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Wanawit Ahkuputra; Jaap Akkerhuis; Donna Austin; Fatima Cambronero; Graeme Bunton; Olivier Crepin-Leblond; Eduardo Diaz; Lise Fuhr; Robert Guerra; Erick Iriarte; Staffan Jonson; Elise Lindeberg; Vika Mpisane; Seun Ojedeji; Jonathan Robinson; Greg Shatan

Participants: Guru Acharya; Carolina Aguerre; Wale Bekare; Martin Boyle; Gary Campbell; Steve Crocker; Keith Davidson; Stephanie Duchesneau; Lars-Erik Forsberg; Alan Greenberg; Feng Guo; Tracy Hackshaw; Geetha Hariharan; Gary Hunt; Malcolm Hutty; Boyoung Kim; Stacey King; Wolf-Ulrich Knoben; Cheryl Langdon-Orr; Allan MacGillivray; Camino Manjon-Sierra; Desiree Miloshevic; Sivasubramanian Muthusamy; Minjung Park; Kurt Pritz; Suzanne Radell; Jorg Schweiger; Claudia Selli; Matthew Shears; Maarten Simon; Mary Uduma; Peter Van Roste; Suzanne Woolf; Jiankang Yao.

Staff: Grace Abuhamad; Bart Boswinkel; Berry Cobb; Marika Konings; Jim Trengrove; Bernard Turcotte; Theresa Swinehart

Apologies: Chuck Gomes; Amr Elsadr; Paul Kane;Apologies: TBD

**Please let Grace know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**


Notes & Action Items

  • Open action items 
  • Sub-group calls RFP 3 and 4.
  • Interim draft document intended to be published on Tuesday 24  in preparation of CWG call on 27 WG
  • Planning post 1 December

Action items form the meeting itself

  • Principles document to be updated, has ben circulated
  • RFP 1 and RFP 2A, updated documented circulated
  • RFP 2 B – Draft updated, and recalculated
  • RFP 2C No updates , 
  • RFP 4 additional call , however overtaken by volunteers
  • Flowcharts are published
    • Additional opportunity to check changes resulting from discussion.
    • Flowcharts to be reviewed as soon as possible but no later then Monday 24 November COB UTC.

Reporting to community // Material to assist in reporting to community.

co-chairs will produce overview session/ communication without foreclosing on progress. 

Produce form of statement outcome of the meeting

  • Circulated to the group:
  • Alterntives:
  • Statement of the chairs or opportunity of communique
  • Sense of the meeting Statement of the chairs


Where will flowchart  be in the text?

Probably in RFP 3, one view


Where will entities be located? Consideration of Alternatives

  • Issue on ALAC list: if entity is created, can it be taken down?
  • Focus is Contracting entity, other entities identified less of an issue with regard to location/jurisdiction, risk mitigation etc.
  • Request to put concern  on the list
  • Concern of building rather complex model, due to accountability issues around ICANN.
  • Alternatives have not been discussed.
  • Expression that opportunity has been lost to change ICANN
  • Opportunities for group to deal with comments post public comment period
  • Issue of linkage of this CWG with Accountability. to address fundamental concern, that accountability needs to be addressed as a necessary precondition for transition.
  • Issue included of final stop backstop?
  • Caution, to rush forward. If needed to take more time to ensure a well thought through draft proposal
  • There is a flexibility 


RFP 4 Meeting

RFP 4 meets Tuesday 25 November, invite will go out shortly. 


Logsitics around Final Report

Draft initial report to be circulated to the group by Tuesday 24, to be discussed by the CWG on 27 November

Accountability concern heard loud and clear-> 

  • If concern focus on this  topic, in recognition of work done and what is achieved during the two day meetings.
  • Suggestion to refrain from comments about what should come back in proposal  until draft has been published 
  • Comments on issue of accountability to be circulated on the list to keep discussion going.


