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An At-Large community call with the candidates will be held on Saturday, 13 November at 1300 UTC. You can find the draft agenda and participation instructions under:


On 28 October 2010, the At-Large Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) announced the slate of three candidates for the position of At-Large selected voting Board Director. The three candidates, in alphabetical order by family name, are:


Questions to the Candidates from the RALOs and Answers from the Candidates




The following 8 questions were prepared by Avri Doria on behalf of EURALO:

1. To what extent do you think that the ALAC should be equivalent in its influence within ICANN to the GAC.  Should the by-laws be changed to give the ALAC the same right of advice as the GAC has?

2. How do you plan to balance your commitment to doing what you believe is best for ICANN as a California corporation with your role as a representative of the members of the At-Large?  How do you propose handling it when your vote runs counter to the advice of the ALAC and At-Large.

3. What do you plan to do about the Culture of Secrecy that exists in ICANN.  What role does the Board have to play in making ICANN more transparent and accountable?

4. What degree of oversight do you think the Board should exert over the Staff and its activities.

5. Do you accept that ICANN remains a US based corporation or do you have a plan for increasing its International status.

6. Do you agree with the current salary levels of the senior managers in ICANN.  Do you think the Board should change the levels of compensation to be more in keeping with the non-profit of ICANN.  If so, how do you plan seeing this dealt with?

7. What is your plan for any excess funds that may be derived from new gTLD auctions? 

8. Do you think it is necessary for ICANN to make serious adjustments to the new gTLD process and application fees in order for it to be possible for there to be applicants from the developing economies.  what sort of changes would you be in favor of seeing?

Questions to specific candidates prepared by Adam Peake on behalf of EURALO:

Pierre, Sebastien:

I understand you are both involved in potential applications for new gTLDs: Pierre, dot AFRICA (perhaps already controversial, with rival applications in play), Sebastien perhaps a few projects. If I am wrong about this, you have no involvement, please accept my apologies.

However, if correct, my concern is whether you will be able to participate fully in discussions about new gTLDs. I think we can be sure issues arising from the new gTLD program will be among the most important ICANN will face over the coming 2-3 years.

If selected as At Large Director will you stop any involvement with new gTLD application?  Or how would you handle the possibility of having to recuse yourself from some or all discussions? Can a Director be involved in both an application and making policy that affects that or all applications?

To be fair: Alan, are you involved with any potential/planned gTLD applications?

A general question, but first for Alan.

The ATRT's proposed recommendations include:

Wiki Markup
"ICANN should establish \[by INSERT DATE\] formal mechanisms for identifying the collective skill-set required by the ICANN Board including such skills as public policy, finance, strategic planning, corporate governance, negotiation, and dispute resolution. Emphasis should be placed upon ensuring the Board has the skills and experience to effectively provide oversight of ICANN operations consistent with the global public interest and deliver best practice in corporate governance."

1. What skill sets do you feel currently missing from the board and how will your skills fill those gaps?

2. Please describe your experience with the following, as relevant to ICANN's mission "public policy, finance, strategic planning, corporate governance, negotiation, and dispute resolution".



Questions for all Candidates:

1. How do you define "end-user," "consumer," "registrant," and where do those terms intersect?

2. Describe your level of satisfaction with ICANN's current performance in responding to end-user and registrant concerns.

3. Is the current speed of the new  gTLD creation process happening too fast, too slow, or at the right pace?

4. What is, in your opinion, the scope of ICANN? What are the limits of its authority?

5. As a Director, what would be your interest in the Registrar Accreditation Agreement?

6. Describe, in as much detail as possible, your assessment of WHOIS, specifically stating your opinions on
    - the desired balance between registrant privacy and registrant accountability
    - the suitability of WHOIS to accomplish its intended purpose
    - whether WHOIS needs to be fixed, replaced, discarded or left untouched

7.  What initiatives will you *personally* undertake to increase ICANN's transparency and accountability?

8. Do end-users and registrants have rights within ICANN? Should they? If you answered yes to either, state how you would encourage the rest of the board to effect this.

9. As you replace the accountable At-Large liaison to the Board in a role that is explicitly not accountable, describe the relationship you intend to have with ICANN's At-Large Community.
    - Are you prepared to make any commitments to levels of engagement with At-Large?
    - Are you willing to resign if incapable of meeting those committments?

10. How would you describe the "maturity" of ICANN's At-Large infrastructure?
    - What is the effect of this on ICANN policy-making?
    - What would you do to improve this?

11. What is your analysis of the recent Board decision regarding vertical integration, specifically from the point of view of Internet registrants and end-users?

12. All three candidates have, at least once, been appointed to their At-Large positions rather than chosen by the community. How does this impact your view of ICANN and its relationship with the public?

13) What is the best possible outcome of this election process? What is the worst possible outcome?

Questions to specific candidates:

Question for Pierre:

14. Some longtime participants in At-Large have expressed concern about your level of participation and achievement during your tenure on the Interim ALAC. Can you please describe some specific initiatives in which you had leadership or significant participation while on ALAC?

Question for Sébastien:







Questions from Individuals

