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Project Status:

(tick) Board Determination on Final Report in March 2019

(star)Implementation ongoing/subject to prioritization- refer to the implementation page for more information. 

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Launched under the


Affirmation of Commitments (AoC),


the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT


-RT) was formed to assess the New Generic Top-Level Domain (New gTLD) Program in three areas: competition, consumer trust and consumer choice. The review also assessed the effectiveness of safeguards put in place


to mitigate issues


arising from the introduction


of new gTLDs


To conduct this review, a Competition, Consumer Trust, and Consumer Choice Review Team will be formed in late 2015.  Once formed, the Review Team will independently plan its work and schedule.

The resulting recommendations from the CCT Review Team will be provided to the Board and posted for public comment. The Board will take action within six months of receipt of the recommendations. Note that the recommendations, if accepted, may take different paths (e.g., some could relate to policy issues and could be recommended for going through the policy development process in the GNSO).

Preparations to inform the CCT Review Team's work areas are described below.



Preparations for Review


Consumer Survey


Study completed in Q2-2015, with follow-on study 1 year later. Outcomes targeted by Q2-2016.


Registrant Survey


Study began in Q1-2015, with follow-on study 1 year later.  Outcomes targeted by Q4-1015


Economic Study


Study began in Q1-2015, with follow-on study 1 year later. Outcomes targeted by Q2-2016.


Review Team Process


Review Team Process

The process of convening a Review Team, as called for in Section 9.3 of the Affirmation of Commitments is projected to begin in Q4-2015. This will enable the availability of baseline metric data for consideration, as well as comparison data as one input to the team's analysis. Additionally, reports on the rights protection and program implementation reviews will be available. Finally, the bulk of TLDs are expected to have been delegated and launched in the marketplace at this time, enabling consideration of a variety of TLD types (for example, IDNs, geographically-oriented TLDs, community- based TLDs, brand-related TLDs) to support more detailed analysis.


and the Program's application and evaluation process. The review, now contemplated under ICANN Bylaws section 4.6, examined the degree to which the process of implementing the New gTLD Program was successful in producing desired results and achieving the stated objectives. 

The CCT-RT produced 35 final recommendations for Board consideration and released its CCT Final Report on 8 September 2018. 

On 1 March 2019, the Board took action on each of the 35 recommendations contained in the CCT Final Report, as specified within the scorecard titled “Final CCT Recommendations: Board Action (1 March 2019)“:

See for more information.