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 **AC Room:                          


Dial-out Participants:

EN:  Eduardo Diaz, Glenn McKnight, Adrian Schmidt, Bill Jouris, Gordon Chillcott, Loris Taylor, Marita Moll, Wes Boudville, Jonathan Zuck, Yubelkys Montalvo, Eve Edelson, John More, Judith Hellerstein, Dana Perry

Apologies: Alan Greenberg (tentative), Evan Leibovitch, Joly MacFie, Shelley Robinson, Javier Rua-Jovet, Leah Symekher, Anna Loup,  Karen Mulberry, David Morar

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivianco, Christopher Mondini, Claudia Ruiz

Call Management: Andrea Glandon


Action Items: EN

Recording:   EN


AC Recording: EN

AC Chat: EN    

Transcript: EN EN



1. Attendance (





This section is to record the meeting attendance. Colors are to identify the corresponding attendance state:  Green=Present, Yellow=Apology, Red=Not Present,

ALS (Total


23 :: 10CA/2PR/


11US) - Attendance (









1Pacific Community Networks Association/CAAllan SkuceBev Collins
2Nova Scotia Community Access Program/CADana Perry (P)Erick Stackhouse
3ISOC DC/USDustin Phillips John More (P)
4ISOC PR/PREduardo Díaz (P)Alfredo Calderón
5Canadian Association for Open Source (CLUE)/CAEvan Leibovitch (A)Mathew Rice
6Foundation For Build. Sustainable Communities/CAGlenn McKnight Robert T Bell
7Greater Toronto Area Linux User Group/CAGordon Chillcott (P)Scott Sullivan
8Knujon/USGrath Bruen -
9Association of Internet Users/US :: ALAC 2017-19John LaPriseCristina Willlard
10ISOC NY/USJoly McFie (A)Greg Shatan
11Capital Area Globetrotters/USJudith Hellerstein (P)Le-Marie Thompson
12Consumers Council of Canada/CA

Kenneth L. Whitehurst

Howard Dean

Karen Mulberry (A)

14ISOC SF/USLeah Sykmekher  (A)Susannah Gray 
15Native Public Media/USLoris Taylor (P)Elyse Dempsey
16Telecommunities Canada/CA Marita Moll (P)Garth Graham
17Communautique/CAMonique Chartrand -
18The IP/Tech. Section of the HI State Bar Assoc./USSeth ReissTracey Ohta
19ISOC Quebec/CADestiny Tchehouali
Robert Castonguay
20ISOC Canada/CAShelley Robinson (A)Murray McKercher Inc./USThomas Lowenhaupt Robert Pollard
22Hispanic Educational Tech. Services (HETS)/PRYubelkys Montalvo (P)Yelixa Castro
23At-Large North American Graduate Students Students/USDavid Cristian Morar (A)Anna Cecile Loup (A)

For updates please contact Evin Erdoğdu, At-Large Staff.


Unaffiliated (Total 22 ::




17US) Attendance (






1Adrian Schmidt (P)CA
2Alan Greenberg (A)CA
3Daniel WrightUS
4David AllnutUS
5Edward HasbrouckCA
6Endrias ZewdeUS
7Javier Rúa Jovet (PA)PR
8Jean Armour PollyUS
9Jeongwon RyuUS
10Jonathan Zuck (P)US
11Kristian Stout US
12Linda KaiserUS
13Michelangelo De SimoneUS
14Philip RighterUS
15Roberto GuerraCA
16Roland YarbroughUS
17Thomas StruettUS
18Thomas W CampbellUS
19Wendy SeltzerUS
20Wes Boudville (P)US
21William Cunningham US
22Nathalie CoupetUS


This section is to record the approval of this meeting agenda and its discussion order.

--→ 11June [Recording: xx1:21  Approved with no changes. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

3. Meeting Discussion Order 






Allotted Time/Running Time


NARALO Elections

→: To provide an update on the 2018 NARALO Elections


(00:10 /00:10)


→: To provide an update/report for the following CROP supported events:  ARIN 41 (William), Digital Inclusion (Glenn) and RigthsCon (Judith)





(00:10 /00:20)

2018 NomCom update report

→: To provide an update on NomCom work in the past month

Leah(00:05 /00:25)

ABR (Additional Budget Request)

→: To inform the region about important updates to the ABR. Check here -> At-Large FY19 Special Request Implementation Workspace

Heidi(00:05 /00:30)


: To call for volunteers to provide feedback about the NARALO.ORG  website as to navigation and content. Google doc

Glenn(00:5 /00:35)


NARALO ALAC members Update Reports

: To provide a summary by our current NARALO representatives in ALAC of what was discussed since our last meeting in ALAC regarding policy and anything else that the region should be aware about.




