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Issue 3 Working GroupTBC


Staffing resources, review and redistribution as required

Work Track Leader(s)

Heidi Ullrich

Final Proposal as approved by the Board

Continue to look for opportunities to utilize and develop the skills of At-Large support staff while ensuring that the positions taken by At-Large represent solely those of users. Ensure that the volunteer community has sufficient support services so as to best utilize their volunteer time. This may require a shift or development of skills among At-Large Staff as well as additional staff.


3:3:2 (High resource needs : High risk : 2nd priority)

ARIWG comments

The At-Large Review Implementation, in particular issue 2, emphasizes the need for an increased focus on At-Large policy advice development, including ensuring the process and content is clear, understandable and representative of the perspective of the At-Large community, consisting of both At-Large Structure (ALS) members and At-Large individuals.

To ensure that community involvement and policy advice development achieve the aims of the ARI, there will need to be a renewed emphasis on all aspects of At-Large policy development. This includes, as a priority, greater understanding of the policy being discussed and its potential impact on Internet end users; increased engagement from all levels of At-Large membership, from ALS and unaffiliated members to At-Large leadership; as well as communication of the policy being discussed and ALAC statements to At-Large members and the broader ICANN community.This communication will include innovative use of the At-Large website, wiki, teleconferences, At-Large mailing lists, social media channels and other means of ensuring the bi-directional flow of information between the regions and the ALAC.

It is expected that the growth in At-Large membership, from the current of 232 ALSes will steady or decrease as new ALS obligations are introduced and that there will be a significant increase from the current, nearly 100 individuals within the five regional At-Large organizations (RALOs), will occur. Thus, there is a  need for increased attention to encourage engagement, develop the required policy skills, and monitor the role of ALS and unaffiliated members within the At-Large policy advice development process.

At-Large staff will play a crucial element in both the areas covering  deeper and broader support of the At-Large policy advice development and member management.  Current At-Large staff support, consists of 5 Full Time Employees (FTEs) and two half-time professional service contractors. Each member of the At-Large support staff is fully focused on their support responsibilities and have reached the limit of their bandwidth.

It is clear to the members of the ARIWG that the equivalent of at least one FTE with relevant policy, technical and membership skills will be needed to ensure the successful implementation of the aims and objectives of the ARI.

June 2019 Notes: 

This Issue was specified as one that was to look for opportunities to utilize and develop the skills of At-Large support staff while ensuring that the positions taken by At-Large represent solely those of end-users, as well as to ensure that the volunteer community has sufficient support services so as to best utilize their volunteer time. It was further noted that this may require a shift or development of skills among At-Large Staff as well as additional staff.

The ARIWG identified that the equivalent of at least one FTE with relevant policy, technical and membership skills was needed to ensure the successful implementation of the aims and objectives of the ARI, this issue has progressed considerably and as planned in FY20 budget requests, and noted that a staged approach might be acceptable depending on budget availability. At the time of writing this report the resourcing of this request has neither been confirmed or complete, but we are reporting this as a substantially completed implementation (two out of the three specific steps in addition to the necessary resourcing and budget request).

December 2019 Notes:

The new At-Large part-time resource person joined in August 2019. They were on-boarded by At-Large staff and introduced to the At-Large community throughout September 2019. During the period between September 2019 and April 2020 the resource person focused on two key projects: 

1) Development of the At-Large Regional Policy Engagement Program (ARPEP) - Given the expected continued growth in the number of At-Large Structures (ALSes), a need for greater collaboration between At-Large Regional At-Large Organization (RALO) leadership, At-Large regional managers and GSE Managing Directors, Regional VPs and newly appointed At-Large Liaisons was recognized as crucial to ensuring sustainable management of ALSes and individual members within the regions. The resource person led the development of a program that was initially discussed within ICANN org and then subsequently to At-Large leadership.  The program includes more regular communication and collaboration in the areas of regional outreach and engagement, onboarding of new ALS members, as well as capacity building for more effective policy advice development.  

2) ATLAS III Support (pre, during and post) - The resource person was a crucial support during the run up to,  during and post ATLAS III.  During ATLAS III, the resource person worked with At-Large staff on a number of activities that supported the nearly 100 participants and coaches at ATLAS III. They also carried out nearly 30 face-to-face interviews with ATLAS III participants and coaches. These interviews will be analyzed and will contribute to to the implementation of the Sustainable Management Plan as well as post-ATLAS III activities. During the immediate post-ATLAS III, the resource person developed a survey for all ATLAS III participants as well as well as the template for the Post-ATLAS III Participants Report. Both of these activities are required by all At-Large Ambassadors (ATLAS III Participants that successfully completed the ATLAS III activities).  The Resource Person has also been involved in the ALS Mobilization Working Party which is the key area of activity remaining within the At-Large Review implementation. 

Status of improvement effort / staff leadContingent on available resourcing being made available / Heidi Ullrich is staff lead with Evin Erdoğdu and Silvia Vivanco.

Status: Completed (August 2019)

On 3 May 2019, the ICANN Board approved the FY20 Plan and Budget. Within the FY20 are allocated funds for a temporary resource for At-Large to assist with the implementation of the At-Large Review. 

A temporary part-time resource person joined in August 2019. 

Activities, if any, on which implementation is dependent, or that are dependent on implementation of this recommendation

To expand existing Policy Staff work to include policy support and member management.

Approval by the ICANN Board of the FY20 Plan and Budget containing funds for a temporary resource person. 

Who will implement the recommendation: ICANN community, ICANN Board, ICANN Organization, other?

The ICANN Board and ICANN Organization through the approval and implementation of the resource request with input from At-Large leadership.

As noted above, on 3 May 2019, the ICANN Board approved the FY20 Plan and Budget. Within the FY20 are allocated funds for a temporary resource for At-Large to assist with the implementation of the At-Large Review. 

