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Yuliya Morenets:                    Yes.

Wiki MarkupWolf Ludwig:                          And we have apology from Bill Drake and Annetta Muehlberg.  Okay and I think Gisella or Silvia will note the attending people and apologies for the first agenda item, standing issues roll call and apologies.  Let me suggest to start with the monthly call 21 February 2012 and the second point is review of action items.  As far as I can see we only have two action items, update on Academy will be included in the February EURALO meeting and we will come to this agenda item later during this call.  And we will discuss the general \[inaudible 00:02:04\] in \[inaudible 00:02:07\]. 

Wiki Markup
Are there any further questions regarding Item 2, review of action items from our last call?  I see no hands raised, therefore let me continue with - one person would like to \[inaudible 00:02:42\] hand raised.  Let me start with our agenda Item 3, briefing on current ALAC consultations and initiatives.  As we have the pleasure to have Olivier on the call, I would like to give the floor to Olivier to give us a summary of the current consultations and affairs at ALAC.  Olivier you have the floor.

Ludwig:                          And we have apology from Bill Drake and Annetta Muehlberg.  Okay and I think Gisella or Silvia will note the attending people and apologies for the first agenda item, standing issues roll call and apologies.  Let me suggest to start with the monthly call 21 February 2012 and the second point is review of action items.  As far as I can see we only have two action items, update on Academy will be included in the February EURALO meeting and we will come to this agenda item later during this call.  And we will discuss the general [inaudible 00:02:04] in [inaudible 00:02:07]. 

Are there any further questions regarding Item 2, review of action items from our last call?  I see no hands raised, therefore let me continue with - one person would like to [inaudible 00:02:42] hand raised.  Let me start with our agenda Item 3, briefing on current ALAC consultations and initiatives.  As we have the pleasure to have Olivier on the call, I would like to give the floor to Olivier to give us a summary of the current consultations and affairs at ALAC.  Olivier you have the floor.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you very much Wolf and I am trying to find my page.  Okay we've had several statements which have been filed recently and which are either being drafted also and the voting taking place.    Just among the recent ones we've had, we had the At-Large Internationalized Domain Name Variant Issues Draft Integrated Issues Report.  And a statement was drafted and it was adopted.  There was also a preliminary GNSO Issue Report on the Registrar Accreditation Agreement Amendments.  And a committee known as the RAA [inaudible 00:04:19] technical things taking place in the GNSO.  That was one was adopted as well.  Wiki MarkupOlivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you very much Wolf and I am trying to find my page.  Okay we've had several statements which have been filed recently and which are either being drafted also and the voting taking place.    Just among the recent ones we've had, we had the At-Large Internationalized Domain Name Variant Issues Draft Integrated Issues Report.  And a statement was drafted and it was adopted.  There was also a preliminary GNSO Issue Report on the Registrar Accreditation Agreement Amendments.  And a committee known as the RAA \[inaudible 00:04:19\] technical things taking place in the GNSO.  That was one was adopted as well. 

And more recently there was an At-Large Initial Report - well it's not an At-Large Initial Report.  It is the Initial Report on Universal Acceptance of IDN TLD and we had a statement that was drafted for this and the vote is about to start, if it has not - I think it might have already started on this.  Recent ones, there was a discussion on whether to file a statement for the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B Policy Development Process.  Now this is a recommendation, just a specific point of recommendation that has already been worked on for a long time.  It's a provision to lock and unlock domain names. 


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay perfect, excellent and then the IDN Variance Issues Project, Proposed Project Plan for Next Steps, I gather the Variance Issues Projects of which some of our members have taken part in, deals with the internationalized domain name variance, it's a long project and I gather this is probably their plan about what they wish to do next.  I'm not quite sure that we are particularly knowledgeable in knowing what to do next.  They must have spent a fair amount of time on that so I'm not sure if we need to comment on it. unmigrated-wiki-markup

And then finally there is also Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B Recommendation 8, whereas before we were looking at Recommendation 9 I think, probably likely that we will not be filing a statement on this either.    I'm just saying probably because I \ [inaudible 00:09:57\] to our ExCom and also to our GNSO liaison Alan Greenberg to deal with the \ [inaudible 00:10:01\] writing about.    And finally I see here with the end point being the 30 March, the Interim Report on Support Significantly Interested Parties for ccTLD Delegation or Redelegation requests.  

