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This page will contain all APRALO Secretariat Reports. 

See also: All APRALO Monthly Newsletters

August 2010

APRALO Report by Pavan Budhrani

1. Elections and Selection

A vote was held to determine the regionally-recommended candidate for the position of ALAC Delegate to the NomCom from APRALO to the end of the 2011 AGM, and Dr. V.C. Vivekanandan was chosen. The ALAC followed the recommendation and selected Dr. V.C. Vivekanandan

Voting was also carried out for the Vice Chair position. Charles Mok has been elected Interim Vice Chair for the term previously held by Fouad Bajwa ending in 2011"

2. Recent Work

Follow up action from the ALS survey would be carried out. Pavan would work on a one page recommendation and proposal from the survey. The recent brochure produced by APRALO has been translated into Chinese and is available online under Initial planning has begun on the new brochure, emails will be sent to get material soon.

3. Division of Labor

Hong Xue, the APRALO Chair, announced that the responsabilities would be redistributed among the APRALO leadership.. Foaud, the recently elected Vice Chair will be in charge of in-reach and outreach activities. Charles Mok will be in charge of policy advice development with the help of Hong and Rajnesh"

July 2010

APRALO Report by Hong Xue

1. Organizational Development

APRALO had the extraordinary meeting on June 22nd 2010. Prof. Hong Xue was unanimously elected as the Interim Chair to serve the remaining term of Karaitiana Taiuru's who resigned from the Chair position. Mr. Fouad Bajwa was unanimously elected as the Vice Chair to serve the remaining term of Les Allison who resigned from Vice Chair position.

2. Election and Selection

APRALO will elect/select two officer positions, i.e. 1-year Vice Chair and 1-year NomCom Member, shortly. Nomination periods have opened. Both processes are supposed to complete duly.

3. Recent Works

APRALO, per its working plan made at Brussels meeting, highlights outreach and policy work as two priorities. With respect to outreach, updating and distributing the Brochure and ALS mentoring program are going on well. With respect to policies, regional comments on strategic issues, such as bylaws amendment on At-Large Director, are being processed.

March 2010

APRALO Report Nairobi

Please post your report here

December 2009 APRALO Report

1. APRALO is in the middle of some new ALS application, recently we had one from Korea when we were in Seoul and now we are processing ISOC Pakistan, it is in the process of due diligence at the moment. In addtion, we have another one from Hong Kong called NetMission and they will be submitting their application soon too.

2. For the voting matter, APRALO agreed that we should have a regional vote too and Cheryl would bring that to the ALAC meeting

3. Updates were given by people who were at the recent IGF meeting in Egypt, these included Cheryl and also Hong, Hong was in charge of giving some presentations too.

4. Discussions were done about the positive impact the EURALO brochures had on people in Seoul and APRALO would be working on something similar in the near future.

5. Cheryl suggested to Heidi to use the current literature we have about At-Large and then have that translated in some languages to be used for APRALO too.

January 2010 APRALO Report

1. Theresa Swineheart, who was the previous APRALO call will send Matthias an update on the current status of the President's Strategy Committee (PSC) for distribution to the AP discussion list.

2. Cheryl will follow up with Maiwa on a possible APNIC presentation during the next APRALO teleconference.

3. Pavan, Karaitiana and Matthias will discuss next steps on the APRALO brochure.

4. Karaitiana will check with Hong whether it is possible for her to use Google Wave. If so, Cheryl will start a Google Wave Chat for APRALO.

February 2010 APRALO Report

  1. Cheryl to ask the ALAC meeting tonight about the application of .cn in the IDN Fast track and see why it has not made the next round. If not, it will be a topic at the Kenya meeting.
  2. Hong suggested that Cheryl be on the AOC review panel and it was agreed by everyone on APRALO.
  3. Cheryl suggested some Asia Pacific members be part of the At-Large Board Selection Committee and Rajnesh and Hong were to be on this committee too.
  4. A separate meeting be arranged for APRALO on integrating the ALS’es more towards the APRALO and if there should be some kind of mentoring program for that. And to set a minimum number of meetings they should attend.
  5. About the RAA agreement for non lawyers, it was suggested to push it out to the mailing list and ask for comment on translation issues.
  6. Rajnesh to talk about APRALO at the APRICOT meeting coming up
  7. Collection of material from all ALS'es have begun and APRALO brochure will be designed soon

March and April so Far APRALO Report

1. Hong will get in contact with James and make the APRALO Draft Statement for the Proposed Implementation Plan for Synchronized IDN ccTLDs

2. APNIC training session on ipv4 to ipv6 transition was held on the 9th of April and the presentation can be found on Removed

3. Pavan, Matthias and Les had several meetings about the APRALO brochure and many things have been agreed. Edmon would write a piece about IDN and its implication for the Asian region and ALS’es would have a picture and some sentences about them too

4. The INET event took place in April too in Hong Kong, the whole agenda of the meeting can be found on Many interesting presentations were made that day and if any powerpoint is wanted, feel free to contact Pavan Budhrani at and it will be sent to you.
