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Apologies: Martin Boyle, Eduardo Santoyo, Ben Fuller, Margarita Valdes, Christelle Vaval, Stephen Deerhake


  • Welcome and roll call
  • CSC Status update and discussion
    • Comments received and discussion
    • Open issues (CSC charter, coordination with GNSO/RySG)
  • Other procedures/ processes that need to be in place before mid August in light of the Transition?
    • Check with draft ICANN Bylaws
  • Next steps
  • AOB


Action Items


AppointmentCSCmembers_v1-3 version 25 April .pdf


Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Good morning :)

  Joke Braeken:Hi Alejandra! welcome

  Bart Boswinkel:Hi Alejandra

  David McAuley:Godd morning gentle GRC folks

  Joke Braeken:Hello David :)

  David McAuley:I meant Good

  David McAuley:Good morning Katrina

  Joke Braeken:It must be early in the morning for you.

  Dejan Djukic:Hi everyone!

  David McAuley:sorry for the cough - meant to be on mute

  Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Good morning Katrina and all :)

  Katrina Sataki:Hello! :)

  Mirjana Tasic .rs:Good morning,  I do not hear anything, is there a problem with sound

  Kimberly Carlson:Hello Everyone, welcome

  Kimberly Carlson:Can you hear now?

  David McAuley:I struggled with Google docs and will try to correct it prior to next mtg

  Mirjana Tasic .rs:No, I'll try the phone

  Kimberly Carlson:you could try logging out of AC and back in as well

  David McAuley:yes, like title

  David McAuley:Thanks Bart

  Mirjana Tasic .rs:Now  it is OK

  David McAuley:it's not easy being green, and blue

  David McAuley:Good point Bart

  Katrina Sataki:Ok... I lost the sound

  Katrina Sataki:is it just me of everyone?

  Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):I can listen

  Katrina Sataki:ok, I'll try to re-dial

  Kimberly Carlson:I still hear on both AC and bridge

  David McAuley:That makes sense Bart, thak you

  David McAuley:thank you, I meant

  Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):In 3.2 says it is open to members and non-members of ccNSO and 4.2 says only members of ccNSO. Maybe that is the conflict?

  Katrina Sataki:4.2. does not say only ccNSO

  Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Well it doesn't say "member of ccNSO", but maybe it is not clear?

  David McAuley:yes, Katrina

  David McAuley:Good point on entire CSC needing diversity

  Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):I think it is very difficult to ensure gender diversity in a technical matter, since girls in technical "space" are very few.

  David McAuley:Maybe make sure that our two choices are not from same region

  Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):David, I think it will be the best thing that could be done.

  Dejan Djukic:we should stick with the diversity with the candidates from our community.

  David McAuley:I agree with Alejandra and Katrina - this is tougher than it seems at first

  David McAuley:I think it would be good to use that bylaws language

  David McAuley:I like the first option - based on votes not on agreement among themselves

  David McAuley:And I think Bart's idea is good as well, I just don't like agreeming among themselves, think it should be more certain

  Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):I like the idea of applying for member 1 (3 years) or member 2 (2 years)

  Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):oh sorry... The docuents says it's member 1 (2 years) and member 2 (3 years)

  Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Hmm... didn't think about that Katrina, then maybe ranking is our best solution.

  Dejan Djukic:Agree with that, i't a bit complicated with member 1 and member 2.

  David McAuley:I think I agree Katrina

  David McAuley:possibly out of scope of this guideline

  Bart Boswinkel:It can be always be included again

  Bart Boswinkel:But aneed to be agreed upon

  Bart Boswinkel:It is about Council accountability as well

  David McAuley:And I agreed that Bart's reading on "annual" was better than mine

  David McAuley:agree with Bart, also choices on IFRT and SCWG

  Bart Boswinkel:IFRT adn SCWG will be after transition

  David McAuley:agreed

  David McAuley:the IRP tender process will be close to same time as transition as well

  David McAuley:thanks Bart, I agree

  David McAuley:I agree but also have an action item on one of them

  David McAuley:well said Bart

  David McAuley:this can be a blueprint

  David McAuley:I will

  Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Yes you can edit the comment ;)

  David McAuley:good point Katrina - at least get it in the doc

  Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):The comments get "Resolved"

  Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):and only stay in History of the document

  Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):yup :)

  Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):To edit a comment, you need to place your mouse on the three dots next to the Resolve button, and the following options appear: Edit and Delete.

  David McAuley:Thanks Alejandra, I will get this, sorry for earlier struggles

  Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Don't worry about it David. If there is anything I can help you with Google Docs don't hesitate to write me an email :)

  David McAuley:Many thanks

  David McAuley:Thanks Katrina, Bart and all

  Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Have a great day!

  Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):7:19 a.m. here :)

  David McAuley:9:19 here

  Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):bye

  David McAuley:bye

  Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bye all

  Dejan Djukic:Thank you! Bye




New version of the bylaws. specifies that the ccNSO council needs to meet min. 4 times per year. Is this requirement met?

Yes, once per month, and at every ICANN meeting.


Welcome and roll call


Thanks for the active contributions and input via google docs.


CSC status update and discussion


Requirements for volunteers.

- change in title

- new sections: general information


Comments specified as coming from Bart Boswinkel, are actually those by David McAuley (blue + green).  


New Bylaws specify that ccNSO and gNSO approve the annual slate.  In principle: staggered approvals, term is 3 years. So there are annual approvals.   The WG needs to check this with the CWG and implementation team, since it is not clear from the Bylaws. This is important when we draft the charter of the CSC.   Bart suggested that Katrina and Donna Austin will check this with the implementation team during the call scheduled tomorrow, and report back to the GRC team, so that David can follow up.



almost same as 4.2. 