That’s a ccTLD matter which I'll be asking ccTLD liaison Cheryl Langdon-Orr to be able to tell us about, that’s all thank you.

Wolf Ludwig:                          Okay thanks a lot Olivier for these elaborations on our agenda Item 3.   I see Christopher has his hand raised and he may probably have other questions.  Christopher you have the floor. unmigrated-wiki-markup

Christopher Wilkinson:          Thank you.  I hope you all hear me and I apologize if I misunderstood Olivier’s briefings because the sound quality is not too good.  But I just wanted to put on record the continuing concerns about some arbitrary decisions that seem to have been made by the final \[inaudible           Thank you.  I hope you all hear me and I apologize if I misunderstood Olivier’s briefings because the sound quality is not too good.  But I just wanted to put on record the continuing concerns about some arbitrary decisions that seem to have been made by the final [inaudible 00:11:21\] dealing with the risks of confusion on the \ [inaudible 00:11:28\] IDN \ [inaudible 00:11:28\].    unmigrated-wiki-markup    

There seems to be and two examples but I won't bore you with the details - but there seems to be a lack of linguistic and political knowledge in the groups which are advising ICANN as to whether or not \ [inaudible 00:11:51\] in IDN are confusing or not.    It needs to be watched, that’s all, thank you Wolf.

Wolf Ludwig:                          Okay thanks Christopher, Olivier you have the floor. 


Wolf Ludwig:                          Thank you Olivier.  May I ask Christopher, was your question answered by this?unmigrated-wiki-markup

Christopher Wilkinson:          Very short because this is something which can really be negotiated only with a pencil and paper in front of you.  But there is a problem with Beta, Gamma and Cyrillic and Epsilon, Upsilon in Greek.  And I think there needs to be more transparency, there needs to be a way of reaching these groups which does not interfere with their desire to protect themselves from random lobbying.  A topical footnote Olivier \[inaudible 00:15:58\] that predicts the Latin alphabet, not the other way around.  Enough said, Wolf thank you, I made my           Very short because this is something which can really be negotiated only with a pencil and paper in front of you.  But there is a problem with Beta, Gamma and Cyrillic and Epsilon, Upsilon in Greek.  And I think there needs to be more transparency, there needs to be a way of reaching these groups which does not interfere with their desire to protect themselves from random lobbying.  A topical footnote Olivier [inaudible 00:15:58] that predicts the Latin alphabet, not the other way around.  Enough said, Wolf thank you, I made my point.

Wolf Ludwig:                          Okay thank you.  I see Olivier's entire approval indicated on the Adobe Connect.  And I guess this question or detail is more or less accomplished today as far as it can be accomplished for today.  Are there any further questions regarding this agenda item?  Any questions or comments?  I see no hand raised so let me suggest to continue with our next agenda items on the list, what is Item 4, ALS Applications Update.  


Heidi Ullrich:                          Thank you Wolf.  I'm actually looking on the euro discussion list and I don’t see any email stating that.  Matt as you handle the ALS applications do you have any updates on that?looking on the euro discussion list and I don’t see any email stating that.  Matt as you handle the ALS applications do you have any updates on that?

Wolf Ludwig:                          I sent an email from my side immediately one week after our last call because the application was submitted in [inaudible 00:19:11] to my memory.  And there was a week later a comment from my side by saying we know the applicant, [inaudible 00:19:28] from Austria.  The application was forwarded by Manuel Snyder from the committee Switzerland.  And we are favorable and we would like to suggest to continue with the regular due diligence procedure and then once the due diligence is done by staff we will post it on the list to ask our members.  Wiki MarkupWolf Ludwig:                          I sent an email from my side immediately one week after our last call because the application was submitted in \[inaudible 00:19:11\] to my memory.  And there was a week later a comment from my side by saying we know the applicant, \[inaudible 00:19:28\] from Austria.  The application was forwarded by Manuel Snyder from the committee Switzerland.  And we are favorable and we would like to suggest to continue with the regular due diligence procedure and then once the due diligence is done by staff we will post it on the list to ask our members. 

