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titleALAC Rules of Procedure (RoP) Reference

19.10 The electorate for the final election will be the fifteen ALAC Members plus the five RALO chairs.

19.10.1 If a member of the electorate is a candidate, the RALO for his/her region will name a replacement for the purposes of the vote. This replacement must be approved by vote of the RALO according to its rules. If multiple electors must be replaced, the RALO shall identify which replacement serves in place of each replaced elector. Replacement electors retain that responsibility for the duration of the election.

19.10.2 If any ALAC seat is vacant at the time of the election, the RALO for the region represented by that seat will name a replacement for the purposes of the vote. This replacement must be approved by vote of the RALO according to its rules.

19.10.3 If a vote of a RALO Chair is to be directed by RALO membership, that decision and the nature of the direction require vote(s) of the RALO according to its rules.

19.10.4 ALAC Members, or any individual selected to replace an ALAC Member for the purposes of the vote, are encouraged to consult with the RALO from their region, but voting will however be undirected and votes must be confidentially cast in what the ALAC Member believes to be in the best interests of At-Large, the ALAC and ICANN.

19.10.5 If an elector for any reason knows that they will not be able to cast a vote through any of the approved methods, the elector may name someone to act as their proxy by informing the Chair of the BMSPC and At-Large Staff. That person may only cast a vote as explicitly directed by the elector.

19.5  No member of the electorate (Paragraph 19.10) may simultaneously serve as a member of the BCEC.

Read the ALAC RoP here:

Electorate Members 

The following individuals will be the electorate for the final election in the At-Large Board Director Selection Process (2017 Round) 

Vote to Select Replacement Electorate Members 


Since the Final Slate of Candidates – Alan Greenberg and Leon Sanchez – are also ALAC Members, both NARALO and LACRALO must name a member of their RALO to be the replacement for the purpose of the final election. This replacement must be approved by a formal vote of NARALO and LACRALO according to its rules.

The nominee for the replacement must not be:


idReplacement Electorates

General Poll

(for NARALO ALS representatives + unaffiliated member representative)

Unaffiliated Poll

(for NARALO unaffiliated members)

SubjectNARALO Replacement Electorate in the ICANN Board Director Final Election
Open  23:59 UTC   23:59 UTC  
Close  23:59 UTC 23:59 UTC
Voter Anonymity


Quorum Requirement

15 or more electorates must vote to reach quorum

No quorum requirement

Vote Method

An electorate can only make one choice from the possible vote answers.

Result Interpretation

'Abstention' is counted toward quorum, but not counted toward result interpretation. In other words, the option with the highest votes, NOT counting abstention, wins. 

Tie Breaking

Glenn McKnight will cast an extra vote to break the tie and inform At-Large Staff via email about his choice.

John Levine will cast an extra vote to break the tie and inform At-Large Staff via email about his choice

Vote Change

Once a vote has been casted in BigPulse, change is not allowed.

Vote Wording

Dear All, 

NARALO’s Chair and Secretariat would like to announce the start of the vote for the NARALO replacement electorate in the ICANN Board Director final election. Please note that the poll will be open from 25 Jan 2017 at 23:59 UTC to 01 Feb 2017 at 23:59 UTC



- Alan Greenberg is currently a Member of the ALAC from the North American Region and is a candidate for the ICANN Board Seat 15 in the 2017 selection;

- The ALAC Rules of Procedure (RoP) specify that under normal conditions, ALAC members constitute part of the Board Seat electorate;

- the RoP forbid a candidate from being part of the electorate, but allow the RALO, by a formal vote, to identify a replacement for the purposes of the vote;

- Evan Leibovitch has agreed to act in this capacity;

Do you agree that Evan Leibovitch acts as a replacement for Alan Greenberg, in the event that Alan Greenberg is a candidate for Board Seat 15 at the start of the formal voting process.

  • Yes
  • No
  • Abstain


For more information of the Board Director Selection Process:

To read Evan Leibovitch's Statement:

Dear All, 

NARALO’s Chair and Secretariat would like to announce the start of the vote for the NARALO replacement electorate in the ICANN Board Director final election. Please note that the poll will be open from 25 Jan 2017 at 23:59 UTC to 31 Jan 2017 at 23:59 UTC



- Alan Greenberg is currently a Member of the ALAC from the North American Region and is a candidate for the ICANN Board Seat 15 in the 2017 selection;

- The ALAC Rules of Procedure (RoP) specify that under normal conditions, ALAC members constitute part of the Board Seat electorate;

- the RoP forbid a candidate from being part of the electorate, but allow the RALO, by a formal vote, to identify a replacement for the purposes of the vote;

- Evan Leibovitch has agreed to act in this capacity;

Do you agree that Evan Leibovitch acts as a replacement for Alan Greenberg, in the event that Alan Greenberg is a candidate for Board Seat 15 at the start of the formal voting process.

