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Chat transcript:

Kimberly Carlson:Hello, welcome to today's GRC call on 13 February, at 13:00 UTC
Bart Boswinkel:Hi all
David McAuley:coffee everywhere - sorry to be late but had to spill a lot
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Hello
Stephen Deerhake:Good morning.
David McAuley:Thanks to Katrina and Alejandra and others for lots of work on Council elections guideline
David McAuley:if we do not change should we do the explanation that you suggested Katrina
David McAuley:That's an understatemnent - quite a few changes always appears a challenge in google docs
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Just in case, here is the link of the Google Doc:
Katrina Sataki:yes, David! we need some explanation. I hope that Bart will come up with the first version :) Bart?
David McAuley:Yes - saw the two timelines and appreciated the effort to show those, thank you
Bart Boswinkel:@ KAtrina
Bart Boswinkel:wuil do
Katrina Sataki:thanks!
David McAuley:two seconds for self nominations made sense to me, if that is the change
Katrina Sataki:that's my proposal
Joke Braeken:The web form is just the "front" for an email address
Joke Braeken:one small concern: the web form would need to be adjusted with every addition of a new ccNSO Member.
Joke Braeken:if we have a drop-down for the list of ccTLDs.
Katrina Sataki:I think it is not practical...
Christelle Vaval:hi all
David McAuley:3.2.2 says only ccNSO mebrs can nominate/second
Christelle Vaval:sorry for being late
Joke Braeken:welcome Christelle
Christelle Vaval:thanks
Stephen Deerhake:That is my understanding David.
David McAuley:ok, thanks, if that works then that sounds fine
David McAuley:ok thanks Bart
David McAuley:agree w/Katrina on this point about qualification to be councilor
Eduardo Santoyo:That is something that we need to make it clear
Stephen Deerhake:Can someone mute their microphone?
Stephen Deerhake:My preference is that the council member stays on council through the remainder of their term, but does not stand again (unless they are again employed at a ccTLD).
Stephen Deerhake:I don't see how shooting a sitting Council member because of a change in their employment is helpful for the Council...
Stephen Deerhake:David is rasing an interesting point...
Bart Boswinkel:@ Stephen: one of the arguments was when a person was elected his or her link to the ccTLD was important at that point
Bart Boswinkel:and in the past comunity preceived change of affiliation differntly, on was the member who allowed the person to sit on COuncil
David McAuley:agree w Katrina on this point
David McAuley:about two seconds for self noms
Stephen Deerhake:I'm still inclinded to require a candidate have an affiliation with a ccTLD as a condition of standing for election. I am not in favour of shooting a council member solely because of a change in their employment,
Eduardo Santoyo:agree with Stephen
David McAuley:I agree @Stephen buit wonder about (recently) retired ccTLD persons
David McAuley:Oftentimes someone who has retired has a higher interest in volunteering
Eduardo Santoyo:That could be a good exception..
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:@David: Having a letter of support of their former ccTLD might help :) What do you think?
David McAuley:I like that idea Alejandra
Eduardo Santoyo:me too.. as an exephetion on the general understanding that the nominee have to have a ccTLD afiliation
David McAuley:six months in office used to make sense to me but view is changing, not sure why that might be
Bart Boswinkel:Majority or super majority?
Stephen Deerhake:I don't think it will work for NA. There are only 5 of us...
Bart Boswinkel:Or majority of members without regional link
Bart Boswinkel:Majority of votes cast ?
David McAuley:Majority of members sounds right
Bart Boswinkel:So 50 % of meber s + 1 need to vote
David McAuley:that's a good idea Bart
David McAuley:run the numbers to see the hurdles
Bart Boswinkel:Thank you
Bart Boswinkel:Bye all
Stephen Deerhake:Bye Bart.
David McAuley:Bye Bart
Christelle Vaval:bye
David McAuley:@Stephen, what is the change being contemplated?
David McAuley:OK, thanks Stephen
David McAuley:will check out blog
Stephen Deerhake:That's all from me...
David McAuley:Nice update, thankls
David McAuley:none here
David McAuley:20 feb is next week - so i guess that is off
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:yes :)
Stephen Deerhake:yes.
David McAuley:I will be in Copenhagen
Dejan Djukic:me too
Eduardo Santoyo:I will be
Joke Braeken::)
Mirjana Tasic .rs:I will be too
Kimberly Carlson:27th, 13:00 UTC - Calendar invite to follow
Stephen Deerhake:I will not be able to make the next call -- traveling to APTLD meeting that day.
Kimberly Carlson:Remote participation will be available
David McAuley:we will need all tarvel funding for GRC party ;)
Kimberly Carlson:GRC will meet Sunday 12 March
Kimberly Carlson:Block 3
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:yes we do
Stephen Deerhake:+1 David.
Joke Braeken:13:45 - 15:00
Stephen Deerhake:Kim, is there a master schedule for all the various meetings on Sunday?
Eduardo Santoyo:thank you all
David McAuley:Thanks all
Kimberly Carlson:Nothing is published yet
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Thank you !! Have a great day :)
Joke Braeken:thank you everyone. See you next time
David McAuley:bye
Stephen Deerhake:Bye all.
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bye
Kimberly Carlson:I will be sending around emails re: individual WG meetings