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MtgDateActionAction OwnerDue DateAction CompleteStatus

Data Analysis -

- Team to review latest version in detail at earliest opportunity
  • Team to review latest version in detail at earliest opportunity




Consumer Choice -

- Jordyn to clarify the need for policy 
  • Jordyn to clarify the need for policy 




DNS Abuse Chapter -

- Drew to normalize paper formatting per suggestions from Waudo
  • Drew to normalize paper formatting per suggestions from Waudo
- Recommendations pending the DNS abuse study
  • Recommendations pending the DNS abuse study
- Team to review document ASAP to give Drew input
  • Team to review document ASAP to give Drew input






Data Analysis -

  • include changes to the base registry agreement and legacy registry operator agreements in the recommendation
  • Team to read document online and suggest edits and additions
331/25Rights Protection Mechanisms - David to refine recommendations David   

Introduction to the Competition and Consumer Choice Analysis -

  • address Kaili's comment:
  • reflect the new recommendations format
321/19Registry Policies paper -  Review team to closely review paper to revisit paper in early Feb    
321/19Registry Policies paper - Dejan to add specific recommendations and look closely at edits Dejan   
321/19Background on the Review Team -

 - Change title to "Background on the Competition, Consumer Choice and Consumer Trust Review" to clarify that the paper is about the review and not the team selection

 - Address metrics via footnote: 

"The review team aimed to base all its analysis on facts and evidence available and to ensure that its recommendations could be implemented in the time periods suggested. "

 - Add footnote about Bylaws retention of this review/subject matter

321/19DNS Abuse Study Paper - Drew, as penholder, to accept all changes to clean up document & Style refinements to be applied per style guide and Chicago Drew   

Next plenary call to include Executive Summary and Data Summary - review Stan Besen document


Team to review ALL docs in Google docs for prompt and targeted discussion


Get most recent versions of Megan's documents back to her in Word format for editing - DONE


Reword/rework the recommendations on VIII. Voluntary PICs


Work to make recommendations and data requests as specific as possible

2812/14Work plan revisions - staff to broadcast to review team via email StaffASAP12/14DONE
2812/14Terminology: use "end user" v. "consumer" in terminology to be precise, especially in regards to Nielsen Consumer SurveyCCT-RTOngoing  
2812/14Consumer Trust Paper: Designate significant statistical variances with an arrow in text following usage of Nielsen Consumer SurveyCCT-RTOngoing  
2812/14Consumer Trust Paper: Recommendation 1 - how to use finding to shape a recommendation without forcing ICANN into a role beyond its remit CCT-RTOngoing  
2812/14Consumer Trust Paper: Recommendation 2 - change language to "relationship and expectations" v. "restrictions" - consider how to encourage adoption of appropriate "restrictions"CCT-RTOngoing  
2812/14Team to give feedback on Executive SummaryCCT-RTOngoing  
2812/14Team to be alert to revised drafts and give feedback.CCT-RTOngoing  
2712/7Staff to draft the Executive Summary and share it with Jonathan ZuckStaff12/9  
2712/7Committee members to share their comments on draft report papers, and address them to penholders.CCT-RT12/9  
2611/23Refine all recommendations to have precision, and a future course. Include prioritization.    
2511/16Kaili/Waudo to work on hypothesis regarding Parking and which data should be needed for thatKaili/WaudoASAP  
2511/16ICANN to get info from WHOIS ARS on rate limiting challengesICANNASAP  
2511/16ICANN legal to provide information on whether ICANN should be collecting price data directlyICANNASAP  
2511/16Drew and Carlos to come up with language on self reporting recommendationDrew/CarlosASAP  
2311/3Staff to research whether price caps were removed in the most recent legacy contracts signedGDD   
2311/3Invite GDD Staff that work on ARS to address how the ARS report information addresses differences in accuracy rates for new vs. legacy gTLDsGDD   
2311/3ask Compliance about what data it has on whether registrars are complying with the new verification/validation of WHOIS requirementsStaff   
2311/3Investigate with Nielsen/Staff to see if they can call applicants to get a higher response rate from applicantsGDD   
2311/2Add Registry stakeholder group to agenda if possible; BRG alsoEngagement   

Eleeza to contact the Registry Stakeholder Group to see if Nielsen can talk to them about joining the applicant survey

2311/2Investigate with Nielsen/Staff to see if they can call applicants to get a higher response rate from applicants GDD   

High Level Findings Doc (Laureen): Add "Documented Registry and Registrar Abuse Contacts" currenty not included in technical safeguards. 

