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The Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review is mandated by ICANN Bylaws Section 4.6 (d) to examine the extent to which the introduction or expansion of gTLDs has promoted competition, consumer trust and consumer choice. It will also assess the effectiveness of the application and evaluation processes, as well as the safeguards put in place by ICANN to mitigate issues involved in the introduction or expansion of new gTLDs.



Submit a Public Comment on the CCT Final Report

On 8 September 2018, the Competition, Consumer Trust, and Consumer Choice (CCT) Review Team submitted its Final Report and Recommendations to the ICANN Board of Directors.

The report is now issued for public comment to inform Board action on the CCT's final recommendations.

Per the Bylaws, within six months of receipt of the Final Report [PDF, 4.89 MB] and Recommendations [PDF, 562 KB], the ICANN Board shall consider the report and public comments to determine whether to approve the recommendations. The Board will then direct implementation of the recommendations that were approved and provide written rationale for the decision if any recommendations are not approved.

Become a CCT Review Team Observer

Team Calendars


CCT Review Team sent its Final Report to the ICANN Board.

On 8 September 2018, the Competition, Consumer Trust, and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT) approved its Final Report. Launched under the Affirmation of Commitments (AoC), the CCT Review Team was formed to assess the New Generic Top-Level Domain (New gTLD) Program in three areas: competition, consumer trust and consumer choice. The review also assessed the effectiveness of safeguards put in place to mitigate issues arising from the introduction of new gTLDs and the Program's application and evaluation process. The review, now contemplated under ICANN Bylaws section 4.6, examined the degree to which the process of implementing the New gTLD Program was successful in producing desired results and achieving the stated objectives. See more information here.

Public Comment Period Extended: CCT Review Team – New Sections to Draft Report of Recommendations
The deadline to submit comments on the new sections [PDF, 1.12 MB] of the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice (CCT) Review Team draft report of recommendations has been extended until Monday 15 January 23:59 UTC. See more details here.

Webinar: Competition, Consumer Trust, and Consumer Choice Review New Sections of Draft Report

On 18 December 2017, the Competition, Consumer Trust, and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT) will host a webinar on the new sections of its Draft Report. During the webinar, members of the CCT Review Team will provide a briefing on the new sections, which contain draft findings and recommendations pertaining to Domain Name System abuse, costs to trademark holders, domain name parking, and consumer choice. Participants will have the opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions directly to the Review Team. In order to facilitate global participation, language services will be available in five UN languages. See more information here.

Competition, Consumer Trust, and Consumer Choice Review Team – New Sections to Draft Report of Recommendations

27 November 2017 - The Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice (CCT) Review Team published its draft report and recommendations for Public Comment in March 2017. It is now issuing a call for input on new sections to its draft report. The new sections seek to reflect results from the "Statistical Analysis of DNS Abuse in gTLDs" Report, and address costs of the New gTLD Program for trademark holders, based on the results from a survey conducted by the International Trademark Association (INTA). In addition, the CCT Review Team requests feedback on updates made to its parking and consumer choice related sections. Learn more.

Progress and Next Steps - ICANN60 Abu Dhabi

Find out more about the Review Team's progress - listen to ICANN60 engagement session here  

"Statistical analysis of DNS Abuse in gTLDs" Report Available for Public Comment.

9 August 2017 – ICANN today announced the publication of the report, "Statistical Analysis of DNS Abuse in gTLDs". The study was requested by the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCTRT). Learn more

Watch the webinar on Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Draft Report

3 April 2017 - Join the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT) for one of two webinars on its Draft Report and Recommendations. Learn more

Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team Draft Report of Recommendations for New gTLDs Available for Public Comment

7 March 2017 - The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) today announced the publication of the Draft Report from the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice (CCT) Review Team with its recommendations for the New gTLD Program. View full post here. Learn more

Draft Report of the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Available in January

21 Dec 2016 - In early December, members of the Competition, Consumer Trust & Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT) completed a three-day drafting meeting in Washington D.C.On the back of a busy schedule of meetings at ICANN57 and weekly plenary meetings, the drafting meeting was extremely productive. We were able to refine our findings and recommendations as well as identify areas where additional data is needed to support our work. Learn more

New gTLDs - Competition, Consumer Trust & Consumer Choice Review Interim Findings & Next steps

23 Nov 2016 - The Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT) just concluded a week of meetings at ICANN57 in Hyderabad. The CCT-RT held two days of face-to-face meetings, an engagement session with the ICANN community, a meeting with the ICANN Board as well as several Chair updates to ICANN Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees (SO/ACs) to share its preliminary findings. Learn more

Update on Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review

09 Sep 2016 - Members of the Competition, Consumer Trust & Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT) recently wrapped up a two-day face-to-face meeting in Vienna, Austria on 29-30 August (archives can be found here).  Learn more

Provide Input to the CCT Review Team at ICANN57

27 Oct 2016 - The Competition, Consumer Trust, and Consumer Choice Review team (CCT-RT) is at a critical stage in its work. After 10 months of meetings and discussions, the group will soon begin to share its findings. Learn more

Update from Two-Day Competition, Consumer Trust & Consumer Choice Review Team Meeting in Washington

15 Jun 2016 - The Competition, Consumer Trust & Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT) has just concluded its third face-to-face meeting in Washington, DC. Sixteen CCT-RT members convened on 6-7 June to begin teasing out findings from the extensive data it has at hand and advance the team’s work plan. Learn more

Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team Seated

23 Dec 2015 - ICANN today announced that 17 individuals have been selected to serve on the team that will review the New gTLD Program in relation to competition, consumer trust and consumer choice (CCT). Learn more

Candidates for Competition, Consumer Trust and Choice Review Team Announced

16 Nov 2015 - ICANN today announced 72 individuals applied to serve on the team that will review the New gTLD Program in relation to competition, consumer trust and consumer choice (CCT). Candidates hail from Bahrain, China, Kenya, Jamaica, Spain and many other countries. Learn more

Call for Volunteers for Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team

01 Oct 2015 - ICANN today published a call for volunteers for community members to apply to serve on the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice (CCT) Review Team. Representatives of the various supporting organizations and advisory committees, as well as independent experts are invited to apply. Learn more