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Topic 056: ATLAS III & North America School of Internet Governance (NASIG 2019)

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 14 January 2019, CLOSED: 09 December 2019

TYPE: Outreach

DESCRIPTION: To provide an ATLAS III and NASIG update

→ 11 February  [Recording:XX:XX]: Changed Topic title and description. Update given. Check transcript starting in page #4 for more details.

→ 08 April : [Recording:16:00]: Maureen Hilyard  was invited to provide a report on ATLAS III. Glenn provided the NASIG update starting at 24:00. 

→ 13 May: [Transcript page : 08] Current number of applications for ATLAS III is 40. John Laprise went through the training on the selection process with the group that designed the rubric. That’s on target. NASIG report not provided. 

→ 10 June: [Transcript page: 03] Glenn provided a summary update for NASIG. On ATLAS III more than 80 application are received but only 67 pass the first test. 

→ 15 July: Please refer to transcript page 9 for more details.

→ 09 September: Please refer to transcript page 1 for more details about ATLAS III and page 4 for NASIG 2019.

→ 21 October: Report given. See transcript page #20 for more details.

→ 18 November: Adrian's report starts on transcript page 6. Excerpt: "It was great, very intense days, three days. I was trying to count the hours. It was from eight a.m. until eight p.m. sometimes Well, if you count the Social so that’s not fair. But sometimes we went even longer. And yeah, we went from everything from personal presentation all the way to how to manage the Board. So, there was very intense training in three days.". , David's report start on transcript page 7. Excerpt: "It really was an excellent program from my perspective as a newcomer to ICANN. I would like to highlight the fact that we had the North American School of Internet Governance, which started just before the ATLAS III Program, and between the two programs, I certainly a much better understanding from NASIG for Internet Governance in general, and then from ATLAS III, I have a very good understanding of how ICANN operates with the MultiStakeholder environment, with the different process, as well as the specific soft skill that were being introduced for each of us as leaders in the ATLAS III Program". Alfredo's report on NASIG starts on transcript page 8. Excerpt: "...[participants] had the opportunity to interact with representatives from different sectors and organizations within the internet ecosystem. We had Andrew Sullivan, the CEO and President of ISOC. We had Board Members from ICANN. We had from the Public Sectors, Civil Society. I mean, we had representation from all the sectors so that the audience, the participants, could have a good idea of what happens within the Internet Governance Organizations and how they can better serve the different organizations that were represented.". Judith report starts on transcript page 10. Excerpt: "And we had very active discussions on cyber issues, on learning about domains and RARs, on gender, on connectivity issues. We ranged the gamut of a series of different Internet Governance work. One of the topics was is ICANN still relevant and talked about what ICANN’s role is the new government area. And so, we had a collection of different ICANN Board Members because they were in town for the ICANN Meeting, and so we had very good representation of the ICANN Board mixed in with some of long time speakers, as well as we had discussions with the RARs and the difference in RARs and ccNSO, and what the difference in all the different constituencies are."

→ item closed. Opening a new discussion topic to f/u post ATLAS III activities

Topic 057: Presentation: What is ahead for ICANN in 2019


→ 21 October: Pierre-Jean Darres will be the new newsletter chief editor starting with the January 2020 edition. See transcript page #19 for more details. Discussion closed.

Topic 075: Post ATLAS III Activities

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 09 December 2019, CLOSED:

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: To provide an update report for post ATLAS III activities

→ 09 December: Opened today. See transcript page #5.

→ 13 January 2020: Next step is to publish a report on the feedback information  received post- ATLAS III.  See transcript page #6 for more details.

→ 16 March 2020: Closed.

Topic 076: SWebinar on DNS Abuse

LEAD: Jonathan Zuck

OPEN: 13 January 2020, CLOSED: 10 February 2020

TYPE: Education

DESCRIPTION: Brief presentation on the topic of DNS Abuse

          • What is this?
          • Why is this important to the end-users? 
          • Overview of the ALAC recommendations sent to the Board on December 24, 2019
          • Any next steps for NARALO?

→ 13 January 2020: Mr. Zuck was not able to attend the meeting for personal reason. 

→ 10 February: Given. Closed.

Topic 078: Regional Survey

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 16  March 2020, CLOSED: 11 May 2020

TYPE: General, Outreach

DESCRIPTION: To create/run a NARALO survey to identify what competencies and interests our members have.

→ 16 March 2020: from this date on all conversation details are being referred to the transcript

→ 11 MAy 2020: Presentation was given. Item is closed.

Topic 079: 2020 NARALO Elections

LEAD: Judith Hellerstein

OPEN: 16  March 2020, CLOSED:

TYPE: General, Outreach

DESCRIPTION: To report on the coordination and results of this task

→ 16 March 2020: from this date on all conversation details are being referred to the transcript

→ 11 May 2020: All nominated won by acclamation. CLOSE.