  • Yes
  • No
  • Abstain


For more information of the Board Director Selection Process:

To read Evan Leibovitch's Statement:

Vote Result Announcement

Dear All,

Please note that the vote for the NARALO replacement electorate in the ICANN Board Director final election is now closed.



- Alan Greenberg is currently a Member of the ALAC from the North American Region and is a candidate for the ICANN Board Seat 15 in the 2017 selection;

- The ALAC Rules of Procedure (RoP) specify that under normal conditions, ALAC members constitute part of the Board Seat electorate;

- the RoP forbid a candidate from being part of the electorate, but allow the RALO, by a formal vote, to identify a replacement for the purposes of the vote;

- Evan Leibovitch has agreed to act in this capacity;

Do you agree that Evan Leibovitch acts as a replacement for Alan Greenberg, in the event that Alan Greenberg is a candidate for Board Seat 15 at the start of the formal voting process.

  • Yes
  • No
  • Abstain

As at Poll close: Wednesday 01 February 2017 23:59 UTC
Number of voters: 20 · Group size: 30 · Percentage voted: 66.67
Ranked by votes


Options ID




















To confirm: Evan Leibovitch will act as a replacement electorate member for Alan Greenberg, in the event that Alan Greenberg is a Candidate for Board Seat 15 at the start of the formal voting process.

You may view the result independently under[].

For more information of the Board Director Selection Process:[]

Children Display

Show If
SubjectEN: 2016 Vote for LACRALO ALAC Member
ES: 2016 Voto para Miembro de LACRALO ante el ALAC

 23:59 UTC  


 23:59 UTC 

Voter Anonymity


Country Co-EfficientWill apply
Quorum Requirement

25 or more electorates must vote to reach quorum

Vote Method

An electorate can only make one choice from the possible vote answers 

Result Interpretation

'Abstention' is counted toward quorum, but not counted toward result interpretation. In other words, the candidate(s) with the highest votes, NOT counting abstention, wins. 

Tie Breaking

Reference ‘Procedure in the case of TIE’ here

Vote Change

Once a vote has been casted in BigPulse, change is not allowed 

Vote Wording


Dear All, 

LACRALO’s Chair and Secretariat would like to announce the start of the vote for the LACRALO ALAC Member for the period of two years beginning at the end of the ICANN57 Meeting in October 2016. This poll will be open from 18 May 2016 at 23:59 UTC to 25 May 2016 at 23:59 UTC.


QUESTION: Who do you support to become the LACRALO ALAC Member for the period of two years beginning at the end of the ICANN57 Meeting in October 2016? Please either select one candidate from the list below (listed in alphabetical order of the family name) or abstain: 

  • Alberto Soto 
  • Marcelo Telez
  • Abstain


Additional information can be found at the election Wiki page:


Hola a todos, 

El Presidente y Secretario de LACRALO’s quisieran anunciar el inicio del voto para elegir al Miembro de LACRALO ante el ALAC por el periodo de 2 años empezando al final de la reunión de ICANN57 en Octubre del 2016. La votación estará abierta desde el 18 de Mayo de 2016 a las 23:59 UTC al 25 de Mayo de 2016 a las 23:59 UTC.


PREGUNTA: ¿A quien elige usted para ser Miembro del LACRALO ante el ALAC por el periodo de 2 años comenzando en la reunion de ICANN57 en Octubre del 2016? Por favor elija un candidato de la lista abajo (en orden alfabético) o absténgase:

  • Alberto Soto 
  • Marcelo Telez
  • Abstain


Información adicional se puede encontrar en la página WIKI:

Vote Result Announcement Template


Dear All, 

Kindly note that the vote for the LACRALO ALAC Member for the period of two years beginning at the end of the ICANN57 Meeting in October 2016 is now closed. 


