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This Statement of Interest (SoI) will be used by the At-Large Board Candidate Evaluation Committee to aid in its selection of candidates to stand for election as an ICANN Board member. *Note that on submission of this SoI, your name, citizenship and residence countries, e-mail address and sections B and C of this SoI will be made public.*

Wiki MarkupThe questions in Sections B and C of this SoI are similar to questions asked in the 2010 Nominating Committee Statement of Interest. You may wish to consult with the sections of the Nominating Committee documentation that are applicable to Board of Director appointments. The document can be found at \ [\].

SECTION A. Identifying and Contact Information

1. Name:unmigrated-wiki-markup

First name: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]unmigrated-wiki-markup

FAMILY NAME: \ [alacabsdt: \]]

2. E-mail address:

Wiki Markup First Alternative: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]unmigrated-wiki-markup

Second Alternative: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]

3. Contact telephone number(s) (Must include your country and area code):unmigrated-wiki-markup

First preferred number to use: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]unmigrated-wiki-markup

Second preferred number to use: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]unmigrated-wiki-markup

Any other numbers/methods you wish to list: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]

4. Country/countries:unmigrated-wiki-markup

Citizenship: \ [alacabsdt: \ ] Wiki Markup

Residence: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]

SECTION B. Professional and Educational Background

Wiki Markup1. Provide details of your current job, role, title, employer and affiliations: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]

Wiki Markup2. Describe your educational and professional history. Provide all information that you believe may be relevant to being an effective member of the ICANN Board: \ [\]

Wiki Markup3. Describe any current and past volunteer community positions, roles and accomplishments. We are particularly interested in similar Board directorship and committee experience: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]

Wiki Markup4. List any relevant personal or professional web pages: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]

SECTION C. Internet Involvement and Interest in ICANN

This section asks questions that will tell us specifically about your candidacy, how your experience makes you suitable for the position of At-Large selected Board Director, the qualities you will bring to ICANN and how you will advance the interests of global Internet users over the coming years.unmigrated-wiki-markup

1. Describe how you meet the criteria for the At-Large selected ICANN Board Director position: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]

Wiki Markup2. Describe current and past involvement in, contributions to, and leadership roles in activities and organizations involved in the development and operation of the Internet, its naming and addressing infrastructure and/or its security and stability: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]unmigrated-wiki-markup

3. Provide a statement about what you would contribute in the At-Large selected ICANN Board Director position to ICANN and its mission: \ [alacabsdt: \ ] Wiki Markup

4. Provide a statement about what you would contribute in the At-Large selected ICANN Board Director position to the At-Large Community: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]

5. Please describe specifically how and why you will be able to advance, at the ICANN Board, the interests of the At-Large Community and the broader global community of Internet end-users.unmigrated-wiki-markup

6. Is there any additional information you would like to submit that would be helpful to the BCEC in making its decision? If so, please summarize it here: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]

SECTION D. Conflict of Interest and References


1. Conflicts of interest with ICANN. Please indicate clearly if you have any areas of actual or potential conflicts with ICANN. Actual and potential conflicts of interest will not necessarily be disqualifying. \ [alacabsdt: \ ]unmigrated-wiki-markup

2. The At-Large criteria for a Director include "Independence from the ICANN stakeholders whose financial situation is significantly impacted by ICANN decisions." Do you meet this criterion? \ [alacabsdt: \ ]unmigrated-wiki-markup

3. The Board Director position is voluntary and requires a significant commitment of time and energy. Please read carefully the description of the time commitment required in the \ [alacabsdt:draft mandatory and desirable applicant characteristics\] document. Is your schedule of activities compatible with a significant allocation of time (a minimum of 25 hours a week) to contribute to the position of Board Director? Yes \ [alacabsdt: \ ] or No \ [alacabsdt: \ ]

4. Please provide the names of no fewer than 3 and no more than 4 people who can provide a reference for your candidacy. Applicant must ensure that all references agree to act in this capacity prior to being included in this SoI. The BCEC will not consult with references who are themselves applicants in this process. ICANN staff and current BCEC members cannot act as references for applicants."


You attest that the information supplied by you herein is complete and accurate and provided in good faith.unmigrated-wiki-markup

Please indicate that you understand the statements in Section E and agree to become a candidate under the conditions described above. Yes \ [alacabsdt: \ ] or No \ [alacabsdt: \ ] \
---\- \

> \ *Sample - Candidate Statement of Interest\*
> SECTION A. Identifying and Contact Information
> (A.1) Your name:
> First name: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]
> FAMILY NAME: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]
> (A.2) Position(s) for which you would like to be considered: ALAC - At Large Advisory Council (this is a drop down box, the applicant can select one of four options, eg. Board, GNSO, ccNSO and ALAC)
> Please also consider me for the other open positions \ [√\] (this is an option field \ -\- the field must be “√” for the note to be included in the application)
> (A.3) Male/Female? \ [m\] \ [f\]
> (A.4) Your e-mail address: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]
> (A.5) Your telephone number(s): \ [alacabsdt: \ ]
> (A.6) Your country of citizenship: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]
> (A.7) Your country of residence: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]
> (A.8) If you have more than one country of citizenship, please list the country of citizenship or Domicile that you want the Nom Com to use for Diversity Calculation purposes: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]
> (A.9) How did you hear about the ICANN Nominating Committee? \ [alacabsdt: \ ]
> SECTION B. Education and Professional Background
> (B.1) Provide details of your current job, title, employer or affiliation: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]
> (B.2) Describe your educational background and past professional positions: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]
> (B.3) Describe any current and past volunteer positions, roles and accomplishments We are particularly interested in board or similar directorship and committee experience:
> (B.4) If you have a personal web page, you may wish to provide a link to it here: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]
> SECTION C. Internet and ICANN Involvement and Interest

