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October 2015

 The 3rd LTP took place from 14-16 October 2015 (some pictures: ICANN Leadership Programme 2015) We had good participation and a well balanced group, incl. an incoming Board member, ICANN staff and participants from almost all AC/SO/SG. The improvements in the curriculum worked out very well, we just realised that we have to move the programme to another time of the year, in order to avoid conflicting schedules. For the future we will be organising it back to back with meeting A or B. This means we have to wait with a next LTP for more than a year, because there is no budget request in the upcoming FY cycle. This provides us with more time to work on the scope of the broader concept of the ICANN Academy.


September 2015

Agreement on the final programme with Incite Learning, finalising the list of participants and logistical arrangements, outreach to community session facilitators (see the workspace: ICANN Academy )


July / August 2015

The registration for the LTP was opened, the work on logistical arrangements started (mainly staff work).


June 2015

The ICANN Academy Working group meet in Buenos Aires on Wed, 24 June 2015 - 17:00 to 18:30 There was not much progress or activity since Singapore, mainly because community as well as ICANN staff where all busy with the IANA Stewardship transition process. Therefore the agenda was pretty much the same as it was in Singapore and action items as they have been agreed (see below) were not yet all fulfilled. During the meeting in Buenos Aires a fist draft revision of the LTP programme was agreed based on the feedback from former participants. Furthermore we reached out personally to almost all AC / SO / SG asking to nominate their participants for the next LTP, taking place just before the ICANN meeting in Dublin. We received good interest by all groups.


April / May 2015

Follow up on the AI agreed in February (Flyer and Website).


March 2015

no activities


February 2015

The ICANN Academy Working Group face to face meeting in Singapore took place on Monday 09 February 2015 / 12:30 - 13:30 local time. 


PART 1: Visibility of the Academy on (20 min)

    1. Update by Christopher Gift,  (5 min)
    2. Discussion (15 min)

PART 2: Transition of the Expanded ICANN Academy Ad Hoc working group into a permanent cross community WG (20 min)

    1. definition aim and structure of this WG (15 min)
    2. distribution of tasks and responsibilities (5 min)

PART 3: Planning of the next Leadership training program (20 min)

    1. discussion on the next program (10 min)
    2. application procedure (5 min)
    3. update about the venue (5 min)

The time slot was unfortunate because many members could not participate although the expressed interest. Therefore part 2 of the agenda was postponed. On part 3 Heidi provided a brief update.

Part 1: The presentation of a first draft web interface by Chris Gif and Laura Bengford was well received by the community and the following Action Items (AI) have been agreed:

  • AI: Chris Gift to revise the landing page according to the level of engagement and stakeholder group to allow accessing each source and programming from multiple angles. (Discussion was to have different types of accessing depending on who you are. The same material is accessible through different means. Site should have several entries by communities, by specific programs, not restrictive.)
  • AI: delete change the wording “Academy members”
  • AI: Remove Twitter feed and make a list of upcoming programmes (next 5)
  • AI: Chris Gift to create an evaluation area on the page. (i.e. quotes from the community about programmes they attended)
  • AI: Chris Gift to add ‘activities’ to page on Mentoring (Mentoring Activities)
  • AI: Chris Gift to consider if convenient to follow a person to see the level of activity of the person in the site.
  • AI: Sandra Hoferichter to follow up with ICANN staff on how to name this WG which is now a standing WG, for example a proposal was made “Academy Steering Committee”.
  • AI: A sub page incl. an online application form for the 2015 LTP, detailed criteria and other elements to be agreed on, shall be up and ready by the Buenos Aires meeting.
  • AI: Staff to change mailing list name to ICANN Academy (ensure that archive of current mailing list is kept) from to ICANN Academy Working (or similar)
    --> STATUS UPDATE: the list was renamed to and it is active since 27.2.2015
  • AI: Sandra Hoferichter to follow up with staff to create a flyer for the LTP and organize outreach during the BA meeting (visiting AC/SO with the help of former LTP participants)


November 2014 - January 2015

Start searching for a venue for the LTP in Dublin.


October 2014

The 2nd Leadership training programme took place in Los Angeles from 8-10 October 2015 in the ICANN offices. Last year’s pilot programme was further developed in terms of better combining the facilitation skills part and the orientation course. Again community members acted as session facilitators on a topic of their expertise. Having held the LTP within the ICANN offices provided participants with a great relaxed atmosphere and a closer look how ICANN works. After the programme participants were asked to fulfil an evaluation survey.
