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Draft Advice Letter on Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice, and Competition 

 \ [PDF, 234 KB\] on Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice, and Competition at the request of the ICANN Boardof the ICANN Board.

 \ [PDF, 642 KB\] could also be formally endorsed by the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) and the Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO), but their endorsement was not a requirement for participation in the Working Group. The charter Drafting Team understood that its goal was to produce advice for consideration by GNSO, ccNSO, Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) and ALAC, each of whom was asked for advice as part of the Board resolution discussed above. Each AC/SO may act independently on the CCTC Working Group's draft advice, and may endorse all, part, or none of the draft advice as it decides how to respond to the Board consideration by GNSO, ccNSO, Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) and ALAC, each of whom was asked for advice as part of the Board resolution discussed above. Each AC/SO may act independently on the CCTC Working Group's draft advice, and may endorse all, part, or none of the draft advice as it decides how to respond to the Board resolution.
The CCTC Working Group understands that the purpose of this advice is to provide ICANN's Board with definitions, measures, and targets that could be useful to the Affirmation of Commitments (AOC) Review Team that will convene one year after new generic top-level domains (gTLDs) are launched. However, the CCTC Working Group understands that this advice cannot pre-determine or otherwise limit the scope of the future AOC review team.

 \ [PDF, 642 KB\]
  • Draft Advice Letter:
  •  \ [PDF, 234 KB\]

    Comment/Reply Periods (*)

    Important Information Links* Public Comment Announcement

    Comment Open:

    23 February 2012

    Comment Open:

    23 February 2012

    Comment Close:

    17 April 2012

    Close Time (UTC):


    Reply Open:

    18 April 2012

    Reply Close:

    8 May 2012

    Close Time (UTC):


    Brief Overview


    Originating Organization:

    GNSO Council Consumer Metrics Working Group


    ICANN Board/Bylaws; Transparency/Accountability

    Purpose (Brief):

    The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council's Consumer Metrics (CCTC) Working Group requests community input on the draft Advice Letter

    Wiki Markup

    Current Status:

    This Public Comment solicitation represents an opportunity to share perspectives on the proposed definitions of Consumer, Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice, and Competition with in the draft Advice Letter. The CCTC Working Group will host a public session in Costa Rica and the close of the comment period will extend after the meeting to allow the community adequate time for comment.

    Next Steps:

    The CCTC Working Group will consider the comments received as part of their deliberations and creation of the final Advice Letter. The final version will be submitted to the GNSO Council for consideration. If it is approved the GNSO Council will submit the Advice Letter to the ICANN Board.

    Staff Contact:

    Julie Hedlund


    Detailed Information


    Section I: Description, Explanation, and Purpose

    The Consumer Metrics Working Group produced a draft Advice Letter defining Consumer, Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice, & Competition at the request of the ICANN Board Resolution (2010.12.10.30) to Supporting Organizations (SOs) and Advisory Committees (ACs). The Working Group is seeking community feedback on the draft, which will be considered by GNSO Council. If it is approved the GNSO Council will submit the Advice Letter to the ICANN Board.

    Section II: Background

    The GNSO Council chartered the CCTC Working Group on 22 September 2011. It was intended that the Charter

    Wiki Markup

    Section III: Document and Resource Links

    1. 22 September 2012 GNSO Council Resolution Chartering the CCTC Working Group:
    2. CCTC Charter:
    Wiki Markup
    Wiki Markup

    Section IV: Additional Information


    (*) Comments submitted after the posted Close Date/Time are not guaranteed to be considered in any final summary, analysis, reporting, or decision-making that takes place once this period lapses.

    Click here to download a copy of the draft Statement in PDF format.


    --- Second Draft (Final) / 16 April 2012)

    Click here to download a copy of the draft below in PDF format

    nameALAC Statement on the Draft Advice Letter on Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice, and Competition.pdf

    The At-Large Advisory Committee fully supports the recommendations of the Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice and Competition Working Group, noting that several of its members were active members of the Working Group.