Heidi Ullrich:                          Matt are you on the call, if you can provide an update please.


Heidi Ullrich:                          No, not that I'm aware of.unmigrated-wiki-markup

Wolf Ludwig:                          Okay so we have to wait for this point from our side.  If no question or further comment except our approval regarding this applicant, the next point is the application, the second application we received at the At-Large level, from Armenia.  As you all know Siranush is since years already an active part of our EURALO community, regularly participating at our calls.  And we had some more formal contact over the last time already and recently we received - At-Large received two applications, one from the ISOC Armenia Chapter before and the most recent one from \[inaudible 00:23:09\] applying from the Armenian Education Center. Ludwig:                          Okay so we have to wait for this point from our side.  If no question or further comment except our approval regarding this applicant, the next point is the application, the second application we received at the At-Large level, from Armenia.  As you all know Siranush is since years already an active part of our EURALO community, regularly participating at our calls.  And we had some more formal contact over the last time already and recently we received - At-Large received two applications, one from the ISOC Armenia Chapter before and the most recent one from [inaudible 00:23:09] applying from the Armenian Education Center. 

And due to a conversation or email exchange I had with Oksana recently, Navine was clearly on behalf of the Armenian Media Education Center, applying for becoming an ALS but with a clear preference of joining EURALO.   Most of you may remember the discussion we repeatedly had during monthly calls or during Secretariat meetings at ICANN meetings, et cetera.  There is a given ICANN regional geographic model, dividing the world according to certain criteria and standards. 


In the given case it was the latest applicant saying “We do not want to follow the norm.  We express our wish, then we apply becoming part of the European region.”  I think Oksana perhaps can us some more advice on this because she was the one who had direct contact with the applicant.  Oksana you want to add something on this introduction?unmigrated-wiki-markup

Oksana Prykhodko:                Thank you very much Wolf.  I fully support your proposition to my \[inaudible Prykhodko:                Thank you very much Wolf.  I fully support your proposition to my [inaudible 00:27:05\] participated very actively in \ [inaudible 00:27:13\] and I know that \ [inaudible 00:27:16\] for the future EuroDIG.  \  [Inaudible 00:27:21\] with the European Union \ [inaudible 00:27:25\] platform \ [inaudible 00:27:30\] all the European platform, so it's absolutely logical and \ [inaudible 00:27:42\] to \ [inaudible 00:27:44\] Armenia \ [inaudible 00:27:46\].  \  [Inaudible 00:27:54\] our advice is to change geographical regions, thank you.

Wolf Ludwig:                          Yes, thank you very much Oksana.  Well I think in the given case it's clear, in the previous case regarding the first applicant from Armenia, it's a case of ISOC Chapter Armenia there was no clear preference raised to my knowledge.  Therefore it was communicated to them in case they will be certified they will automatically become part of APRALO.  But in the case of the latest applicant I know Navine now also besides Oksana for quite a long time. 


Wolf Ludwig:                          Okay thank you Yrjo for your last comment.  I think so far this was always discussed in a more or less general way.  That there may be one day blah, blah, blah applicants asking and there was never so far, to knowledge a concrete case.  And now this latest applicant is a precise case where we have to take the condition serious and we have to find out what the actual statement of the whole procedure in general.   unmigrated-wiki-markup

And we discussed at an earlier stage that of course in case such a situation is coming up, one of the first initiatives would be to\[inaudible 00:41:37\] from the respective \ [inaudible 00:41:41\] what is APRALO and I think we should use the opportunity in Costa Rica to sit together with our APRALO colleagues and to bring up this point and to simply ask what is their point of view and any way out cannot be found in a unilateral way, this can only be done in a coordinated way.    And I think this approval of the EURALO concerned.    I see Oksana’s hand raised.    Please Oksana you have the floor.unmigrated-wiki-markup

Oksana Prykhodko:                Thank you very much Wolf I would only to concern that \[inaudible Prykhodko:                Thank you very much Wolf I would only to concern that [inaudible 00:42:30\] strong desire to be in EURALO during our yesterday conversation, thank you.

