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Heidi Ullrich (HU) suggested that this group should work with ALAC on the policy issues.

EURALO July 2018 Report

 A. EURALO Call July 10, 2018, 17:00 UTC


Annette Mühlberg (AM) commented about the action item of the previous meeting.  AM said she is still gathering materials about the task assigned to her.

EURALO Chair, Olivier Crépin-Leblond (OCL) introduced the in-coming ALAC chair, Maureen Hilyard (MH) to EURALO members present at the call.

OCL suggested that maybe we schedule a Q&A session with in-coming ALAC Chair, Maureen in next call, September call perhaps.

At-Large representative in ICANN Board, Leon Sanchez (LS) made a brief talk. Then LS said about the collaboration of ICANN Board with ISOC Board about ALSes and ISOC Chapters.

OCL commented that ISOC Chapter engagement with other organizations and said would be interesting to get some feedback from members, if by email on the collaboration.

Heidi Ullrich (HU) said, “there are plans for ALSes/ISOC Chapters to share a booth at the IGF in Paris”.

Sébastien Bachollet (SB) said it is the responsibility of the ALSes, based on the bottom-up approach of the multi-stakeholder practice.

OCL reported that ALAC would likely have a meeting with the Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) in ICANN63 in Barcelona, whether someone from Internet end-users would be included in the committee.

OCL commented about GDPR issues – post-GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) - development and accreditation and access to Non-public WHOIS Data Post-GDPR.

OCL further commented that there many policies currently being reviewed such as RSSAC (Root Server System Advisory Committee) Review.

OCL mentioned the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data.

SB commented on the Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) Review team.

 1. FY19 Financials

 OCL said that ICANN has now reduced the CROP to 3 representatives. OCL suggested that we may need to move the CROP requests to September or October.

RALO Discretionary funds: Yrjo Lansipuro (YL) mentioned the funding workspace and $4,000 per ALS.

 Heidi Ullrich (HU) said that the approval of $4,000 per RALO includes a request for RALO activities but now including travel, hotel and per diem. In previous years, these items were not allowed, except for local travel.

Silvia Vivanco (SV) said, “$4,000 each for targeted local discretionary funds to permit the local travel, luncheons, displays, graphic and promotional Facebook/Twitter graphics”.

CROP discussion to be included in September call.

 2. Panama Policy Discussion

YL said chair of the Geographical names, WT5 was pushing for compromising about Capital cities.

OCL mentioned about the At-Large Strategic and brainstorming, where members may form a group and have discussions.

SB suggested that he hopes people from EURALO participate in the EPDP and others. SB further commented that “barring issues that elongate this process, the proposed timeline is:- EoI issued Monday, 09 July;- ALAC evaluation of responses begins Thursday, 12 July;- ALT synthesis of evaluation and final selection Saturday, 14 July - Monday, 16 July;- Announcement and scheduling of EPDP prospective Members/Alternates Tuesday, 17 July”.

Action items:

*Olivier Crepin-Leblond to include a Q&A session with Maureen Hilyard, incoming ALAC Chair, at the September EURALO call.

* Olivier Crepin-Leblond and Wale Bakare to update the EURALO events calendar with 2018 events.

*CROP discussion to be included in the September EURALO call.

*Yrjo Lansipuro and Olivier Crepin-Leblond will send a request for EOI and will start contacting ALS interested in Privacy topics for EPDP.

 OCL announced that the EURALO candidate recommended for NomCom as a result of the RALO’s selection process, was not automatically ratified by the ALAC to sit on the Nomcom. But ALAC is yet to provide further details to EURALO about the outcome of their selection.

EURALO chair announced that due to the summer holiday break, there is no call in August and the next call will take place in September.

 B. EURALO’s New ALS Application

The Asociación Grupo de Estudio e Investigación Académica en Derecho, Economía y Negocios en la Sociedad de la Información,

 (Association Study  Group and     Academic      Research       in         Law,    Economics, and            Business       in         the      Information    Society) application as EURALO ALS member has been received and this will follow a due diligence by the ICANN At-Large staff. The association is based in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

C. At-Large Regional Leadership Conference Call 19/07/2018

 1. RALO Topic

Olivier Crépin-Leblond (OCL) commented that the topic of best practices to improve two-way communications to be included in the Barcelona meeting Agenda.

 2.Regional Outreach and Engagement: CROP

 OCL to contact RALO co-chairs (once selected) of the ALAC outreach & engagement (O &E) working group, who will be working on their respective O&E plans.

 3.CROP Review Team

CROP Review Team and CROP Program Coordinator discussion: The CROP Review Team (CROP RT) will be constituted to review the CROP application and CROP PC will be retired soon.

 Heidi Ullrich (HU) said - if there is no Public Meeting or official ICANN meeting occurring in that RALO’s region in that FY, a meeting in that region that is assessed by the relevant regional Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) regional vice-president as being: (i) directly and demonstrably related to ongoing ICANN policy, advisory or technical activities (e.g. a Regional Internet Registry meeting), and (ii) consistent with the ICANN Organization’s outreach plan for that region.

OCL mentioned that RT and PC are the same people. OCL suggested we abolished the RT whilst retaining the Program Coordinators to help with the local filing of CROP requests.

As an Action Item, HU said all RALOs unanimously recommend to the ALAC that the CROP RT be eliminated.  Staff to reach out to the RALOs to designate 2 new CROP Program coordinators.

4. CROP Travel Reports for Financial Year 2018 (FY18) - July 2017 to June 2018

The financial year 2018 (FY18), is the year’s CROP funded travels were a real success and that the travel reports are available from

 5. Criteria for the RALO FY19 Discretionary Funding

RALO Requests for Funding to support an Outreach Activity - At-Large staff to add the criteria to a google doc so all RALO leadership can comment on it.

HU to draft criteria text on travel and to add the point that individuals are eligible for RALO Discretionary Funding.

6.ALS Criteria and Expectations

Alan Greenberg to consolidate the various documents and papers on the ALS Criteria and Expectations and send it to the At-Large Review implementation WG (ARI WG).

RALO Survey - Heidi Ullrich to look at the Survey and its uses and get back to the group. Staff to inform the ARIWG of the draft text for the survey and request review.

OCL to inform SC on O/E of timeline for the survey.

Staff to take first swipe at updating the Regional Leadership wiki pages to be re-designed, updated and to archive old wikis and re-organize them.

Staff to arrange for professional photos, just like the AFRALO’s





























