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Current Work Under Consideration, Pending Consensus Call, Public Comment, or GNSO Council Approval

Final Update as of December 2016:


The GNSO Council approved the proposed modifications to the GNSO Operating Procedures relating to GNSO Officer elections and to Section 3.3.2 Submission of Reports and Motions at its meeting on 01 September 2016.  This completed the work of the SCI.  The SCI was subsequently repurposed as the GNSO Review Working Group to oversee the implementation of the GNSO2 Review via a motion adopted by the GNSO Council at its meeting on 15 December 2016.

GNSO Officer Elections - SCI Review Request 10 November



See SCI Review Request - GNSO Officer Elections - updated 10 Nov 2015.pdf.


In 2013 the GNSO Council determined that the current GNSO Working Group Guidelines, which form Annex I of the GNSO Operating Procedures, do not contain a mechanism for Working Groups (WGs) to self-assess their work.  Accordingly, the SCI developed and tested a WG self-assessment questionnaire, as a result of which the SCI is recommending that procedures for administering the self-assessment be added as a new Section 7.0 to the GNSO Working Group Guidelines, which form Annex I of the GNSO Operating Procedures.The revised GNSO Operating Procedures, including the proposed additions to the Working Group Guidelines, were put out for public comment for a period of a minimum of 21 days beginning on 10 February 2014 and ending on 03 March 2014 as required by the ICANN Bylaws.  As there were no comments received in the public forum the SCI deemed that no further changes were necessary nor was a public comment reply period needed.  At its meeting on 26 March 2014 the GNSO Council approved a motion adopting the revised Operating Procedures including a Working Group self-assessment and instructed ICANN staff to post the new version of the GNSO Operating Procedures, effective immediately upon adoption. 



Termination or Suspension of a Policy Development Process


The GNSO Council approved the revised charter at its meeting on 31 October 2013.




Consent Agenda

At the request of the GNSO Council the SCI began discussion of a consent agenda process that could be included in the GNSO Operating Procedures.  At its meeting at the ICANN Meeting in Prague in June 2012 the SCI notified the GNSO Council that it had agreed to a process and the proposed revisions to the GNSO Operating Procedures were subsequently put out for public comment.  As there were no revisions resulting from the Public Comment process the SCI submitted a motion for approval of the revised procedures to the GNSO Council.  The motion was approved at the Council meeting on 13 September 2012 and the GNSO Operating Procedures were revised accordingly.


On 12 December 2012 the SCI provided the following report to the GNSO Council: “The SCI was asked to consider who can raise an issue for SCI consideration. After deliberating on this matter, the SCI agreed to maintain the status quo according to the Charter of the SCI.  This means only the GNSO Council or a group chartered by the GNSO Council can request an item to be reviewed by the SCI.  However, the GNSO Council could possibly consider communicating to other SO/ACs / individuals, that if there are issues they would like to see reviewed by the SCI they will need to channel these via the GNSO Council and/or a group chartered by the GNSO Council.”