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June 2017 Report

  1. The At-Large Review moved into the implementation phase, and ALAC and RALOs were requested to contribute to the process of evolving a set of recommendations towards this.
  2. ICANN59 meeting took place in Jo'burg. A meeting of available LT members took place in order to kick-start the GA planning process
  3. The first batch of the APRALO Mentoring Program came to an end in June 2017. It was decided to ascertain feedback through different mechanisms so as to assess the effectiveness of the program.
  4. The Subcommittees for the GA were finalized. The Advisory Committee for the GA was finalized and members contacted.

May 2017 Report

  1. The APRALO selection process for two positions, ALAC Member from APRALO and APRALO Vice Chair, concluded by Maureen Hilyard and Lianna Galstyan respectively selected by acclamation.
  2. The four nominations for the position of NomCom representative were forwarded to ALAC for further action.
  3. Two new members joined APRALO during the previous month: Internet Development Initiative (IDI), ALS from Georgia; and Faheem Soomro, Individual Member from Pakistan
  4. Preliminary results from the APRALO Survey was shared with the community, and it was decided to follow-up with member ALSes who haven't responded yet.

April 2017 Report

  1. APRALO Leadership Selection Process: The Selection Process of APRALO Leaders continued through the month, with multiple nominations coming in for one position (NomCom Representative) and one nomination each for the two other positions.

  2. Don Hollander, Secretary General of the UASG, conducted a session on UAI for the APRALO community during the monthly call in April.
  3. The application form for individual members in APRALO was finalized after several iterations.
  4. The mentoring program of APRALO continued through April.
  5. Preparations for APRALO GA continued through the creation of SubCommittees for Programme, Organizing, Finance and Outreach.
  6. The Membership Survey remained open through the month.

March 2017 Report

  1. ICANN58: The 58th ICANN meeting was held at Copenhagen, Denmark. APRALO held its monthly meeting for March as a face-to-face meeting at Copenhagen.
  2. At-Large Review: The At-Large Review process was at the stage of public comments, which closed by the end of the month. APRALO took an active role in creating the RALO response to the draft document. The RALO report as well as the ALAC report were submitted towards the end of the month. It was notable that the RALO report incorporated numerous contributions from the community.
  3. APRALO ALS/Member Survey: The proposed survey of ALSes and Individual Members was created during March, and will be circulated in early April for comments.
  4. APRALO Selections: Preliminary work on the APRALO elections was started in March. The positions that are open are:
    1. ALAC Member from APRALO
    2. APRALO Vice Chair
    3. NomCom member from the region
    4. NomCom appointee from the region
    5. APRALO Secretary (discretionary)
  5. APRALO Individual Membership Admission: A form was created and circulated within the LT and Staff for managing the process of admitting individual members
  6. The APRALO Mentorship programme continued to be active. A process was carried out to identify the second traveler to ICANN59 at Johannesburg in the absence of Ali who is unable to travel in June.