23 11/2 High Level Findings Doc (Laureen):

Nielsen study to date didnt have the data to answer all of the questions.  One recommendation will be for ICANN to collect certain data in the future.

23 11/2 High Level Findings Doc (Laureen):
David Taylor to author paper on RPMs comparison
 David TaylorASAP  
23 11/2 High Level Findings Doc (Laureen): Safeguards and Trust findings from high level paper - include recommendations vis-a-vis further studies ALL   
23 11/2  High Level Findings Doc (Laureen): Schedule a discussion about parking, ALL   
23 11/2 Approach Neustar to reach other potential applicantsGDD   
23 11/2 

Waudo, Carlton & Carlos to go thru AM Global Report to categorize the finding/recommendations into those that address: 1)  the impediments to applying from the Global South and 2) promoting a greater applicant pool in the Global South

Waudo, Carlton, CarlosASAP  
2210/26All to review Jordyn's findings and send redlines/comments.ALLASAP  
2210/26All to review Laureen's Consumer Trust and Safeguards Draft Findings and send redlines/comments.ALLASAP  
2210/26Carlos, Waudo, Carlton to put together findings from AMGlobal report  
2210/26David to get back to Megan on Application & Evaluation drafts.ALLASAP  

Hyderabad Logistics: Pamela to gather RT members' arrival times and share it with Team members

2110/20All papers to be considerred works in progress for summary presentation in HyderabadALL   
2110/20Team will be making recommendations re: data that ICANN should collect for next review teamALL   
2110/20Add glossary of terms to paperALL   
2110/20Review unaddressed papers next plenary on 26 October 2016: Benefits v. Confusion to End Users (Megan); Brand TLDs (Waudo); Registrar Competition (Waudo); High level findings (Jordyn); Safeguards Applicable to gTLDs (Laureen); Safeguards Applicable to sensitive gTDLs (Laureen); Description Voluntary PICs (Drew, Laureen), Tech Safeguards_Community (Calvin), Voluntary PICs_community (Drew, Laureen)ALL   
2110/20Basic Market Share (Stan): Jamie to put together language to address his comments on this paper re: market shareJamieASAP  
2110/20Concentration Ratios (Stan) - Jonathan to coordinate with Stan regarding note on alternate ID's and user behaviorJonathanASAP  
2110/20Registry Policies (Dejan) reconsider high level question; team to set aside questions to ask registrants for future dataDejan   
2110/20Price Analysis (Stan) - team to review carefully - input /approval requested by author for nuanced languageALL   
2110/20URS v. UDRP (Dejan) - refine high level question - Dejan to add metrics; JZ asked Dejan to send an individual email on this paper to David Taylor for inputDejanASAP  
2110/20Consumer awareness - new gTLDs (Gao, Carlton) - Keep all the parts emphasizing statistically significant findings. Revise overall reflection - average consumer trust did not reflect statistically significant change (less than 5%) - can run paper by Nielsen - footnote regarding Nielsen standard of 95% confidence in resultsGao/CarltonASAP  
2110/20Tech Safeguards and Implementation (Calvin) - DNS Abuse Report will help flesh out details; Compliance complaint portal info; Calvin to add expanded definitions section, e.g., wildcarding; CalvinASAP  
2110/20Implemented GAC Safeguards (Laureen) - team requested to review in detail - how far back to research historial data? (Carlos) - impact of DNS Abuse Study resultsLaureen   
2010/13Raise any issues you may have with Trademarks (Stan), Consumer Trust in New gTLDs (Laureen) and Duplicate Names (Jordyn) papers with paper owners asap.ALL   
2010/13Send comments regarding Benefits vs. Confusion document to Megan who will amend it.ALL   
2010/13Staff to ask Nielsen for cross-tabs on new gTLD registrants and use of alternative identitiesEleeza   
2010/13Jordyn to insert narratives placeholder in the high level findingsJordyn   
1909/28Send Stan, Jordyn comments on their papers by Oct 7 - COB. Stan and Jordyn to update their papers based on input received.Jordyn & Stan   
1909/28Check correlation between familiarity and trustEleeza   
1909/28Write best practices on how to conduct work moving into HyderabadJonathan   
1809/16Research PIR's RFP for back-end providers and speculation regarding costsJordynASAP1COMPLETE

Review Vienna action items and advise Alice if you have completed your(s) action item(s)


Contact DRPs for any additional data they could share re: LRO and Comm Objections and String confusion objections

1708/29-30Identify strings which withdrew applications that received GAC Early Warning.MeganASAP  
1708/29-301) Check with the arbitration associations whether heard all the objections and whether compiled any summary reports on their decisions; 2) request the report if one exists, or a portion of it if they will release it, or summary of the data set.StaffASAP  
1708/29-30Make adjustments to sub-questions on How many string contention objections were raised and what was the outcome on new gTLD applications? In particular,what was the result of singular/plural string contentions? paper and share revised versions.MeganASAP  
1708/29-30 Write guidance document on how to find information to high-level/sub-questions. Staff to relay any follow-up questions from Review Team Members.David Dickinson, Staff   

Determine how the registrant survey phase 2 can help address questions/sub-questions (seek information/confirmation from David Dickinson).

