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Joey McFie:                            Well, as you probably know I posted another speech which Larry Strickland made on the same day where he said that despite all objections that the NTIA was quite happy with what's going on.  As Rockefeller said, there should be you know scrutiny and vigilance on accountability and transparency and everything to make sure it work, but basically the U.S. government is quite behind it.  

Wiki MarkupI'll tell you also that this with Ester and the Washington Post thing has been posted to the \ [inaudible 07:40\] today to, you know a wide list, and I had responded to that, pointing out, that Ester says and she added a note to it saying the public you know having been paying attention to it, and I suggested back with acknowledgement to Ester herself having being paying attention to it since she regards the At-Large as being in the state as what it was when she left and she hasn't been involved at all since.  

Her statement totally disregards the role of the ALAC and GAC and the NTSG who all vigorously represent to the public in some form.  I take the point that he just made, you know representing the users is specifically where we come from.unmigrated-wiki-markup

Beau Brendler:                        Yeah, so what I'm tempted to do and I certainly would invite some discussion on this, but I would like to use some sort of a consensus tool like Big Post and just in essence take a measure of the At-Large any \[inaudible 08:50\] and see who's in favor of actually making a statement.  Because some of these things that we've been talking about making statements about is becoming a little bit difficult for me to as Chair to figure out exactly whether everyone agrees that a statement actually should be made, so we'll come back to those, Big Post a bit and I see Alan's hand up.   We'll go to Brendler:                        Yeah, so what I'm tempted to do and I certainly would invite some discussion on this, but I would like to use some sort of a consensus tool like Big Post and just in essence take a measure of the At-Large any [inaudible 08:50] and see who's in favor of actually making a statement.  Because some of these things that we've been talking about making statements about is becoming a little bit difficult for me to as Chair to figure out exactly whether everyone agrees that a statement actually should be made, so we'll come back to those, Big Post a bit and I see Alan's hand up.   We'll go to Alan.

Alan Greenberg:                      Thank you.   I guess my only commit is note of caution that as Joey pointed out some of the comments made may not reflect either reality or what people have said before.  I mean I look at the comments that are currently being made by the advertising industry and by trademark owners and if they had got everything he wanted in the IRT including globally protected marks lists and everything verbatim they would still be equally as unhappy because it would not had given them the kind of protection they say they're worried about right now.  You know similarly the non-for-profit sector certainly have the opportunity to comment, maybe not as the former GNSO constituency. 


Joey McFie:                            And then the further think I'll tell you, you know, in North America uniquely we have a individual memberships and At-Large, so you know it's the one place in the world where the public can actually be as involved as they like to be.unmigrated-wiki-markup

Beau Brendler:                        Yes and the application for memberships are not exactly rolling in \[inaudible 11:57\].

Wiki Markup
Joey McFie:                            And this is an opportunity to perhaps \[inaudible 12:00\].

Brendler:                        Yes and the application for memberships are not exactly rolling in [inaudible 11:57].

Joey McFie:                            And this is an opportunity to perhaps [inaudible 12:00].

Alan Greenberg:                      Oh I agree with you.  This is an opportunity.  But Alan Greenberg:                      Oh I agree with you.  This is an opportunity.  But we may be getting a bit off topic.


Avri Doria:                              This is Avri, I just wanted to explain my X.  I think a statement for the sake of making a statement is not a great idea.  I think a statement saying, hey we're here, and Ester Dyson used her voice is not highly useful though it's exceedingly true and I think to go beyond that it gets into a position of staging what At-Large's views are now.  And so far at least some of your Mexico statements they have been responded to, some haven't.  Things have moved on.  I don't get the impression that that reflects the current view of At-Large, though it's impossible to know. 

Wiki MarkupSo, I think beyond that I would think the siding on a statement, decided on what you were going to say in such a statement and it seems improbable to me that wants to be put together in two days that has consensus of \ [inaudible 20:35\] let alone consensus of the At-Large.

Beau Brendler:                        Thank you Avri.  I don't think anybody suggested we make a statement just for the sake of making one, but more making a statement for the sake of, you know, letting the public know that we are at minimum a venue for participation.  But I saw Eduardo's hand.   Go ahead Eduardo.


Beau Brendler:                        I have a note here from Olivier about the BGC.  I will return that question which is a fair one off-line, after I'm done.  Does anybody else have anything on this particular issue? I'm going to judge from the general feeling of the crowd that perhaps the best thing to do would be to put together something great, a brief, that actually says something and then we can look at what it says and determine whether it's the right thing to say or if we should see it at all, but it might be easier to work with something is actually on paper.  So, I will take as an action item on draft of a very short statement of that sort and send it around to the list hopefully this week.

Matt Ashtiani:                                    Beau?

Beau Brendler:                        Yes.

Wiki Markup
Matt Ashtiani:                        Hi, this is Matt Ashtiani for the record.   Can you please restate that \[AIEG\] like it recorded?

hopefully this week.

Matt Ashtiani:                                    Beau?

Beau Brendler:                        Yes.

Matt Ashtiani:                        Hi, this is Matt Ashtiani for the record.   Can you please restate that [AIEG] like it recorded?

Beau Brendler:                        I will write a brief statement we brief draft statement for [inaudible 38:28] to review on the issue of the optics or makeup of the NomCom leadership in the board governance committee leadership by the end of the week.   Okay, anything else here from anyone in the crowd? I don't see any hands up which means we've gone through the agenda as I laid it out earlier.   So, do we need to come back to any of the items that are on here? Did we exhausted discussion on the Senate hearings, do we need to bring that back to the floor?   Wiki MarkupBeau Brendler:                        I will write a brief statement we brief draft statement for \[inaudible 38:28\] to review on the issue of the optics or makeup of the NomCom leadership in the board governance committee leadership by the end of the week.   Okay, anything else here from anyone in the crowd? I don't see any hands up which means we've gone through the agenda as I laid it out earlier.   So, do we need to come back to any of the items that are on here? Did we exhausted discussion on the Senate hearings, do we need to bring that back to the floor?  

Okay, well then we're in the unusual situation of just kind of having some general opening time at the in here.  I'm getting a Skype message let me just check that.  Okay, so does anybody have any issues that they want to raise or bring up or any general questions of things they want to talk about?  Joey has his hand up, go ahead Joey.