Wolf Ludwig:                          Okay thanks Oksana.  I said before we cannot solve this problem tonight.  We can only decide what are the next steps and the next steps have been proposed already.  If there are no further questions regarding our agenda Item 4, on the current ALS applications I would like to continue with our agenda, going to the next Item 5, what is briefing on the ICANN Academy Working Group process.  And for this I give the floor to Sandra who is the Chair of the respective Working Group, Sandra you have the floor.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Thank you Wolf.  I'm looking at the time; I want to be very brief.  The curriculum which was proposed through the Working Group was revised now by the Program Committee.  It will be sent out during the next day, I think tomorrow or even tonight.  And we will then also send out a letter to the ICANN Community inviting them to join us during the public participation committee which is to my knowledge on Thursday during the ICANN meeting.  and I invite and I hope that everybody is joining this call who will be in Costa Rica will be at this public participation committee to support the idea of an ICANN Academy. unmigrated-wiki-markup

And the latest, I have the response to an email from ICANN staff because they asked me which day would be more suitable for a webinar to be \ [inaudible 00:44:41\] the ICANN meeting in Costa Rica.    I think if it's still manageable we will still have the webinar in the second half of the next week.    So a lot of action items to be resolved in the next few days.    And they will be resolved and I hope for everybody's participation and support in formal discussions during the Costa Rica meeting because this is then the next important hurdle to take to get the entire community behind this proposal.    Any questions please?

Wolf Ludwig:                          Thanks Sandra.  Are there any questions regarding this?  I see Olivier's hand raised and Christopher's as well.   Olivier you have the floor first.


Wolf Ludwig:                          Okay thanks a lot Olivier, Christopher you have the floor.unmigrated-wiki-markup

Christopher Wilkinson:          Thank you Sandra.  Very interested, I echo Olivier’s comments.   My question is about the budget, how much do we expect ICANN to subscribe to this project and will it be fully funded by ICANN?  Or will be funded also by \[inaudible           Thank you Sandra.  Very interested, I echo Olivier’s comments.   My question is about the budget, how much do we expect ICANN to subscribe to this project and will it be fully funded by ICANN?  Or will be funded also by [inaudible 00:46:47\] participants or depending on sponsorship?

Wolf Ludwig:                          Sandra these are clear questions.unmigrated-wiki-markup

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Thank you for the questions Christopher.  First of all, it is not planned and I don’t think it ever will be any participation fee.  ICANN will fully sponsor the participants because these are the future ICANN leaders.   The second part was how the budget is, actually there are two proposals.  One proposal which is the very first one also published at a website made in August last year and was about $90,000.   They said it was impossible for \[inaudible 00:47:44\] have to shrink it. Hoferichter:                 Thank you for the questions Christopher.  First of all, it is not planned and I don’t think it ever will be any participation fee.  ICANN will fully sponsor the participants because these are the future ICANN leaders.   The second part was how the budget is, actually there are two proposals.  One proposal which is the very first one also published at a website made in August last year and was about $90,000.   They said it was impossible for [inaudible 00:47:44] have to shrink it. 

But we shrank it to way to show options, we showed options for a pilot in Toronto indicating that some work can be done a voluntary basis for a pilot and some duties we can ask for staff support.  So we shrank the budget to I think about half of ht overall.  I think we are now at $50,000 or $60,000.  At the end to be on the safe side and to be clear and if you calculate all of the voluntary work and all the work which must be done with staff and staff support is urgently needed, the first estimation was not that wrong. 


The organizing team has demanded now to draft the program based on the discussion tracks we proposed in Geneva.  But this will be all published on the website I think later this week.    What will be published tomorrow is the short summary of the Geneva meeting and whoever had some problems to understand what I was just trying to say, is invited to read this protocol.  Thank invited to read this protocol.  Thank you.

