestStatusLink (also available on subgroups' pages)

WHOIS1 Rec #1 - Strategic Priority

Written materials:

* Information on incentivization measures for ICANN Org staff including CEO ([standard] contract clauses, internal guidance, memos, meeting minutes etc.)
* Records of Board/CEO Committee on WHOIS including Terms of Reference/Charter, minutes of meetings, work plan, objectives and outputs
* Any other written materials that can provide responses to the interview questions outlined below.

(tick) Submitted to subgroup on 14 AprilEmail
Questions: Submitted to subgroup on 14 AprilEmail
Brussels face-to-face meeting #3 - requests for clarification pertaining to the BWG-RDS(tick) Submitted to subgroup on 08 AugustEmail
WHOIS1 Rec #3: OutreachQuestion: What has ICANN done, on a one-time basis or ongoing, to address the requirement to reach out to communities outside of ICANN with an interest in WHOIS issues.(tick) Submitted to subgroup on 10 AprilEmail

WHOIS1 Rec #4: Compliance

Meeting with ICANN org compliance(tick) Held on 1 February
Meeting with ICANN org compliance(tick) Held on 28 March
Brussels meeting follow-up questions to ICANN Compliance: Submitted to subgroup on 1 May
Additional questions to ICANN org: Submitted to subgroup on 21 June
Additional questions to ICANN org: Submitted to subgroup on 26 July

Question: What are the process and criteria used to determine the domain names to review with ARS?

(tick)Submitted to subgroup on 27 July
Question: For domains rechecked after suspension, what % are found to be unsuspended in total and the % that are still non-compliant?(tick)Submitted to subgroup on 31 July 2018
WHOIS1 Rec #5-9: Data AccuracyQuestions: (tick) Submitted to subgroup on 30 March
Brussels meeting follow-up questions to ICANN Compliance: Submitted to subgroup on 1 May

Is there a routine feedback process in place for Compliance to advise the ARS project of ARS-detected inaccuracies that were not ultimately found by Compliance to be inaccuracies (e.g., tickets generated because the state was missing in a country where states are not applicable)?

(tick) Submitted to subgroup on 31 July 2018
Does ARS have access to non-public data under the Temporary Specification? Is the WHOIS data that is sampled by ARS obtained from the Registrar or Registry (for thick TLDs, since under GDPR much contact data may be redacted?)(tick)Submitted to subgroup on 1 August 2018
WHOIS1 Rec #10: Privacy/Proxy ServicesMetrics for P/P Spec in the 2013 RAA(tick) Submitted to subgroup on 11 March
Briefing with ICANN Org staff leading the IRT staff support to learn how team will ramp up to manage PPSAI policy compliance(tick) Held on 28 March
WHOIS1 Rec #11: Common InterfaceBriefing on query failures on WHOIS microsite - how frequent, cause, any efforts to alleviate. The subgroup would like to gather statistics (current) on use of the common interface, uptime, requests for help using the tool and what usage data is tracked by ICANN. In addition, it is seeking information on challenges encountered.(tick) Submitted to subgroup on 7 MarchLink

We have found several error messages in using the tool referenced below:

The requested second-level domain was not found in the Registry or Registrar’s WHOIS Server. (the domain name was confirmed to be registered with the registry)

Sorry, but the Registry or Registrar WHOIS Server responded with a rate limit message due to high query volumes or has closed the connection without a response. Please try your request again later.

ICANN received a timeout while querying the Registry or Registrar’s WHOIS Server

Are these error messages created by ICANN or do they come directly from the Registrar or Registry?

Does ICANN track how often these error messages are presented in response to a WHOIS query?

(tick) Submitted to subgroup on 18 DecemberLink

WHOIS1 Rec #15-16: Plan & Annual Reports

Requests for clarification regarding operating plan and annual report(tick) Submitted to subgroup on 17 July
Over the period of WHOIS RT recommendation implementation, has there been anyone overseeing the entire package of work and, if so, did that entity issue ongoing reports and work plan, updated to track progress(tick) Submitted to subgroup on 24 JulyLink
Summary of Improvements already underway, including under new Bylaws, such as annual progress plan that would include implementation of specific review recommendations, and confirmation from RT member(s) that implementation plan reflects the intent of the recommendation.(tick) Submitted to subgroup on 2 AugustLink
New Assessment Subgroups 
Subgroup 2 - Anything New On AWIP and ERRP, what does compliance audit for these policies, and what compliance issues has compliance encountered(tick) Submitted to subgroup on 09 AprilLink
Subgroup 5 – Safeguarding Registrant DataICANN org to provide links to materials describing process for transfer of data to escrow providers(tick) Submitted to subgroup on 11 MarchLink

Contract signed with escrow providers so that we may understand what processes, constraints or rules escrow providers are subject to regarding safeguarding data while under their custody and in relation to any data breaches that may be discovered. If the contracts are all substantially identical, then the standard boiler-plate contract will be sufficient.

(tick) Submitted to subgroup on 11 JuneLink