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Summary of RALO advice to the ALAC regarding the 5 objection statements to new gTLD applications

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Advice from the RALOs to the ALAC regarding the objection statements
Advice from the RALOs to the ALAC regarding the objection statements

The RALO's advice can be read in the comments on the Advice from the RALOs to the ALAC regarding the objection statements page 



As per the process by which the ALAC can object to a new gTLD application, (see PDF at ), the new gTLD Review Group (gTLD RG) have posted objection statements to 5 new gTLD applications for Regional At-Large Organisation (RALO) review and advice to the ALAC. The gTLD RG drafted the statements based on the outcomes of its review and discussion of comments received by February 8 2013 (see
All 5 RALOs must review EACH of the 5 gTLD applications and their corresponding objection statements and advise the ALAC as to whether the RALO supports the objection statement to be filed by the ALAC to the new gTLD application. 

No modifications can be made to the objection statements by the RALO.

The RALO can either 
support the objection statement being filed by the ALAC against the new gTLD application OR
support the objection statement being filed by the ALAC against the new gTLD application.  5 questions RALOs must answer in their advice to ALAC can be found on the Advice from the RALOs to the ALAC regarding the objection statements page. RALOs can answer Yes, No or Abstain.

This advice for each of the 5 objection statements must be sent to the ALAC by March 5 6 2013, 23:59 UTC in time before  so that the ALAC can review the RALO advice before the end of the objection period on March 13 2013.

Note that all of the objection statements are based on community objection grounds . For such an objection to be successful, the objector must prove that: 

  • The community invoked by the objector is a clearly delineated community; and
  • Community opposition to the application is substantial; and
  • There is a strong association between the community invoked and the applied-for gTLD string; and
  • The application creates a likelihood of material detriment to the rights or legitimate interests of a significant portion of the community to which the string may be explicitly or implicitly targeted.

See the community objection grounds page for more details about the criteria for objection grounds.

The five applications and corresponding objection statements that the RALOs must review and advise the ALAC as to whether the RALO supports the objection statement has been posted to the following wiki pages .(listed in no particluar order):
Members of At-Large can post and review comments on these wiki pages before March 5 6 2013.


Applied for stringStatusApplicationApplicantObjection StatementWiki Page for more information, including RALO comments

3 out of 5 RALOs supported the filing of the objection statement

DotHealth, LLCdraft-objection-statement-against-applicant-DotHealth-LLC-for-.HEALTH-25-feb-2013.pdfobjection statement against applicant "DotHealth, LLC" for the ".HEALTH" string
.HEALTH3 out of 5 RALOs supported the filing of the objection statementGoose Fest, LLCdraft-objection-statement-against-applicant-GooseFest-LLC-for-.HEALTH-25-feb-2013.pdf   objection statement against applicant "dot Health LimitedGoose Fest, LLC" for the ".HEALTH" string
.HEALTH3 out of 5 RALOs supported the filing of the objection statement

dot Health Limited

draft-objection-statement-against-applicant-dot-Health-Limited-for-.HEALTH-1-mar-2013.pdfobjection statement against applicant "dot Health Limited" for the ".HEALTH" string
.HEALTH3 out of 5 RALOs supported the filing of the objection statementAfilias Limiteddraft-objection-statement-against-applicant-Afilias-Limited-for-.HEALTH-25-feb-2013.pdfobjection statement against applicant "Afilias Limited" for the ".HEALTH" string
.健康Only 1 out of 5 RALOs supported the filing of the objection statement.
Therefore, the ALAC will not be considering this objection statement.

Stable Tone Limited

draft-objection-statement-against-applicant-Stable-Tone-Limited-for-健康-1-mar-2013.pdfobjection statement against applicant "Stable Tone Limited" for the "健康" string

(Note : The objection statements against applicants "dot Health Limited" and "Stable Tone Limited" released on 25 February 2013 was updated on March 1 2013 to remove incorrect references to other applicants in the statements.)