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3.1 (Consent agenda) Motion – Confirmation of GNSO Appointed Co-Chair and Members to the CCWG-Auction Proceeds

 Made by: James Bladel
Seconded by: Donna Austin



 1.The GNSO Council adopted the charter for the CCWG new gTLD Auction Proceeds during its meeting on 7 November 2016;

 2.As a Chartering Organization, the GNSO can appoint a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 Members to the CCWG. Members are expected to serve as a liaison between their respective Chartering Organization and the CCWG. Members must, if and when necessary, ensure that the Chartering Organizations are kept up to date on the progress and deliberations of the CCWG as well as sharing any input from the Chartering Organization with the CCWG.

 3.The Charter specifies that a chair may be appointed by each Chartering Organizations. Chartering Organizations that do decide to appoint a chair should make reasonable efforts that the proposed chair / co-chair has the necessary experience to manage an effort of this nature by, for example, having actively participated as a member in at least one CCWG or ICANN Working Group throughout its lifecycle in order to have relevant or related experience of the different tasks that come with chairing a CCWG. Prior leadership experience (chair / co-chair / vice-chair) is desirable.

 4.The GNSO Council notes that that best efforts have been to ensure that GNSO appointed members:

Have sufficient and appropriate motivation (and ideally expertise) to participate in the substance of the work of the CCWG. Appropriate experience could, for example, include experience with allocation and final disbursement of funds;

Commit to actively participate in the activities of the CCWG on an on-going and long-term basis;

Solicit and communicate (where appropriate) the views and concerns of individuals in the organization that appoints them;

Commit to abide to the charter when participating in the CCWG;

Understand the needs of the Internet communities that ICANN serves (standards, domains and numbers);

Understand the broader ecosystem (the Internet Community) in which ICANN operates and the needs of those working on other aspects of the Internet industry, including those not yet connected.



 1.The GNSO Council appoints [Jonathan Robinson] as the GNSO Appointed Co-Chair and Member to the CCWG – Auction Proceeds.

 2.The GNSO Council confirms [include names] as GNSO appointed members to the CCWG-Auction Proceeds.

 3.The GNSO Council requests the GNSO Appointed Co-Chair and the GNSO appointed members to ensure that the GNSO community is kept up to date on the progress of the deliberations as well as making sure that input from the GNSO community is sought on a regular basis.

 4.The GNSO Council encourages other interested in this topic to join this effort as a participant or observer. 

  1. 4.Adoption of the GNSO Review of GAC Communiqué for submission to the ICANN Board
