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 Garth announces that he is not attending ICANN 57 to NARALO leadership 
Mon. August 8

Announcement to the NARALO membership on NARALO call a public call for substitutes

Email to Heidi to provide feedback on the process and email content

Email to Alan Greenberg on the selection process

Declarations by

Eduardo Diaz

Leah Symekher

John Laprise

Yubelkys Montalvo
Louis Houle

Seth Reiss


Tues August 9Email of withdrawal of Leah and Eduardo

Remaining FOUR applicants

John Laprise,Yubelkys Montalvo,Louis Houle, Seth Reiss

Tues August 9

Judith Hellerstein Email to final four names on the process and questions requesting responses by Tuesday August 12th @ 6 pm EDT

Email to four applicants the questions to be answered( see below content)


Wed August 10Received applications from John, Yubelkys, and SethReplied confirmation to each that application received
Thurs August 11

Meeting of selection committee, Alan G. Judith H and Glenn M

John Laprise selected as the substitute

Friday August 12

Email all the applicants. announcement of the chosen substitute.

John Laprise selected and he acknowledged by email to accept the nomination

Email to staff on the selection

Staff emails Constituency Travel on selection


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Background  Information

The  leadership of  NARALO  has  been informed that Garth Bruen, NARALO ALAC  representative  will not be travelling to the ICANN 57 meeting scheduled for 3-9 November in Hyderabad.  To be clear, he is not stepping down from his  ALAC  position and this is one time trip substitution. The person chosen will not necessarily be voting on ALAC issues.

In response to this request by Garth Bruen, NARALO’s  August  monthly meeting held on August 8th, 2016 made a public request to NARALO ALSes who attended the meeting to self-nominate for the trip. It was also noted that the nominees would be required to submit a statement of interest (SOI) and that they fully understand the obligations and time commitments.  

A Selection Committee of Glenn McKnight, Judith Hellerstein and Alan Greenberg was created to review the SOIs of the nominees as well as the extent to which they satisfied the obligations and requirements. The Selection Committee will select the candidate by Friday, 12 August.

We  request  that  all  potential  candidates  understand  the obligations  and requirements of assuming this assignment:

  1. Able and willing to travel to Hyderabad for the entire length of the meeting’

  2. Participation on all at-large trip planning meetings prior to Hyderabad (Meetings are held online);

  3. Commit to attend all ALAC and regional leadership meetings in Hyderabad;

  4. Complete and submit a trip report to NARALO leadership and membership.

Criteria for nomination

  1. Please explain your Level of Engagement within NARALO

  • Attendance at meetings
  • Participation in At-Large Working Groups
  • Contribution to At-Large policy activities
  • Liaison role, e.g, Liaison to ARIN or other groups
  • Special committees, i.e., Newsletter, Showcase, Planning etc

2) Why do you think your are best suited to attend as an active member in the meetings in Hyderabad?

       3) What is your expertise in issues related to ICANN and to At-Large more specifically?

4) If you are selected to travel to Hyderabad, on your return how will you translate this increased engagement into future leadership roles or future activity on working groups or committees?

Please  email your  answers to members of the Selection Committee listed below by August 11th by 6 pm EDT.

Judith  Hellerstein,

Glenn McKnight,

Alan Greenberg,