Anticipated resource requirements (FTEs, tools)

At least one FTE equivalent, to focus on Policy support and Member Management. This addition might be a staged increase as the workload requires.

Expected budget implications

Funding for at least additional one FTE equivalent no later than in FY20 budget. A staged approach might be acceptable depending on budget availability.

Proposed implementation steps:

Staffing requests will be dependent on and driven by the other tasks within the ARI.

Job Description for temporary resource - Status: completed

Potential temporary resource person candidate identified - Status: completed

ICANN org to verify eligibility of temporary resource person - Status: completed

ICANN org to offer contract to temporary resource person - Status: completed

Temporary resource person to be onboarded - Status: completed


  1. Sourcing suitable staff support

  2. Review with the volunteer community  that it has sufficient support services, after  implementation.

  3. Development of skills among At-Large Staff as well as additional staff.

How long will it take to implement this plan?

Once FTE equivalent staffing exists for Policy Support and Member Management work then staff can begin full implementation and work on key ARI issue areas.


The At-Large Review Implementation dashboard aims to update the ICANN Community about the progress of the work of the At-Large Review Implementation Working Group (ARIWG).

Link to presentation (PDF) of recent activity updates

See WS2 Dashboard for example(s)






Lead for two At-Large Review Implementation Working Parties. 

Completed and Ongoing:

Staff resource will continue on a part time basis through August 2020 to assist supporting the ALS Mobilization Working Party and the Individual Mobilization Working Party. 


Editing of Post-ATLASIII Survey Analysis and Recommendations Report and the  At-Large Review Implementation Final Report. 


Contributed substantially to completing the development of the Post-ATLASIII Survey Analysis and Recommendations Report as well as the  At-Large Review Implementation Final Report. Took part in weekly drafting calls with significant editing activities. 


At-Large Regional Policy Engagement Program (ARPEP) implemented. 


The At-Large Regional Policy Engagement Program (ARPEP) was rolled out to the Regional At-Large Leaders. This included individual calls with each regional team with At-Large and GSE regional staff. 

Served as lead of the At-Large Structure Mobilization Working Party. 

Contributed substantially to the development of the Post-ATLASIII Survey Analysis and Recommendations Report as well as the  At-Large Review Implementation Final Report. 


Post-ATLASIII Survey and Report


Finalized the post-ATLASIII survey and report templates. Distributed survey and report templates to ATLASIII participants. Engaged in follow up to ensure high rate of return. Worked with community leaders on the analysis of the survey and report analysis.


Editing of ARI Status Report 2


The ARI Status Report 2 was finalized and submitted for OEC review. 


Post-ATLASIII Survey and Report Development


Developed draft ATLASIII survey and report templates. Prepared results of in-depth interviews carried out with ATLASIII participants. 




The At-Large Policy Advice Engagement Coordinator helped to support the Third At-Large Summit (ATLASIII) that took place at ICANN66. He interviewed ATLASIII participants, served as staff support for all plenaries and break out sessions. 




The At-Large Policy Advice Engagement Coordinator onboarded and worked on their key areas of work: 1) Development of At-Large Regional Policy Engagement Plan (ARPEP), 2) Preparation for the Third At-Large Summit. 


Finalization of contract


New temporary part-time resource, with title of At-Large Policy Advice Engagement Coordinator, joined At-Large staff. 


Discussions with candidate


Internal discussions with potential temporary resource continue. 


Identification of candidate and internal activities related to hiring


Staff identified a potential temporary resource. A Job Description was completed. 


Board Approval of FY20 budget 


On 3 May 2019, the ICANN Board approved the FY20 Plan and Budget. Within the FY20 are allocated funds for a temporary resource for At-Large to assist with the implementation of the At-Large Review. 


ICANN org activities related to temporary resource person


Implementation steps:

Staffing requests will be dependent on and driven by the other tasks within the ARI.


  1. Sourcing suitable staff support

  2. Review with the volunteer community  that it has sufficient support services, after  implementation.

  3. Development of skills among At-Large Staff as well as additional staff

Work is now completed.


Jan 2020 ARIWG Dashboard

Link to presentation (PDF) of recent activity updates

See WS2 Dashboard for example(s).


Dec 2019 ARIWG Dashboard

Link to presentation (PDF) of recent activity updates

See WS2 Dashboard for example(s).


Nov 2019 ARIWG Dashboard

Link to presentation (PDF) of recent activity updates

See WS2 Dashboard for example(s).


Oct 2019 ARIWG Dashboard

Link to presentation (PDF) of recent activity updates

See WS2 Dashboard for example(s).


Sep 2019 ARIWG Dashboard

Link to presentation (PDF) of recent activity updates

See WS2 Dashboard for example(s).


Aug 2019 ARIWG Dashboard

Link to presentation (PDF) of recent activity updates

See WS2 Dashboard for example(s).


Jul 2019 ARIWG Dashboard

Link to presentation (PDF) of recent activity updates

See WS2 Dashboard for example(s).


Jun 2019 ARIWG Dashboard

Link to presentation (PDF) of recent activity updates

See WS2 Dashboard for example(s).


May 2019 ARIWG Dashboard

Link to presentation (PDF) of recent activity updates

See WS2 Dashboard for example(s).


Apr 2019 ARIWG Dashboard

Link to presentation (PDF) of recent activity updates

See WS2 Dashboard for example(s).


Mar 2019 ARIWG Dashboard

Link to presentation (PDF) of recent activity updates

See WS2 Dashboard for example(s).


Feb 2019 ARIWG Dashboard

Link to presentation (PDF) of recent activity updates

See WS2 Dashboard for example(s).


Jan 2019 ARIWG Dashboard
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