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Call to NARALO members to Participate in the organization of the Outreach event for the ICANN 51 meeting in LA


EVENT  :  Our  Internet , Our Stories, Our Network–First Nations and the World 


MEMBERS :  Add your  name here

  1. Glenn McKnight
  2. Konstantin Kalaitzidis
  3. Judith Hellerstein
  4. John Laprise
  5. Ognian Mitev
  6. Loris Taylor
  7. Monique Chartrand
  8. Thomas Lowenhaupt
  9. Murray McKercher
  10. Dana Perry


  1. Louis Houle
  2. Eduardo Diaz

Purpose of  Event

To  provide  a social networking event  for  all the RALO  community hosted by  NARALO  volunteers.  The  events are organized on  a  RALO rotation basis.



2008  ICANN Mexico City - Lead  Dharma

         ICANN  San Fraacncisco- Edwardo Diaz/Darlene Thompson

2010  ICANN Toronto- Glenn McKnight/Garth Bruen


1Logistics(a)Glenn done 


Suggested  Poll Questions  for  conference call  in Adobe Connect

( this is  to be added to the  adobe call to generate discussion and  gauge opinions

  1.  Do you think the idea of  a  NARALO Community Event  is a good idea?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  2.  What do you think the theme should be?
  3.   What format do you prefer?
    1. Informal  
      1. NARALO  ALS  displays
      2. No speeches  just  networking 
    2. Formal 
      1. Presentations
      2. Standard  ICANN, ALAC and NARALO Speeches 
      3. Main inspirational keynote speaker



 Example  One : Speaker  Oriented  Event  Schedule 


1 Logistics

The  event  is  being held in the  designated  ALAC  room  at the ICANN  conference  event.  The  tables and  speeches will be in the main room followed by the performance and  

refeshments in the  adjacent  hallway

2. Music

 Important that the  music not  violate any copyright

Suggest  background music with an onus on  Native American  Music in French and English.

Request to  Tony, Loris and Louis  for  music 

Action  Heidi to contact  Tony for  a  CD, MP3 files 


3. Speakers

Show0010 1217())18:35-18:45 (10)





Time (min)/





Welcome and Introductions

Glenn Mc Knight

Secretary of NARALO


Arrival of Delegates and Invited Guests

ALAC Welcome

Olivier Crépin-Leblond

ALAC Chair

18: 35 -18:40



Board Welcome

Steve Crocker

Welcome and Introductions



ICANN Board Chairman

18:1040 -18: 12 45 (25)Welcome




ICANN Welcome

Fadi Chehadé

President and CEO of ICANN 

18:45 -18:505 

Speaker 1


Loris Taylor

Native Public Media, Inc (NARALO ALS) 


18:1750 -18:20 (533 

Opening Words



18:20 - 18:25 (5)


Speaker 2



18:25-18:30 (5)


Speaker 3






Keynote Address

Jacqueline Johnson Pata

Executive Director, National Congress of American Indians

18: 53 - 19:107 
Our Stories

Address by Anthony Niiganii,

19:10 - 19: 205 
Sponsors Address

Afilias - Desiree Miloshevic

VeriSign - Keith Drazek

19: 20 -19: 255 
AcknowledgementEduardo Diaz19:25 -19:305 

Traditional First Nations Hoop Dancing with Introduction by Loris Taylor and Performance by Derrick Suwaima Davis

Loris Taylor and Derrick Suwaima Davis

19:30- 19:48



Outreach and Networking ReceptionAll19:48 - 20:30 





  •  Afilias 
  •  Verisign
  •  ICANN


18:45-18:48 (3)




18:48-18:51 (3)






18:51-18:56 (5)




18:56-18:57 (1)




18:57-19:20 (23)













  • Native Public Media


Jacqueline Pata is the Executive Director of NCAI. She is a member of the Raven/Sockeye Clan of the Tlingit Tribe (pronounced – Kling-get) and a member of the Central Council of the Tlingit-Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska. MJrs. Pata was the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Native American Programs of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) during the Clinton Administration.

Mrs. Pata serves on a variety of national executive boards, including the Executive Board for the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights and the Executive Board for the George Gustave Heye Center of the National Museum of the American Indian. She is also a board member of Sealaska Corporation, an Alaska Native regional corporation. In her commitment to American Indian youth development, Pata sits on the Native American Advisory Council for the Boys and Girls Clubs of America.

Prior to joining NCAI in June 2001, Pata served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Native American Programs of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Office of Native American Programs (ONAP) administers programs throughout the United States, which provide affordable housing for Native Americans.