The transcript will be posted here upon receipt is available here: MeetingF2F_WrapUp_20Nov.doc


The Adobe Connect recording is available here:

The audio recording is available here

Chat Transcript

Grace Abuhamad:17:00 – 18:00 Wrap Up & Review of Action Items -- CURRENT

  Lars Erik Forsberg:Thanks from Brussels!

  Grace Abuhamad:



Documents Presented



  Fatima Cambronero:`+1 @Olivier

  Milton Mueller:NTIA could be killed, many in US Congress would like to do so...

  Sivasubramanian M:A solution lies in Strawman 4, and in forming something between a committee and a trust, not incorporated to start with

  Fatima Cambronero:@Siva, are you sure that the Strawman 4 is THE solution?

  Sivasubramanian M:could be

  Sivasubramanian M:needs some more work and fine tuning, but it offers an acceptable framework

  Greg Shatan:A trust is still a legal entity, located in a particular jurisdiction.

  Sivasubramanian M:Greg, we could still explore formation of a Trust, that has legitimacy without incorporation

  matthew shears:to Olivier's point  - we ran out of time and there are a number of things that still need to be fleshed out - we have made progress but much remains to be done

  Sivasubramanian M:The idea of a Trust can also offer us opportunities to bring in higher conepts of Trusteeship..

  Milton Mueller:you don't solve the jurisdiction problem by ducking it

  Greg Shatan:Incorporation is not the issue --  a trust has "legal personality," so it does not solve any problems of jurisdiction.

  Milton Mueller:right, Greg

  Sivasubramanian M:@ Milton  We are not ducking it, but merely not rushing into incorporation in the short term

  Sivasubramanian M:in a way, postponing incorporation

  maarten simon:if we can make sure that the contracting entity really has nothing to say we could use the UN. Solves a lot of problems

  Milton Mueller:maarten are you serious?

  maarten simon:yes, but the problem is in the first part of the sentence

  Sivasubramanian M:@ Maarten.  No, no, no no no

  Milton Mueller:Sivasub: you are trying (unsiccessfully) to duck it.  

  Sivasubramanian M:No Milton.. Just taking time.  It pays to have a patient approach

  Milton Mueller:well, then, maarten it;s just another attempt to duck or avoid the problem

  Sivasubramanian M:Whatever we create has to last hundereds of years

  Milton Mueller:Alan, would like to hear more about why we lost an opportunity?

  maarten simon:might be, but I do not so many other solutions

  Sivasubramanian M:A solution around a Trust that is not immediately incorporated may point us to a simplified solution.  Sometimes some of the most complicated problems have very simple solutions

  matthew shears:there are still opportunities for comment and contribution in this process and I encourage everyone to get involvd in the accountbaility process that is about to start

  Greg Shatan:Trusts are never incorporated.

  Wale Bakare:+1 Robert

  Seun Ojedeji:well we have developed a major part of the rfp3 in a specific direction and not with options

  Sivasubramanian M:It is not the end.. This is the first major meeting, which brought the discussion to an initial shape.

  Sivasubramanian M:And based on the shape that has emerged during the last two days, certain solutions begin to apper

  Wale Bakare:@Siva. i think spending too many times on going back and forth

  Sivasubramanian M:@ Wale,  is Strawman 4 way out of what we discussed?

  Wale Bakare:If it would, why not dwell on it rather than tracking back unnessarily?

  Sivasubramanian M:My suggestion came up in the context of the question raised by Olivier.. It occurred to me that it is could be an easy solution to the concerns expressed by the question

  Sivasubramanian M:Yes, it has been two days of very hard work

  Sivasubramanian M:I don't know if any of what is being said at this moment relates to the points that I raised, but I want to say that whatever that I suggest at the moment, is raised with the belief that the suggestion is perfectly in tune with the thoughts of the group. It is in no way  intended to be a dissent of different opinion in any sense

  Sivasubramanian M:Applause for the work done during the last two days
