Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.





  1. Welcome/Agenda Review/SOI Updates
  2. Continue Review of Public Comments -- Options/Proposals:
    1. Names requiring government support/non- objections from the 2012 AGB (see deliberations section f.2.3.2 for context) – Start at Question 19, Variant 2
    2. Names requiring government support/non- objections from the 2012 AGB (see deliberations section f2.3.3 for context)
    3. Names requiring government support/non- objections from the 2012 AGB (see deliberations section f.2.3.4 for context)
    4. Options/Proposals: terms not included in the 2012 Applicant Guidebook (see deliberations section f.2.4 for context)
  3. AOB 

Background Documents

For agenda item 2, please review the Google document at: [].



Zoom Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar


Attendance & Zoom Chat

Apologies: Flip Petillion, Abdulkarim Oloyede



Notes/ Action Items


Staff to go back through the tabs and make sure any BRG/RrSG mis-assignments are fixed



  1. Updates to Statements of Interest (SOIs): Annebeth has changed her work title, but will still be on WT5 doing the same work.

2. Review of Public Comments

Names requiring government support/non- objections from the 2012 AGB (see deliberations section f.2.3.2 for context)

Question 19, Variant 2:

Line 40 -- ALAC -- Agreement/Divergence

Lines 41-54: Divergence

Question 19, Variant 3:

Line 56 -- Dotzon GmbH -- Agreement

Line 57 -- ALAC -- Agreement/Divergence

Lines 58-70: Divergence

Question 20:

Lines 72-78: Agreement

Line 79 -- United States -- Agreement/Concerns

Line 80 -- RySG -- Agreement/Divergence

Lines 81-89: Divergence

Question 21:

Lines 91-98: Agreement

Line 99 -- Agreement/Divergence

Line 100 -- RySG -- Agreement (qualified)/Divergence

Lines 101-108: Divergence

Question 22:

Lines 110-113: Agreement

Line 114 -- ALAC -- Agreement/Divergence

Lines 115-125: Divergence

Lines 126-7: No comment

Question 23:

Lines 129-134: Agreement

Line 135 -- RySG -- Agreement (qualified)/Divergence

Lines 136-146: Divergence

Question 24:

Lines 148-154: Agreement

Line 155 -- ALAC -- Agreement/Divergence

Lines 156-165: Divergence

Question 25:

Lines 167-169: Agreement

Line 170 -- dotBerlin et al. -- Agreement (partially -- first part)

Line 171 -- Dotzon GmbH -- Agreement (partially - second part) Divergence (with first part)

Line 172 -- IPC -- Agreement (partially - first part) Divergence (with second part)

Line 173 -- ALAC -- Agreement/Divergence

Line 174 -- RyST -- Agreement (qualified)/Divergence

Lines 175-183: Divergence

Question 26:

Lines 185-198: Agreement

Lines 199-201: Divergence

Names requiring government support/non- objections from the 2012 AGB (see deliberations section f2.3.3 for context)

Question 27:

Lines 6-13: Agreement

Line 14 -- RySG -- Agreement (qualified)/Divergence

Lines 15-23: Divergence

Question 28:

Lines 25-27: Agreement

Line 28 -- BRG -- Agreement (qualified)

Line 29 -- IPC -- Agreement/Divergence

Line 30 -- RySG -- Agreement (qualified)/Divergence

Lines 31-42: Divergence

Question 29:

Line 44 -- BRG -- Agreement (qualified)

Lines 45-49: Agreement

Line 50 -- Group of Registries -- Agreement (qualified)

Line 51 -- RySG -- Agreement (qualified)/Divergence

Lines 52-61: Divergence

Names requiring government support/non- objections from the 2012 AGB (see deliberations section f.2.3.4 for context)

Question 30:

Lines 6-13: Agreement

Line 14 -- RySG -- Agreement (qualified)/Divergence

Lines 15-23: Divergence

Question 31:

Lines 25-26: Agreement (qualified)

Lines 27-28: Agreement

Line 29 -- IPC -- Change to Divergence

Line 30 -- RyST -- Agreement (qualified)/Divergence

Lines 31-42: Divergence

Question 32:

Lines 44-50: Agreement (some qualified)

Line 51 -- RySG -- Agreement (qualified)/Divergence

Lines 52-61: Divergence

Options/Proposals: terms not included in the 2012 Applicant Guidebook (see deliberations section f.2.4 for context)

Line 4 -- Christopher Wilkinson -- Concerns

Question 33:

Lines 5-14: Agreement (some qualified)

Line 15 -- ALAC -- Change to Divergence

Lines 16-22: Divergence

Lines 23 - RySG -- Doesn’t appear to address the proposal

Question 34:

Lines 25-30: Agreement

Line 31 -- DotBERLIN -- Agreement/Concerns

Line 32 -- dotzon GmbH -- Agreement

Lines 33 -- RySG -- Agreement/Concerns/Divergence

Line 34-35: Concerns/Divergence

Lines 36-40: Divergence

Line 41 -- Portuguese Govt.

Question 35:

Lines 43-49: Agreement

Lines 50-51: Concerns/Divergence

Lines 52-59: Divergence

Line 60 -- RySG. -- no position

Question 36:

Lines 62-71: Agreement (IPC line 72 is qualified)

Line 72 -- NCSG -- Agreement/Concerns -- change to Agreement, qualified

Line 73 -- RrSG -- Concerns/Divergence -- This is really divergence with explanation

Lines 74-77: Divergence

Line 78 -- RySG -- no position

  • There are a few cases where a group has given the rationale has been given followed by divergence. Sometimes it is categorized as concerns followed by divergence, but perhaps it should just be divergence with a rationale provided. There are a number of cases on tab F 2.4). Comments from BRG (line 50) and RrSG (line 51) may have this problem. Lines 34 (suggestion to change to divergence) and 35 are also cited.
  • Staff will pull out these items for the summary document regardless, the highlighting helps staff condense the material. It is not a problem from staff perspective to change these to divergence if the group prefers.

Question 37:

Lines 80-86: Agreement

Line 87 -- ALAC -- Agreement/Concerns - should be Agreement (Qualified) + Concerns

Lines 88-96: Divergence

Line 97 -- RySG -- no position

Question 38:

Lines 99-107: Agreement

Lines 108-115: Divergence

Line 116 -- RySG -- no position


  • Leadership Team is thinking about how to use the time at ICANN65
  • There will likely be two sessions on the first day
  • Feedback is welcome on the agenda for these sessions
  • The time may be used to summarize points of agreement and focus on difficult issues
  • Additional substantive comment from one member -- geographic names must be protected for future generations. This protection should not be limited to specific lists.