QUESTION: Who do you support to become the LACRALO ALAC Member for the period of two years beginning at the end of the ICANN57 Meeting in October 2016? Please either select one candidate from the list below (listed in alphabetical order of the family name) or abstain: 

  • Alberto Soto 
  • Marcelo Telez
  • Abstain

As at Poll close: Wednesday 25 May 2016 23:59 UTC.

Number of voters: 34 (6693.000000000 weighted) · Group size: 48 (10001 total weight) · Percentage voted: 70.83 (66.92 of total weight)

Ranked by votes

RankOptionsWeighted Votes%Voters%Voters
1Alberto Soto4,153.000062.051955.88Jose Olvidio Salgueiro(w159), Adrian Carballo(w53), Natalia Enciso(w238), Mónica Abalo Laforgia(w53), Dr. Aislan Vargas Basilio(w119), Alberto Soto(w53), Jose Luis Barzallo(w119), Fatima Cambronero(w53), Carlos Dionisio Aguirre(w53), Aida Noblia(w476), Alejandro Pisanty(w476), Maricarmen Sequera Buzarquis(w238), Alyne Andrade(w119), Ricardo Holmquist(w159), Telemaque Dumy(w476), Vanda Scartezini(w119), Wanda Pena(w476), Valeria Aguero Bolaños(w238), Hamzah Haji(w476)
2Marcelo Telez1,852.000027.671132.35Antonio Medina Gomez(w159), Johnny Laureano(w238), Wladimir Davalos S.(w119), Javier Eduardo Chandia Rojas(w238), Sergio Walter Salinas Porto(w53), Cristian Casas(w53), Carlos Vera(w119), Diego Acosta Bastidas(w119), Luis Sergio Valle Sejas(w476), Harold Arcos(w159), Sylvia Herlein Leite(w119)
3Abstain/Abstención688.000010.28411.76Juan Manuel Rojas P(w159), Jose Arce(w53), Humberto Carrasco(w238), Carlos Raul Guiterrez(w238)


To confirm: Alberto Soto is elected to become the LACRALO ALAC Member for the period of two years beginning at the end of the ICANN57 Meeting in October 2016.

You may view the result independently under


Hola a todos, 

Por favor note que el voto para elegir al Miembro de LACRALO ante el ALAC por el periodo de 2 años empezando al final de la reunión de ICANN57 en Octubre del 2016 ha terminado. 


PREGUNTA: ¿A quien elige usted para ser Miembro del LACRALO ante el ALAC por el periodo de 2 años comenzando en la reunion de ICANN57 en Octubre del 2016? Por favor elija un candidato de la lista abajo (en orden alfabético) o absténgase:

  • Alberto Soto 
  • Marcelo Telez
  • Abstain

Al cerrar el voto: 25 de Mayo de 2016 a las 23:59 UTC.

Número de votantes: 34 (6693.000000000 ponderado) · Tamaño del grupo: 48 (10001 Peso total) · Porcentaje de voto: 70.83 (66.92 o total de peso)

Posición por votos



Votos Ponderados






Alberto Soto





Jose Olvidio Salgueiro(w159), Adrian Carballo(w53), Natalia Enciso(w238), Mónica Abalo Laforgia(w53), Dr. Aislan Vargas Basilio(w119), Alberto Soto(w53), Jose Luis Barzallo(w119), Fatima Cambronero(w53), Carlos Dionisio Aguirre(w53), Aida Noblia(w476), Alejandro Pisanty(w476), Maricarmen Sequera Buzarquis(w238), Alyne Andrade(w119), Ricardo Holmquist(w159), Telemaque Dumy(w476), Vanda Scartezini(w119), Wanda Pena(w476), Valeria Aguero Bolaños(w238), Hamzah Haji(w476)


Marcelo Telez





Antonio Medina Gomez(w159), Johnny Laureano(w238), Wladimir Davalos S.(w119), Javier Eduardo Chandia Rojas(w238), Sergio Walter Salinas Porto(w53), Cristian Casas(w53), Carlos Vera(w119), Diego Acosta Bastidas(w119), Luis Sergio Valle Sejas(w476), Harold Arcos(w159), Sylvia Herlein Leite(w119)







Juan Manuel Rojas P(w159), Jose Arce(w53), Humberto Carrasco(w238), Carlos Raul Guiterrez(w238)


El Miembro de LACRALO ante el ALAC por el periodo de 2 años empezando al final de la reunión de ICANN57 en Octubre del 2016 es Alberto Soto.

Puede revisar los resultados independientemente bajo:

