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This page contains Questions about


CROP not elsewhere answered within Program Tools & Resources.


Click each question to reveal the answer.

General Program Questions

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 Why is the program now called CROP rather than CROPP?


Answer: Following another successful implementation of the Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (CROPP) in FY17, the “pilot” program label has been removed and the activity has been moved to the Policy Development Support budget as part of the core activities to be coordinated by that staff in collaboration with the Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) team. The program will therefore be called Community Regional Outreach Program, removing the word "pilot" from its title.

Outreach Strategy Plan Questions

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 My organization completed an Outreach Strategic Plan for CROPP-FY16FY17. Can we just reuse it for FY17FY18's program? 


Answer: It is understood that certain elements of the Outreach Strategic Plan may be replicated for the next fiscal cycle; however, the content should be based upon a fresh perspective as to outreach goals, plans, and objectives and, where applicable, it should dovetail with Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) regional strategies. In every case, a new Outreach Strategic Plan template must be completed including confirmations and approvals per the .

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 Can the CROPP CROP forms/templates be completed before the Outreach Strategic Plan is submitted and approved?


Answer: Yes, the templates may be completed at any time; however, no action (e.g., travel booking) will be taken officially until the Outreach Strategic Plan has secured all of its confirmations and approvals.

Policies/Guidelines Questions

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 Why do approved requests need to be delivered to ICANN Constituency Travel at least 6 weeks in advance of an approved trip?


Answer: In efforts to ensure that ICANN supported travelers and ICANN Staff have the same expectations of service deliverables, the following explains why we have instituted a 6 week requirement for fully approved


CROP proposals to be provided to the Travel team. We understand that some travel arrangements can be done quickly, others are more complex. A consistent time frame ensures equal treatment for all travelers in a transparent manner.

Traveler Steps

ICANN Staff Steps
  • Allow time to apply for a visa, if applicable (even some intra-regional travel requires transit and final destination visas).
  • Allow time to apply through ICANN's Travel Provider portal in order to: register/update traveler profiles and have best opportunity to book airline and hotel of choice, especially for impacted and popular conferences.
  • Allow time to arrange for best available seating, pricing, and routing for the benefit of the traveler and ICANN.
  • Allow time to have per diem wired in advance of travel.
  • Allow ICANN Staff time to comply with state and US requirements for vetting funded travelers (see CROP ).
  • Allow time for administrative work with Finance and
  • CROP team re: budget identification, set up new travelers in system and wire transfer information.
  • Allow time for coordination with ICANN's Travel Provider to finalize most fiscally responsible travel.
  • Allow time to execute the least expensive registration fees (if applicable).

Trip Proposal/Allocation Questions

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 I am a member of the NCSG, but I do not belong to the NCUC or NPOC. How can I participate in this program since trips appear to be allocated only to Constituencies?


Answer: Trip allocations were authorized only to the five (5) recognized GNSO Constituencies. You may petition either the NCUC or NPOC and, if either Constituency agrees to sponsor your

outreach event

trip with one or more of their allocated


slots, that usage will be acceptable within the


Program guidelines.

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 Who is supposed to complete, review, and approve the Trip /Event Assessment?


Answer: ICANN envisions the Trip


Assessment to be a joint responsibility:

  • The traveler(s) or host(s), consistent with the structure's internal procedures, prepare(s) the information about the trip
  • and how its original goals and outcomes were realized.
  • The designated
  • Program Coordinator (
  • PC) reviews the form for completeness.
  • The applicable regional GSE team concurs that the assessment represents a satisfactory report of the trip
  • as it relates to its originally proposed goals/outcomes.


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 What is the CROPP Administrator’s role in the coordination of the Event? 


Answer: The CROPP Administrator can serve as the facilitator for connecting community planners and the appropriate regional engagement team to discuss and collaborate about the potential activity/event. The Administrator can streamline communications, explain procedures, and facilitate resolution of any planning issues.

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 What type of information is required for an Engagement Event to be approved? 


Answer: City, Country, Month and days of proposed event are required to be approved (internally and regionally) no later than 8 weeks before the proposed event. Information should include proposed audience/attendee/participant goals and demonstrated linkage to the proposing community's strategic outreach/engagement plan. Demonstrated linkage to the ICANN Regional Strategic Plan is also expected (can be coordinated with appropriate ICANN regional team). Concurrence by the appropriate Regional Stakeholder Engagement Vice-President is a critical component of the planning process.

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 Do Engagement Events need to be part of existing events/conferences or can communities sponsor their own event?


Why are outreach events no longer available to be hosted, co-hosted or funded via the CROP program for GNSO Constituencies?


Answer: After testing a pilot outreach event capability in FY17, the CROP program will revert to focusing on regional travel for all eligible communities, rather than outreach events. All communities will be able to target five individual regional trips and include up to one out of region trip for FY18 to maximize their outreach and engagement opportunities. 

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 Do communities need to liaise with the regional GSE teams to coordinate events? What is their role? 


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 What other ICANN departments need to be notified upon reception of an event proposal and what are their roles vs. the CROPP Staff?


Answer: The following departments should also be included in the proposal/development/planning process:

  • Regional GSE Team: For linkage with regional strategic plans and calendar
  • Meetings Team: For potential advice on locations and arrangements
  • Constituency Travel Team: For potential travel components of any event budget
  • Communications Team: For potential content production and promotion opportunities.

    Regional Questions

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     For transparency purposes, what criteria will the Regional Stakeholder Engagement VPs use in determining whether proposed outreach events trip will be approved?


    Answer:  There are no set criteria for all regions at this time. The expectations and activities within each geographic region are likely to vary depending on the status of the various regional strategies. During this

    inaugural pilot

    program, each Stakeholder Engagement VP is expected to have a methodology for coordinating community proposals with the Program Administrators.

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     Can you please define, for the purposes of this program, what is a “Region”? There are five official U.N. regions; however, there are eight operational regions as shown on the CROPP CROP Contacts page. For example, what happens if a traveler is leaving from New Zealand and traveling to the Pacific Islands? That is only one official ICANN region, but would involve two Stakeholder Engagement VPs? 


    Answer: Although there are 5 official ICANN regions for purposes of Board diversity and ICANN Meeting rotations, the GSE team operates in a larger number of regions (8). The


    CROP program respects the operational design of the GSE team and its various regional teams.


    Program Coordinators (


    PC) should connect with the Stakeholder Engagement VP responsible for the city/country in which the trip


    will take place. If there is any possible confusion about which VP is responsible, please contact the


    CROP Staff to facilitate the connections.

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     Trip Proposals are supposed to be consistent with regional strategies; however, do they exist and, if so, where can we find them?


    Answer: Regional strategies can be found on this Wiki under the GSE tab/category, then .

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     Why can GNSO Constituencies now include an out of region trip allocation?


    Answer: After thorough assessment of the CROP program in its 4 consecutive pilot years and in consultation with the 5 GNSO Constituencies eligible to utilize the program, ICANN Org has modified the program criteria to further maximize the community's outreach and engagement activities. In some cases, regional travellers aren't available to conduct outreach activities due to a lack of representation within a certain region. This new provision will therefore allow GNSO Constituencies to conduct outreach even within regions they aren't currently represented in.