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Summary Minutes and Action Items

NARALO Toronto Organizing Committee

Wednesday 25 July 2012 at 1900 UTC


Participants: Darlene Thompson, Glenn McKnight, Gordon Chillcott, Eduardo Diaz, Garth Bruen

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Bruber



1. Selection of the Chair of the Organizing committee

Garth volunteered to work as Chair of Committee.  He will coordinate with staff.

Darlene we asked for 25,000 we did not ask for other regions for help. This is for travel support/hotel and perdiem. I wrote the proposal, and I asked to use the amount in anyway we could, because many people live really closed to Toronto. And ICANN said yes to that. In the proposal there are deliverables, as General Assembly and Outreach sessions, such as those seen in LACRALO and AFRALO.

GA and 4 Capacity building  sessions were requested.

4. Discussion of NARALO Toronto Event Activities (30 mins)


a. NARALO RALO Anniversary/Outreach Event


a) Wine and Cheese event;

Glenn: Looking for sponsorships, google,.

Desiree from Affilias is positive and conference call next week

Location: close to the Hilton, the date is not available, they gave them other dates.

October 15th.

Eduardo: Cost: Draft budget?

Low end $ 5,000 - 10,000 $.

Darlene: Logistics: How many people are we going to invite?

Should we open it? to whom? Not like SF.

Be careful with opening.


Is this a primarily outreach ? or celebration of 5 Years Ralos? or both?

What are your thoughts on Key Note Speakers?

Glenn: Last time, Michael Geist a well known speaker, IT copyrights professional, knowledgable on SOPA, etc.

Darlene: Like the idea of inviting other RALOs and have them do outreach as well.

Heidi: What would be the topic? It should be a relevant topic.

How long will he be asked to speak?

Michael will be a keynote speaker plus two other speakers from the RALOs.

Heidi: What about noting the achievements of various Ralos?

Garth: On Glenn question on the award.

Glenn mentioned that OCL suggested a larger group.

It all depens on available time.

Darlene: If we have it as celebration of all the RALOs and people's certificates would eat up the budget.

Heidi recalled that the session is scheduled for 90 min.

Darlene: If we honor people for achievements, how do we define the criteria for achievement? How do we define it?

Eduardo: Suggested to take this discussion offline.

The word should be achievement based.

Hedi: Monday 18:00. Gisella will work with meeting staff and we need a general guess for the event. 150 people.

Table top, ICANN Village to have people interested.


General Assembly

Garth: We are concerned about recruiting new members, that should be the focus.

Darlene: Can we look at other GAs?

Heidi: Summit 2009 when all the Ralos held GAs. You can look at that.


Capacity Building


4 2hrs sessions. Would you like to meet with the fellows Monday-Friday 7-8 am. The Fellows discuss various issues, various Chairs attend. ICANN procedures and policies in general are discussed. This is for you to decide.

Eduardo: Send an email and ask ALS to ask what type of topics they would like to hear in the GA and take it from there.

Idea about the fellows: Monday - Friday 7-8 joint session and 7-9 capacity building session.

One two hour session is the preference for GA.

Action Item: Staff to send Agendas of previous GA to the group. AFRALO and NARALO.


Wedneday is the preferred day for the GA.


5. Planning logistics

Matt and Heidi had discussions on the 25,000.

Matt:  We have several options. Roughly 300 $.

For the hotel we need an outside hotel for 120 x night. 2 hotels walking distance. Holiday Inn.

The Perdiem: We have to do a stipend.  If we stick to 500 per person.

You will need to go through Consituency Travel.

In terms of the hotel, we do not know the availability, so we will need to see with Constituency Travel.

Matt: We urge the ALS to discuss it as soon as possible.

Darlene: Will send a request over the mailist asking people to reply.

Staff will send you the names of the ALS REPS who will be going. Matt will send the list.

Darlene: We need to set a deadline for booking.

AI: Matt will ask Joseph what the cut off date is .


NARALO Elections need to happen first because the winner of the election will receive funding. 12th of August. We will still be ok.

Evan: The election is really relevant? Both running for chairs are entitled to go as representative of ALS are entitled to go.

Heidi: The question is who is going to be allocated from At-Large staff, where is the budget coming from.

We could move earlier for the other ALS reps.


6. Next Steps


Next meeting: In a week?  Fine.

Same day/same time.