(00:10 /00:45)


NARALO Outreach Group Update Report

: To provide a summary of the NARALO Outreach Group efforts since our last call
Glenn00:05 /00:50)

NARALO Policy Group Update Report

: To provide an update report by the head of the Policy Group as to the ICANN policies being discussed at the moment affecting NARALO end-users and/or interest to NARALO members in general


00:05 /00:55)

NARALO Education Group Update Report

→: To provide provide an update report by the head of the Educational Group since our last call.

Alfredo00:05 /00:60)
-Any Other Business (AOB)All-
-Next meeting: 09 July 2018 @19:00 UTC--


14 May [Recording: 1:02 ]  Off-line report update at @4/23/2018 :: for leadership positions within ICANN, the NomCom initiated a recruitment phase in January. The NomCom carried out various outreach activities, including circulating an invitation via social media platforms, email and news updates via professional networks. NomCom members presented at multiple events, reached out to potential candidates and encouraged them to apply. This effort was intensified during ICANN61. In parallel, an independent recruitment firm targeted candidates for Board positions. At the end of the period for expressions of interest, the NomCom received 109 complete applications. Applicants applied from Africa (19), Asia Pacific (25), Europe (21), Latin America and the Carribbean (13), and North America (31). There were 33 female and 76 male applicants. In terms of ICANN leadership position application numbers, there were (87) Board, (43) GNSO, (19) ALAC and (40) ccNSO.Updates on the candidate assessment phase will follow shortly. Reported by Leah Symekher ALAC-NARALO delegate to the NomCom 2018. Leah reported during the meeting as well [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting.

--→ 11June [Recording: xx] 21:54] No report given. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

ITEM 012: ABR (Additional Budget Request)


12 February [Recording: 50] Final results in May 2018 [Decision]: Revisit in May - Recommend to put in a dormant state until then.

--→ 11June [Recording: xx]  23:20]  $4,000/RALO , $15,000 for Communication and Outreach, $1,200 for Chair transition and $12,000 for a Two Hall event during ICANN63. See WIKI HERE for more specific information. [Decision]: Close Item

ITEM 017: NARALO Outreach Group Update Report


14 May [Recording: --]   Not in agenda for this meeting. [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting

--→ 11June [Recording: 40: xx25  Glenn reported. Please read specifics in the transcript page 22. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

ITEM 023: NARALO Elections

LEAD: Glenn Mcknight Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 12 February 2018, CLOSED: 11 June 2018

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: To provide an update on the 2018 NARALO Election 




23 April 2018 (ended)

Nominations* open for four positions: Chair, Secretariat, ALAC Representative and NomCom Delegate. ROP 6.1.2"Candidates for office may be an Individual Member or a member of an ALS Member, and must be resident in North America."

4 May 2018 (ended)

Nominations Close. ROP 6.4.1"The nomination period shall be no fewer than ten (10) working days."

11 May 2018 (ended)

Deadline for Nomination Acceptance. ROP 6.4.2"Nominations other than self-nominations must be accepted within 7 days of the close of the nomination period."

14 May 2018 (ended)Elections, if required, open.

15 May, 2018 (ended)

NARALO Special Purpose Call on NARALO 2018 Elections: "Get to Know the Candidates" -  15 May 2018 @ 21:00 UTC

18 May 2018 (ended)

Elections, if required, end.

18 May 2018 (ended)Elections results are published.

Newly elected ALAC Members and RALOs Leaders shall be seated at the ALAC Wrap Up Session during the 2018 AGM.


14 May [Recording: 16:48 ] Individual elections announced: Alan is the representative. Javier will be alternate. By ROP 6.5.1, NARALO Chair and Secretariat elected by acclamation. Alan clarified the process on how elections are run when there are more that two candidates for one position. See discussion on the transcript page #14.  Election time table in the wiki (and here in the agenda ) is incorrect. Elections starts on 24 May 2018. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--→ 11June [Recording: xx1:43  Results mentioned. [Decision]: Close Item.


LEAD: Eduardo Diaz


14 May [Recording: 30:35]  Running out of time at this moment of the agenda.   [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting as first item in the agenda.

--→ 11June [Recording: 3: xx34 [Decision]: Glenn and Judith reported. Glenn RigthsCon leads: Canadian National Institute of the Blind (CNIB) & First Nations doing libraries throughout the Midwest. Judith RigthsCon leads: not specific leads but mentioned that she is following up with some of them. William's report pending. Final specifics about FY19 CROP still pending. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

ITEM 026:  NARALO ALAC Members Update Reports


14 May [Recording: 12:04 ]  Alan provided a brief report about GDPR , NomCom Review, CCWG on Accountability Work Stream #2 (coming up)  and GNSO on New gTLD (coming up) [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--→ 11June [Recording: xx]  29:42] No reports given. [Decision]: Carry Forward to next meeting

ITEM 028: NARALO Policy Group Update Report

LEAD: Jonathan Zuck 

OPEN: 09 April 2018, CLOSED:


14 May [Recording: --]   Not in agenda for this meeting. [Decision]:  Carry forward to next meeting

--→ 11June [Recording: 43: xx]  [Decision]:
03] Mentioned that the biggest think 
is that Subsequent Procedures Working Group is going to be delivering its interim report shortly after Panama. Also discussions about charitable outcome associated with and finally GDPR. More specifics on page 23 in the transcript. [Decision]: Carry Forward to next meeting

ITEM 029ITEM 029: NARALO Education Group Update Report


14 May [Recording: 45:00 ]   Presentation given by Jonathan on Intelectual Property Constituency (IPC) / Business Constituency (BC) Accreditation & Access Model for Non-Public Data. Please see details in transcript starting on page #30. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--→ 11June [Recording: 47: xx05  No report given. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.


LEAD: Glenn McKnight


14 May [Recording: 5:04]   Expanded on Anna Loop's background. Discussion starts in transcript page #4. The following people volunteer to help in the group: Judith, Joy and Susannah. Some problems were discussed.  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--→ 11June [Recording: xx]  27:53] Glenn reported. Check transcript for more details. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

6. New Discussions (→= current meeting date)


Statements approved by the ALAC

      • Release for Registration one .COM Domain Name with a Single-Character Label: O.COM

        Given the lack of both stability and competition concerns, the ALAC believes the introduction of represents no downside to end users. The ALAC further suggests that the proceeds of the auction be used to make concrete progress on universal acceptance, one of the primary frustrations of end users with regards to the introduction of new top level domains.
      • CCWG-Accountability WS2 Final Report
        The ALAC noted that the assurance of full consistency between all of the recommendations - which are noted in the report to be more than 100 - would depend primarily on the interpretation of the recommendations and the implementation plan. The ALAC recommends dedicating enough time to ensure inconsistencies do not result due to misinterpretation of the recommendations. 
      • Draft Final Report of the NomCom2 Review
        On the whole, the ALAC believes the ICANN NomCom system has been working well considering the significant challenges it faces. The ALAC made 8 general comments to improve the function of the NomCom, noting that while confidentiality needs to be maintained, whenever possible, open, transparent processes should be adopted to represent the multistakeholder nature of ICANN.
      • Draft Project Plan for the Proposed Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP) 
        As the principle voice of end users within the ICANN community, the ALAC supported the SSAC in its efforts to address the issue of Name Collisions, while encouraging clarity on the SSAC's bidding process for work contemplated under the Draft Project Plan.
      • ICANN Reserve Fund: Proposed Replenishment Strategy 
        The ALAC supports the overall strategy, with several important conditions related to operational savings, auction proceeds, per-domain registrar fees and revenue. 

Statements in process - DraftComment or Vote

Statements that seem to be stalled

      • None 

Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements

      • None

New Public Comment requests to which the ALAC needs to make decisions

      • None

Upcoming Public Comment Requests


      • Competition, Consumer Trust & Consumer Choice Review Team – Final Report
      • International Governmental Organizations (IGO) – Red Cross Reconvened Working Group Recommendations
      • New gTLD Auction Proceeds Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) – Initial Report


      • Implementation of Privacy and Proxy Services Accreditation Program
      • Proposal for Gujarati Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)

