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CC1 Review Tool SubPro PDP WG 29 August 2016.pdf14 Sept 2016.xlsx (As PDF)

CC1 Review Tool SubPro PDP WG 21 Sept 2016.xlsx (As PDF)

CC1 Review Tool SubPro PDP WG 6 Oct 2016.xlsx (As PDF)

CC1 Review Tool SubPro PDP WG 26 Oct 2016.xlsx (As PDF)

CC1 Review Tool SubPro PDP WG 5 Dec 2016.xlsx (As PDF)

CC1 Review Tool SubPro PDP WG 29 August 22 Dec 2016.xlsx(As PDF)


Letters sent to chairs of the SO/AC/SG/Cs:


Community GroupResponded (Date)Description of Response
ALACRequested Extension 
ccNSO25 July 2016Response from Katrina Sataki, Chair of the ccNSO:

"If we talk about the concerns that the ccNSO have had with respect to the new gTLDs, I think the main one is about the use of country and teritory names as gTLDs. Here’s the letter our chair sent back in 2009:"

GAC29 July 201620160729_GAC reply to GNSO SubProcWG questions.pdf
IPC19 August 2016IPC Response - Community Comment 1.pdf
NPOCN/ANo response to be provided
RySG05 August 2016RySG comments on NewgTLD Subsequent Proceduresl.pdf
SSAC 25 October 2016SAC086 SSAC Response to the GNSO PDP Working Group on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures-Community Comment 19 October 2016.pdf 



DRAFT_Community Comment 1_Redline_8Jun2016.docx