This section asks questions that will tell us specifically about your candidacy, how your experience makes you suitable for the position of At-Large selected Board Director, the qualities you will bring to ICANN and how you will advance the interests of global Internet users over the coming years.unmigrated-wiki-markup

> (C.1) Describe how you meet the criteria for the At-Large selected Board Director
> position you are applying for: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]
> (C.2) Describe current and past involvement in, contributions to, and
> leadership roles in activities and organizations involved in the development
> and operation of the Internet, its naming and addressing infrastructure
> and its security and stability: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]
> (C.3) Describe current and past involvement in, contributions to, and
> leadership roles in activities and organizations involved in the broader Internet end-user community: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]
> (C.4) Provide a statement about what you would contribute in your role as At-Large selected ICANN Board Director to ICANN and its mission: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]
> (C.5) Is there any additional information you would like to submit that
> would be helpful to the BCEC in making its decision? If so, please
> summarize it here: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]
> SECTION D. \ [alacabsdt:References\]
> Provide the names of no less than 3 and no more than 4 people
> who can provide a reference for your candidacy:
> Reference 1
> Name:
> Email(s):
> Contact telephone(s):
> Relationship:
> Reference 2
> Name:
> Email(s):
> Contact telephone(s):
> Relationship:
> Reference 3
> Name:
> Email(s):
> Contact telephone(s):
> Relationship:
> Reference 4
> Name:
> Email(s):
> Contact telephone(s):
> Relationship:
> SECTION E. Consent and Authorization
> (E.1) Please list any potential conflicts of interest with ICANN: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]
> (E.2) The Board Director position is voluntary and require a significant commitment of
> time and energy. Please read carefully the description of the time
> commitment required in the \ [alacabsdt:Draft Mandatory and Desirable Applicant Characteristics\] document. Is your schedule
> of activities compatible with a significant allocation of time to contribute
> to the position of Board Director that you are looking for? Please indicate Yes or No: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]
> (E.3) Please indicate that you understand this statement and its conditions and agree to become a candidate. Please indicate Yes or \ [alacabsdt: \ ] No. \ [alacabsdt: \ ]

I don't know if it is the right place to put it; sorry if it is not. (Tijani)


_(I can't see the edits of D.1 & D.2 having been moved to Section E) - as follows (I might have the wrong language)_unmigrated-wiki-markup

1. Please list any conflicts of interest with ICANN At-Large Community: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]unmigrated-wiki-markup

2. The Board Director position is voluntary and requires a significant commitment of time and energy. Please read carefully the description of the time commitment required in the draft mandatory and desirable applicant characteristics document. Is your schedule of activities compatible with a significant allocation of time (a minimum of 25 hours a week) to contribute to the position of Board Director? Please indicate Yes or No: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]

3. Under the At Large Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (“BCEC”) procedures, a list of candidates’ names and portions of their Statement of Interest that are not of a personal nature will be published and made publicly available. The rest of your application will be treated as confidential unless you give the BCEC your permission to disclose it or unless the BCEC is consulting your references and conducting third-party reference checks from selected sources on a confidential basis. Third party checks may also be required as part of a due diligence process necessary before we can accept candidates for the position of ICANN Board Director.
Although the BCEC will take reasonable steps to ensure that its confidentiality procedures are followed, Applicants and Selected Candidates shall have no claims against ICANN, the BCEC, or affiliated persons in the event information is disclosed despite our adherence to these procedures.
You also authorize the BCEC to consult with your references, to investigate other information publicly available about you, and to conduct additional third-party reference checks. You will not be entitled to review or access any of the information received, obtained, generated, or considered by the BCEC regarding any Applicant or Selected Candidate, or any of the BCEC’s discussions or deliberations regarding any Applicant or Selected Candidate. Applicants and Selected Candidates have no right to challenge or seek review of the BCEC’s evaluations.


_The following points in response to Olivier's above text and points were made in an email to the ABSdt list but are copied here for completeness of the Wiki record.._.unmigrated-wiki-markup

All the 'toilet' points you made \ [alacabsdt: above\] are fine by me thanks for catching them... I trust those changes and the ones we agreed to last night re section D=> E will be done and show up on the wiki post haste... IN you 'new E as listed in the comments you've put up one thing is under E new 2. it should have the reference to 25hrs in the parenthesis deleted i.e. =>
"2. The Board Director position is voluntary and requires a significant commitment of time and energy. Please read carefully the description of the time commitment required in the draft mandatory and desirable applicant characteristics document. Is your schedule of activities compatible with a significant allocation of time to contribute to the position of Board Director? Please indicate Yes or No: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]

personally I'm very happy with your proposed text for E 3 &4 but will await others comments on that (ASAP please!) i.e. =>
"3. Under the At Large Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (“BCEC”) procedures, a list of candidates’ names and portions of their Statement of Interest that are not of a personal nature will be published and made publicly available. The rest of your application will be treated as confidential unless you give the BCEC your permission to disclose it or unless the BCEC is consulting your references and conducting third-party reference checks from selected sources on a confidential basis. Third party checks may also be required as part of a due diligence process necessary before we can accept candidates for the position of ICANN Board Director.
Although the BCEC will take reasonable steps to ensure that its confidentiality procedures are followed, Applicants and Selected Candidates shall have no claims against ICANN, the BCEC, or affiliated persons in the event information is disclosed despite our adherence to these procedures.


3. Contact telephone number(s) (Must include your country and area code):unmigrated-wiki-markup

First preferred number to use: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]unmigrated-wiki-markup

Second preferred number to use: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]unmigrated-wiki-markup

Any other numbers/methods you wish to list: \ [alacabsdt: \ ]

_contributed by on 2010-03-30 23:05:17 GMT_