Provide David Dickinson with high-level and sub-questions.

Jordyn, LaureenASAP  
1708/29-30Advise on volume of work and RT to prioritizeStaff, Jonathan, Jordyn, Laureen15 Sept COB  
1708/29-30Send any final data requests to staffJonathan, Jordyn, Laureen14 Sept COB  

Send to Eleeza proposed questions that relate to the reconsideration process

Jonathan, Megan, Laureen18 Aug COB1COMPLETE
1608/17Send any last minute suggestions to list All19 Aug COB1COMPLETE
1608/17Revisit call schedule to have subteam leads present in September (micro-webinars)StaffASAP1COMPLETE
1608/17Put together a discussion paper on GAC advice and new gTLD applicationsMeganASAP1COMPLETE

Connect on community applications and how do address concerns related to their evaluation in this review.

Carlton, JonathanASAP  

Follow up with Jordyn on rounds and evidence


Look at applicant surveys and determine if additional questions needed to address rounds. Jonathan to reach out to Jeff Neuman on that question.

1508/03Send any final input on applicant survey questionsAllASAP1COMPLETE
1508/03Analyze letter from Subequent Procedures PDP WG CoChairs to GAC and GAC response, in addition to GAC adviceMeganASAP1COMPLETE
1508/03Refine pilot templateJonathan, JordynASAP  
1508/03Reflect edits in project planAliceASAP1COMPLETE
1508/03Include INTA study in draft report as appendixDavid, JonathanDecember 2016  
1508/03Populate the draft report and prepare overall framework of draft report for discussion in ViennaJonathan, Alice08/22  
/07/22Provide comments on the Draft Applicant Survey questionsAll07/291COMPLETE
1406/20Read through action items and complete/report on your action itemsAllASAP  
1406/20Circulate draft applicant surveyStaffASAP1COMPLETE
1406/20Relay input to AM GlobalJonathan, StaffASAP1COMPLETE
1406/20Subscribe to discussion papers you wish to followAllASAP  
1406/20Provide comments on INTA questionsAll07/221COMPLETE
1407/20Discuss how to centralize requests for comments to all and how to individually check off on theseStaff, JonathanASAP1COMPLETE
1407/20Provide feedback on DNS Abuse Research PlanAll07/201COMPLETE
1407/20Provide feedback on the Voluntary PICs questions for applicant surveyAll07/291COMPLETE
/07/18Review GAC advice and new gTLD applications descriptions and confirmAllASAP  
/07/18Provide comments on Applicant Cohort SurveyAllASAP1COMPLETE
/07/12Provide feedback on DNS Abuse Research PlanAll07/130OVERDUE
1307/06Suggest edits to template to address concernBrianASAP1COMPLETE
1307/06Use registration numbers across TLDs as a pilot to fill out research analysis worksheet StanASAP  
1307/06Include rounds related question into applicants surveyStaffASAP1COMPLETE
1307/06Create bullet points on drawbacks of rounds and pull together dataJordynASAP  
1307/06Organize a subteam team call to discuss INTA next steps - David as point personDavid, StaffASAP1COMPLETE
1307/06Send David any comments or input you may have on INTA questions by end of this week  - request for feedbackAll -ASAP1OVERDUE
/06/20Finalize funding requestsAll07/181COMPLETE
1206/06-07Send a note to Subsequent Procedures PDP WG leadership to obtain more information on timing of the applicants surveyCarltonASAP1COMPLETE
1206/06-07Obtain input from Nielsen on how to structure a survey of all applicantsStaffASAP1COMPLETE
1206/06-07Form questions for applicant survey. Set up call with NielsenStaff, Jordyn, Laureen, DavidASAP1COMPLETE

Look at Applicant Guidebook and sections on it that relate to GAC Advice.

Compare how the GAC provided advice during the application process.

