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Membership in the EPDP is expect to take up to 30 hours per week at the start and periodically throughout the life of the EPDP. Serving as an Alternate is expected to take less time but it is hard to gauge at the moment.

Criteria effective 12 July 2018

  • Possess a working/basic understanding of GDPR. All members must commit to participating in the training selected for the EPDP Team to ensure knowledge adequate to effectively participate in the EPDP;
  • Be responsible to their appointing organization, seeking input as necessary and keeping the appointing organization informed of progress;
  • Be knowledgeable of, and respect the, GNSO policy development process;
  • Willing to work, in good faith, toward consensus solutions during the life of the EPDP, and treat other members of the Team with respect;
  • Available to actively contribute to the activities of the EPDP on an ongoing basis, including during face-to-face meetings1 of the EPDP Team;
  • Willing to adhere to the EPDP Team Statement of Participation.

EPDP Team Statement of Participation

All members of the EPDP team, including Members and Alternates must agree to the following:

As a member of the EPDP team, I agree to comply with the following Statement of Participation. I understand that the EPDP Leadership Team has the authority to restrict my participation in the EPDP Team in the event that they determine that I am not contributing to the effort as intended:

  • I agree to genuinely cooperate with fellow members of the EPDP to reach consensus on the issues outlined in the Charter. I understand this does not mean that I am unable to fully represent the views of my appointing organization but rather, where there are areas of disagreement, I will commit to work with others to reach a compromise position to the extent that I am able to do so;
  • I acknowledge the remit of the GNSO to develop consensus policies for generic top level domains. As such, I will abide by the recommended working methods and rules of engagement as outlined in the Charter, particularly as it relates to designating consensus and other relevant rules in GNSO Working Group Guidelines; I will treat all members of the EPDP team with civility both face-to-face and online following
  • ICANN expected standards of behavior, and I will be respectful of their time and commitment to this effort. I will act in a reasonable, objective, and informed manner during my participation this EPDP and will not purposefully attempt to disrupt the work of the EPDP;
  • I will make best efforts to regularly attend all scheduled meetings and send apologies in advance when I am unable to attend. I will take assignments allocated to me during the course of the EPDP seriously and complete these within the requested timeframe. As and when appropriate I shall seek to be replaced by my designated Alternate in accordance with the wishes of my appointing organization; and
  • I agree to act in accordance with ICANN’s Standards of Behaviour, particularly as they relate to:
    • Acting in accordance with, and in the spirit of, ICANN’s mission and core values as  provided in ICANN's Bylaws;
    • Adhering to ICANN's conflict of interest policies;
    • Treating people with respect and acting in a reasonable, objective and informed manner when participating in policy development and decision-making processes;
    • Listening to the views of all stakeholders and working to build consensus;
    • Promoting ethical and responsible behavior.

The Charter is expected to be approved by the GNSO on 19 July 2018.


For archival purposes the criteria at the time of the original At-Large call for Expressions of Interest on 10 July 2018:

  • Have sufficient and appropriate motivation, availability and expertise to participate in the substance of the work of the EPDP Team. Appropriate experience could, for example, include experience with the previous RDS/WHOIS policy development processes, task forces, or implementation review teams, or participation in EWG efforts;
  • Commit to abide by the EPDP Team Commitment Statement, and to accept the consequences of non-compliance as may be determined by the EPDP leadership or appointing group;
  • Commit to build consensus on issues within the scope of this EPDP;
  • Commit to actively participate in the activities of the EPDP on an on-going and long-term basis, for a period of no less than one-year, with the highest intensity expected in the first six to eight months;
  • Solicit and communicate (where appropriate) the views and concerns of individuals in the group that appoints them;
  • Commit to abide to the charter when participating in the EPDP Team;
  • Understand the needs of the Internet communities that ICANN serves (standards, domains and numbers);
  • Commit to attend any provided introductory training courses, e.g., privacy, trademarks, registrar operations, DNS, etc.
  • Understand the broader ecosystem (the Internet Community) in which ICANN operates and the needs of those working on other aspects of the Internet industry.