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AI: On Agenda Item 3. Durban 46th meeting. Garth asked all NARALO members to think about what the subject/goal for this meeting be.  Garth will  send this  question to the list.


AI: NP to post a link on the NARALO ALS Spotlight wiki pae page of the ALS Spotlight Special Discussion : ISOC Colorado "Removing Need at RIPE". - COMPLETED 


AI: On 8.2 Evan asked if there is an AI for NARALO to endorse the 8.2 document " A Call for ICANN to Embrace its Inner Regulator".? [Check with Garth whether this is an AI]


AI: To all ALS: 8.4 Going forward, the Chair request all NARALO working group leaders provide updates to the Monthly Reports (Garth)