Catalog GAC correspondence that is related to advice, acceptance of advice, implementation of advice etc


1206/06-07Review table compiling reconsideration requests, the contentious set and registrant surveyLaureen /David /JordynASAP  
1206/06-07Identify list of same words and their own plurals.StaffASAP1COMPLETE
1206/06-07Examine objections and inconsistency of results on string confusion and singular/pluralMegan, DavidASAP  
1206/06-07Provide list of data on objections and inconsistency of results on string confusion and singular/pluralStaffASAP1COMPLETE
1206/06-07Advise on budget numbers for FY17 projects StaffASAP1COMPLETE
1206/06-07Advise on splitting costs of trademark costs survey with INTAStaffASAP1COMPLETE

Add explanatory blurbs for the research template 

Staff, JonathanASAP1COMPLETE

Put together research paper on avenues for communication and effectiveness of respective communication channels in LAC region 




(AM Global)

1106/01Look at summaries from staff on outreach and turn it into a research project

Carlton, Waudo



(AM Global)

1106/01Send any questions for NTIA on AOC mandate All06/021COMPLETE
1106/01Report back to Team on Nielsen's ability to conduct the interviews on why applicants withdrew from the program StaffASAP1COMPLETE
1106/01Provide comments on project list All06/011COMPLETE
1106/01Share the definitions on CCT listWaudo, Dejan, Stan06/031COMPLETE
1106/01Finalize template for capturing hypothesis/findings in Washington. Reflect prioritization. Add this item to the DC agenda. StaffASAP1COMPLETE
1106/01Reach out to contracted parties who terminated their agreements. Work on a research strawman proposal.Calvin, StaffASAP1COMPLETE
1106/01Put together hypothesis on ccTLDsCarlosASAP  
1106/01Put together hypothesis for equal access to the program DavidASAP  
1005/18Flag any external data needs asapAll06/301COMPLETE
1005/18Review sections of applicant guidebook and be prepared to to discuss sectionsAllASAP  

Look into surveying the demands for new gTLDs in developing countries,

 identify what individual or entities we can survey to examine barriers to entry,

consider studies we can formulate to guide our discussions on this topic 

0905/04Discuss and adopt work plansSubteamsASAP1COMPLETE

Subgroup focused on determining why candidates dropped out. 

Categories: incumbent registrars and registries, large brands, developing 

Calvin, Jonathan, Waudo, Carlos ASAPN/ACLOSED
0905/04Identify list of withdrawal and enquiriesStaffASAP1COMPLETE
0905/04Subgroup focused on underserved marketsJonathan, CarltonASAPNACLOSED
0905/04Compare registries to the registry back-end providers to determine if geographically similar or the same locationsStaffASAP1COMPLETE
0804/20Match data to questions and look at additional data requestsAllASAP1COMPLETE
0804/20Develop a list of questions and letter for CENTRJonathan, allASAP1COMPLETE
0804/20Share list of questions with other ccTLD organizationsAllASAP1COMPLETE
0704/06Reach out to Graham and Jeff to determine if any additional information is needed from RrSG from data requestJonathanASAP1COMPLETE
0704/06Add .eu question to European Nielsen survey subjectsStaffASAP1COMPLETE
0704/06Ask Subsequent Procedures PDP WG to take lead on universal acceptanceJonathanASAP1COMPLETE
0704/06Ask Subsequent Procedures PDP WG to consider freedom of expression and marrying it with analysis of safeguardsJonathanASAP1COMPLETE
0603/23Circulate the Statement of Interest template for updating by RT if necessary based on new policyStaffASAP1COMPLETE

Update TOR according to meeting notes and circulate to the list for formal adoption.

Incorporate Laureen's proposed definition of consumer.

0603/23Refine work plan and create a living project plan which includes milestonesStaffASAP1COMPLETE

Create document that maps the PDP issues against the CCT's list of issues to identify gaps,,

enable CCT to prioritize identify low risk areas to send to the PDP

0603/23Streamline application and evaluation topics listStaff, JonathanASAP1COMPLETE
0402/22-23Identify Project Manager for budget related items and involve other Review Team Members in steps as appropriate.AllASAP1COMPLETE
0402/22-23Compare the consumer trust definition in Terms of Reference against what is being asked in the questionnaireNielsen subteamASAP1COMPLETE

Create short summaries of each reconsideration request, 

characterize the nature of the objection, similar for CEP and IRP requests


Change consumer choice definition to include all consumers (i.e. users, registrants, etc.)

0302/10Suggest language related to "consumer trust" and "consumer"LaureenASAP1COMPLETE
0302/10Consumer trust (v) change to "reach the site they intend to find."StaffASAP1COMPLETE
0201/27Send past economic reportsStaffASAP1COMPLETE
0201/27Review ToR and provide inputAllASAP1COMPLETE
0201/27Work on first draft of work planAllASAP1COMPLETE