Wolf Ludwig:                          Right or to get in touch with Sandra or myself by [inaudible Wiki MarkupWolf Ludwig:                          Right or to get in touch with Sandra or myself by \[inaudible 00:53:07\] and we can ask you whatever questions you have after this call and in between.    Thanks a lot Sandra for this explanation.    The next is Item 7, short summary from \ [inaudible 00:53:26\] internet 7 February \ [inaudible 00:53:28\] Germany and the last EuroDIG meeting happened in \ [inaudible 00:53:39\] open consultations in Geneva last week, Sandra again, three minutes.unmigrated-wiki-markup

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Thank you Wolf.  I just posted the event page from the \[inaudible Hoferichter:                 Thank you Wolf.  I just posted the event page from the [inaudible 00:53:52\] internet forum \ [inaudible 00:53:57\] also this for the purely German event, it might be worth to look at it because the \ [inaudible 00:54:06\] we worked with pupils are the age of 10 to 21 asking them to produce a very short film either with their mobile or with a proper camera or whatever.    The topic of the short clip about a safer internet and some quite good films came out of this competition. unmigrated-wiki-markup 

It's difficult for to explain this in English because I'm used to explaining this in German only.    And we had around 50 movies which we could collect on \ [inaudible 00:54:58\].    We had also this competition running in \ [inaudible 00:55:05\] and participation in \ [inaudible 00:55:05\] is a little bit difficult and we hope to improve this in the next year.    This is the third year we are running this \ [inaudible 00:55:15\] internet forum which is somehow - well the example is the global internet forum which means we are a discussion platform for all the area here in the eastern part of Germany called Middle Deutschland.    unmigrated-wiki-markup    

We working in close cooperation with media commissions from \ [inaudible 00:55:42\] and \ [inaudible 00:55:44\] which gives us a greater visibility in Germany where it might would have as an association only.    If you have any question I will be happy to answer.unmigrated-wiki-markup

Wolf Ludwig:                          Okay thank you.  I see no hands raised so far.  And Sandra posted the link to the respective page of the Middle Deutschland Internet forum.    And \[inaudible Ludwig:                          Okay thank you.  I see no hands raised so far.  And Sandra posted the link to the respective page of the Middle Deutschland Internet forum.    And [inaudible 00:56:19\] just one more sentence besides the day event it's a collage \ [inaudible 00:56:30\] there was a panel discussion in the evening moderated by \ [inaudible 00:56:35\] and somebody else and I was including my participation and it was about risk and dangers and possibilities of the internet.  

And to my memory it was quite a constructive discussion and it was a model case of an event that could be taken up by other initiatives and to be continued.  If there are no immediate questions regarding this agenda item, I would like to continue with Item 8, planning for ICANN 43 meeting in Costa Rica.  as you can see from the call agenda, staff posted a link on the At-Large San José meeting page.  This is for the details and the main ICANN meetings schedule. 


Wolf Ludwig:                          Okay I think is an issue we can sort out afterwards because there are still about two weeks until the meeting starts.  I'm confident we will get the respective information in time.  If there are no questions regarding agenda Item 8, Planning for the Costa Rica meeting, you will get a summary and an update at our next monthly call in March, everything, happened during the autumn meeting.  We still have Item 9, EURALO planning 2012 continued discussions on our agenda and the first point is the next EURALO general assembly. unmigrated-wiki-markup

It is supposed to happen in June in Stockholm in line with the next EuroDIG 2012.    I can only say this is already registered as one of three side events of the next EuroDIG.    So the registration is done and further details need to be followed up.    The next is European Summer School on Internet Governance in \ [inaudible 01:00:28\], end of August in Onslow, etc.    All these points I think we still have enough time to slowly prepare and discuss them in detail.    There is no need to do this tonight due to the time limits.  

If there are no questions or suggestions regarding this agenda Item 9?  Let me suggest to come to our last point, AOB, information from your side?  I see some comments from Rudi.  It's says nothing immediate or urgent coming up regarding the last agenda item otherwise we still have the possibility to post what's other interesting information on our EURALO list.  Let me thank all of you for your active participation in this monthly call. 

Thanks for your contributions and I'm looking forward to meet some of you soon in Costa Rica at the ICANN meeting or to see you at our next monthly call in March, that will be announced in time.  Thanks a lot to everybody, participants and staff and I wish everyone a good night, bye. unmigrated-wiki-markup

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