Previously, Pata served as the Executive Director of the Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority headquartered in Juneau, Alaska and she is a former Vice-Chair of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation. She served as Chairperson of the National American Indian Housing Council and was appointed to the National Commission on American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Housing. She also has served on the National Community Development Financial Institution Fund Advisory Board, an advisory board to the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

Among her other activities, prior to her move to Washington, D.C., she is extremely proud of her service for 13 years as Director of a Native Youth Culture Camp held each summer where young people experience and learn traditional values.

.4. Food 

Canapes,  and soft drinks for  75  to 100invitees  and  cash bar

Naralo  attendees 

5. Tables

Sponsorship and ALS  Tables

NCAI  and NPMLoris TaylorOne table


GlennTwo tables
Affilias- Confirmed One Table
Verisign One Table
  One Table

6.  Preformers 

Performer, Speaker, Artistic Director, Choreographer - Derrick Suwaima Davis

Derrick Suwaima Davis is a Native Arizonan, from the Hopi and Choctaw Nations. Suwaima, who began

participating in Pow Wows at the age of 3, is the only adult, SEVEN Time World Champion Hoop Dancer and a

Champion Fancy Dancer. Suwaima is the 2014 Champion!

In addition to dancing competitively and professionally, Suwaima is also a gifted Choreographer & Artistic

Director. He currently serves (and has for the last 12 years) as Artistic Director for “Native Trails” in Scottsdale.

Suwaima has been honored to be named Artist of the Year – Performing Arts category – by the Scottsdale

Cultural Council, for his contribution to the Arts community.

Suwaima was a member of the pop/rock group “Clan/destine” and he has also worked with the Heard Museum,

The Phoenix Symphony, The American Indian Dance Theater, Canyon Records and Willie Nelson. He was also

honored to be designated as Head Man Dancer at the Inaugural Pow Wow at the Smithsonian National Museum

of the American Indian.

After having performed internationally sharing his interpretation of hoop dance in places such as Germany,

Spain, Australia, Denmark, Malaysia, Africa, Japan and Singapore, in recent years Suwaima has turned his

attention to presenting the people and cultures of the Southwestern U.S. via The Living Traditions Dance Troupe.

Suwaima speaks regularly on First Nations history, culture, and issues of importance to Native people. He was

recently asked to record a PSA for the Arizona Dept. of Health Services on Diabetes Prevention, an issue about

which he is passionate. Suwaima is involved with his community in many ways, including serving on the Miss

Hopi Pageant Committee.

Suwaima has appeared as a model in Marie Clare and his image can be seen on everything from billboards, to

Heard Museum and Arizona Office of Tourism ads, to a US Postal Service campaign. Auspicious publications

Suwaima has been featured in include Smithsonian (cover), Native Peoples (3 covers), Phoenix Home & Garden

(as Master Dancer of the Southwest), and Cosmopolitan (man of the month), Dance Life Magazine (cover)

Arizona Highways Magazine, as well as many newspaper articles.

Along with his dance troupe and as a solo artist, Suwaima regularly performs in theatrical productions, school

programs, concerts, festivals, corporate shows, key note speaking, and other special events.

Suwaima may be reached through / phone 602.547.0708

Action items  of meetings  
Membership  add their  names  by  August 5  


Next Meeting 15 October 2014  - NARALO Outreach Event - Los Angeles

Last Meeting: 29 September 2014

Previous Meetings: 22 September 2014

15 September 2014

08 September 2014

11 August 2014

 NARALO Outreach Event mailing list : 

  Mailing list:  

 To subscribe:


(a)  This is  the room facility  The  normal  RALO room assigned by ICANN  will be the location  The  layout  will remain the same.  The  centre  U  table configuration will be  assigned for  individual ALS  displays


(b) Lots of discussion on the  music at the  last  RALO  event  as to copyright music.  Loris  Taylor  looking  at  HOOP  DANCERS  for the  event 


(c) Speakers in the past have dominated the  evening  In the case of SF  the keynote was  Vint Cerf which drew a larger audience 


(d) In respect to vegan, vegetarian, Gluten  free, Halal and Kosher  appetisers  will be emphasized and properly labelled








Suggested  Poll Questions  for  conference call  in Adobe Connect


( this is  to be added to the  adobe call to generate discussion and  gauge opinions


  1.  Do you think the idea of  a  NARALO Community Event  is a good idea?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  2.  What do you think the theme should be?
  3.   What format do you prefer?
    1. Informal  
      1. NARALO  ALS  displays
      2. No speeches  just  networking 
    2. Formal 
      1. Presentations
      2. Standard  ICANN, ALAC and NARALO Speeches 
      3. Main inspirational keynote speaker



  •  Affilias 
  •  Google


Action items  of meetings  
Membership  add their  names  by  August 5