We do not need the first sentence of 4.2. Can be removed.

particular member: either appointed by ccNSO or gNSO. Coordination needed between the 2.

ICANN bylaws specify on 17. 2.b (page 90) that indeed this is a joint effort.

David will comment on this particular section



David: CSC will begin same time as PTI, and will be a standing committee from that point onwards. Is this correct?

Bart: ICANN will start the process by establishing the CSC. will monitor PTI's performance. No mention that CSC will be triggered through the PTI.   Will be triggered by ICANN itself, as soon as bylaws are passed.  Needs to be specified in the CSC charter. To be verified.



remove first sentence.

No specification regarding the duration of the application window.  Sinds it needs to be approved by 15 Aug, the candidates need to be submitted well in advance.  Normally, a call for volunteers + selection takes about 6 weeks.  Regularly: call for volunteers take 2 weeks. 

Suggested Launch of the call for volunteers: in Helsinki, at the end of June.  Call for volunteers open for 2 weeks. This needs to be communicated well in advance.  Based on the assumption that the council will accept this in Helsinki at the meeting.

Timeline needed. To be discussed tomorrow with Donna.



Criteria number 4 is not clear.  Needs to be rephrased, or deleted.

Diversity is hard criteria to meet (gender, geography, registry experience and type).   Most important however is the direct technical experience, depth and understanding.  Diversity is important to be taken into account, but in a second instance.  The ccNSO only appoints 2 members, whereas the entire CSC probably should respect the diversity principle.  However, obviously ccNSO cannot ask other AC/SO to select someone from a particular region/gender.

Direction of travel for councillors who will determine who will be on the CSC (sense of direction on what to look for).  Assumption that the councillors will take this into consideration when making their determination, but there is no guarantee.  

Rephrase: "these are the directions for councillors to take into account. At the end of the day, it is their own assessment"

First and foremost, the skillset is important. This overrules the diversity-principle.  Needs to be made clear in the guidelines.

(action point: Bart will propose wording)

criteria number 3. Direct knowledge of IANA naming function.  Use phrase from the bylaws. David will re-write this.



Term: one candidate for 2 years, the other one for 3 years.  How will this be decided upon?  Language of the proposal, refers to Member 1 and Member 2 (independent of the person).  Your employer needs to allow you to be on the CSC for 3 years.  Similar to Board selection: you can volunteer for a particular seat.

Will the initial slate be for 2 and 3 years, or 1 and 2 years?  This is up for discussion.  

Charter CSC

unclear to date who will write the charter. ICANN staff implementation is pointing to CCWG, who points to ccNSO and gNSO, who are not aware.  Lise Fuhr and Jonathan Robertson have this on their agenda.



Copied from proposal. 



separate approval as foreseen in bylaws. In this case, you need rules to avoid conflicts of interests.  

What is our choice? Is our choice the ccNSO appointed members, or is it indeed the full slate?  Here we talk about the full slate.  The gNSO and ccNSO will have the ability to block someone from taking part in the CSC. 

Liaisons: there is no requirement for this technical depth and experience. 

Something for ccNSO and gNSO to develop in the cross-community guidelines. if you separate it out initially, and do not include it here, the discussion will be more in depth.


6. Removal ccNSO appointed members

language directly quoted from draft bylaws. commitment of council and ccNSO on how they want to use the powers granted to them.

Council has indeed ability to remove someone for no reason.  David: "Right of the ccNSO: dedicated people on the CSC are needed. they need to have the freedom to manouvre. They will not act without reason, but do not necessarily need to explain themselves." Katrina understands the reasoning, but does not necessarily agree.


7. vacancy

List of volunteers. We will leave this discssion for later.


Annex A

can indeed be reshuffled. 


3. Other procedures/processes that need to be in place before mid August in light of the transition?

RSARC needs to be in place, with respect to the CWG. 1 ccNSO appointed member needs to be there. But there are other things needed as well.   Revised ICANN bylaws will provide answers.

In 2 weeks we will have some further clarity. Bart will check with the implementation team.  Depends a lot on the bylaws 

Other aspects that need to be in place as well: 

- tender process independent review panel

- IFRT and separation community WG

First focus on those elements that definitely need to be in place in order to make the transition happening (CSC, RSARC) needed by mid-August.  Then focus on the other aspects.


4. Next steps

What to focus on first?   Start with the initial selection of candidates, and then move to the regular selection of members.

Bart will update the current version, and will put the next version to Google Docs. Possibly already tomorrow night.  Selection process and criteria could be "ready for use", moreover the good thing is that  we will have a blue-print on how to approach other committees under the transition. 

Discussion with Donna and others tomorrow during the call.

Afterwards, this version needs to be updated, and shared via google docs.


Google Doc Tip: click on "comments", otherwise your input may disappear.  Comments can be edited.  To edit a comment, you need to place your mouse on the three dots next to the Resolve button, and the following options appear: Edit and Delete.


4 action points



- clarifies 3.2. 

- re-write sentence regarding direct experience and knowledge.



- CSC, 

- and timeline.  

- Updating the documents during the next 2 days.


5. AOB

  • When do we have a clean copy? Do we build comments on comments? No, Katrina resolves old comments.
  • We need to update some of the guidelines that were already submitted to the council. Resolution online that the meetings of all WGs need to be open for observers as a general principle during ICANN public meetings.  Unless majority decides to discuss sentsitive matters.
  • Thank you. Next meeting in 2 weeks.